[IDEA] Giving Props rework
We all know that giving props doesn't really do anything, so here's my idea how I'd rework it so we can create a healthier community:
Props has an MMR like system, let me explain:
Props should be something you gove to the other side exclusively for being a fun opponent to verse, let's say the "props range" is like 0-1000 and one single prop gives like 20 points, but if the player receives props multiple times consecutively, the prop points should be increased to like 25, 30 or 40, let's say. And alongside pairing people with similar MMR, it would be cool to pair people that have similar amounts of "prop points", let's say people that play nice get a lot of prop points get paired with other people that have a lot of prop points so everyone is having a good time, meanwhile, people that don't get props have not so much a good time playing and hopefully will encourage them to play nicer a bit. I hope you understand what I'm saying.
Of course, this goes without saying, new players or if this new system gets implemented, everyone should be somewhere in the middle and work their way to the "high prop range" in order to have a lot of fun matches
And lastly, there should be a way prop points decay, let's say if you play some amount of matches and not receive any props, your "prop points" start decaying, because let's face it, if there was a thumbs down alongside props, everyone will just spam thumbs down for the opposing side.
(Forgot to mention, the props should only be given to the other side, because you should encourage your opponent to play nice and play with other people that are enjoyable to play against, your survivor teammates are supposed to work with you! That being said, if a survivor decides to work with the killer, there's always the report feature)
I hope this post made sense and you like my idea because I had this idea for years, and honestly, a healthy community is something this game needs to have