Thoughts on Blood Moon?

This might be a little premature, but I thought that, seeing as we're now at the 400% BP multiplier (Yay us!) and there's only 3 days left, it'd be a good time to ask, "What are your thoughts on Blood Moon?"
I'll start with my thoughts.
I, personally feel like we've swung the other way from Haunted By Daylight. That event's mechanics were too elaborate. This one has mechanics that don't really matter game-to-game.
Making a Blood Zone as survivor just grants you an Iron Will effect and reduced pools of blood, which isn't really worth going out of your way for. On killer, I'm finding the increased lunge is actually a bad thing, as I use a lunge because the survivor is within normal lunge distance, but I get an increased recovery time anyway. I think I've hit someone with the increased lunge distance once. Despite the killer having more droplet carry capacity and starting with a droplet, I'd argue they have no incentive to actually deposit them.
The cosmetics are kind of meh for me. Part of this feels like it's because this event aesthetically seem like it has one foot in being based on blood, and another in being based on Bloodborne. I mean, Elodie's outfit is literally called "Catacomb Exploration." As someone who's dived into too many chalice dungeons, this felt like a reference, say nothing of the menu screen being reminiscent of the Rom boss fight arena. Elodie and Mikaela's outfits are fine, but all of the others seem kind of basic compared to other event skins. Elodie's is probably the only skin I'm actively going for, along with the charms and the player icon.
The main selling point of this event was that it would be the best time of the year to farm BP, but I don't think that's actually true. The event offering, ironically, does nothing to increase BP gains, it only increases the potency of Blood Zone interactions. Thus, the only source of increased BP from this event is the community BP multiplier. I feel like this was a good idea in theory, but the multiplier's status as a community challenge means that it only really got going in the latter half of the event. Even at the max multiplier, I feel like the event is still second to the anniversary for BP gains. The anniversary cakes are so common that everyone brings them, which means that we get around a 530% or more multiplier per game in the anniversary. I've also seen posts saying that BP offerings don't improve BP gains much, which also seems weird.
Overall, I'd sadly say that I'm disappointed in the Blood Moon. I've probably played this event the least of the events from this year (I didn't play the winter event at all, but I don''t normally play DBD at the time of year, so I'm not counting it here). Unfortunately, I think this event has fallen flat for me in every area, theme, cosmetic, and gameplay. Haunted By Daylight was kind of overcomplicated, sure, but it was still fun. This event doesn't feel really fun and seems like the BP bonus is its only reason for existing.
Please, share your own thoughts on this event!
Just like the outfits in the Slipknot collab...underwhelming, underdelivered, and disappointing to say the least.
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Iron Will was the 1st perk I ever used in Dbd and was my all time favorite. I'm happy to see it! The IW plus red everywhere is honestly making tracking super difficult right now.
And as we all know, making killers have difficulty tracking is the only surefire way to combat tunneling. So on the Survivor end it's not bad.
The killer lunge is kinda neat tbh, once you realize the downside but it's not worth the R E D
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I've found that the downside of missing the extendo-lunge can be negated entirely by hitting a wall.
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Disapointed with how it started and dissapointed with where it's gone, everyones running cakes/puddings so the 400% multiplier is kind of wasted. I don't blame anyone though, It's one of those effects where one action causes the other but your not sure which one caused it to begin with.
That and the lack of an event offering which incresed BP, big miss there, everyone tends to run those during events.
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Ultimately the event should have started at 200% BP Bonus and only increased, and Id argue dont have a limit, just see how high the community can go. These events should be celebrations for the community, but it honestly feels like having to do chores to get the presents
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Good BP farm event.
I wonder what will happen with the offering that has been disabled almost from start.
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I originally thought the Iron Will and decreased blood pools were useless, but then I realized how good they were if playing stealthy. I could let go of a gen and crouch, while injured, and the killer would walk past without seeing me. I even had a few instances like in the clip below where I didn't try hide (the Nea left the third person to die on hook right near her so I didn't care if I got caught at that stage) and still confused the killer. But overall I enjoyed the bp gains. Having changed platforms last January, I'm still playing catch up with my lesser used characters.
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I really enjoy the red theme of the cosmetics; especially Elodie’s outfit (Elo-main so it looks pretty awesome to me). The BP gain is very much appreciated; 10 games could easily set you to 2 mil BP. The mechanics of the BM event are pretty interactive, but they don’t do as much as they could’ve; Extra Lunge length for Killer and IW and LB for Survivor doesn’t seem to get utilized as much as you’d think. The atmosphere is pretty much as you’d imagine: Red, Red, Red! I personally love the color red, but for some people too much red is a hindrance to their gameplay. Overall, I feel it’s a decent-okayish(?) event; It pushes itself to live up to the event name, which isn’t too far off from that.
Though Killer mains have been extra brutal in getting straight to the 4k, shaking the Survivors of all the BP lunch money they have.
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I kinda hate it im not gonna lie, playing killer is kinda awful RN because everything is just red. Red auras, red hooks, red gens, red blood zones on the floor, red blood zones on the wall etc. And the offering doesn't even work? Like how did this event drop without a functioning offering and then they just didn't fix it. Not that it super matters because it doesnt give more BP but still.
As for the game play side of things im not a fan of making the blood zones easy to immerse in because seeing scratch marks is hell rn and hiding in them while injured is pretty easy. The longer lunge kinda feels like cheap hits? But the survivor can tell you're affected by the zone so i guess its fair.
For survivor the event feels fine but feels awful as killer especially as somebody with some eyesight sensitivity and epilepsy (me lol)
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My thoughts on this event is: just give us the 2vs8 gamemode already instead of the same recycled and redressed content.
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My feedback:
The obvious stuff out first - the event should run properly. This is an easy one, it is not really cool that the offering did not work at all during the event. Obvious, but want to mention it.
Now to the other points:
- The event should have always started at a huge Bonus BP-Multiplier. They changed it a few days into the event, but I think at this point the ball was already dropped. There will be people who did not bother with the event after the bad start and you dont really get those back into playing the event IMO.
- Covering everything in red is a really poor design choice. I think the visuals were alright (I dont think they were great), but you cannot have red stuff everywhere and then auras and Scratchmarks in red two. My first game of the event was Nurse on the new Map and I really had trouble tracking the Survivors because things in the distance looked like Scratchmarks or similar things.
- I just HATE when events give abilities to Survivors or Killers. We had this last year where Killers could Instadown and Survivors could block windows. But this year... Survivors got a Budget Version of Iron Will (which was pretty useless) and Killers got a super-lunge (which was not OP, but stronger than the Survivor version). Really, dont do stuff like this. Just dont let the Event affect the gameplay in such a big way.
- Bloodzones were too small. IMO the Bloodzones were just too small. Whenever I placed a Droplet, it stopped around 1 meter in front of a Gen. And with BPs gained for actions in the Bloodzone, it is really frustrating that the part which is done the most as Survivor is not covered in most Bloodzones. The same applies to Hooks obviously, but since there are more Hooks than Gens, it was more likely to have a Hook in a Bloodzone, but the problem is the same here, it was just less frequent that the objective was outside of a Bloodzone.
The last two points also mean that it was actually pointless for Survivors to create Bloodzones or be in them. Because most of the time you wont gain BPs and gameplay-wise you only put yourself at a disadvantage because you allow the Killer to have a longer lunge.
Overall, I would say it is one of the weaker events. The huge amount of BPs is nice, but this also gets somewhat ruined by the community.