Is current iteration of POP/Pain Res healthy for the game.

Idk about you, but doing 7-9 generators even with stuff like corrupt and grim embrace paired on top of it is kinda getting stale to me. It's also just so much better than running other perks that not playing pop/pain res feels like you're kinda screwing yourself over.
Best Answers
Pop+Painres is over half of a nearly compelted gen gone. Since most of the time it's also tunneling the second pop follows just when it's back up at around 70-80. And the third when it's, again, at 70-80 —- or whichever other gen is at ~80% at that point. That's over one extra gen. - Now the killer has it pretty easy on the remaining three with 3x more painres+pop; plus finding the gen to pop among the remaining 3-4 is pretty easy. Doing ~8 gens is pretty normal at this point.2 -
I’m just sick of seeing it every single match. It’s very stale gameplay.
I mean if you have to do 7-9 generators that means the killer is either very cracked or your team wasn't efficient on gens.
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The OG Pain Res was healthy minus the scream/notifications.
The Perk was ruined because tunneled just use Pain Res 3x on 1 survivor, but how is this current one better? You nuke gens with this and Pop while you still tunnel 1 guy out anyway, THEN you use the other 3 stacks to snuff the light out of any hope of escape.
I just want to farm regression by being an absolute boss in chase
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If you aren't completing 3 gens by the end of first chase then thats on you or your team given how every reworked year 7 map didn't have their problems fixed. So 4 people with only 2 gens to complete and spread out… that is 100% on your team if your team ends up losing in that situation. Not to mention if a pain res gets used on a gen with 5% thats a wasted stack which is why you should always keep every gen at least 2-3% if you ever get in that scenario.
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because these two are the only good gen slowdowns remaining, have you tried to run no slowdown against competent survivors?
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until gen speeds gets adressed in some way, pop + pain res will never leave any killers build
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So, how often exactly does first chase last 90+ seconds in your matches? If a chase lasts 90+ seconds then matchmaking went wrong; that shouldn't be possible against a somewhat equally skilled killer (except maybe if all resources are depleted, in which case the remaining three will be two tap since, well, a dead zone is a dead zone).
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It's not very hard to make chases last over a minute when ALL the resources on the map are still available (especially main buildings). Even the whole "pre-drop first chase" thats encouraged by some people can be made more efficient by actually looping a pallet. There's even games where chases at max at 30 seconds and gens STILL get done through pain res. It just goes to show how weak most of the killer roster is when survivors spread on gens.
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Generally, regression perks themselves are not healthy because the game is balanced around the assumption they are being run hence why all the top 5 killer perks in terms of pickrate are somehow related to generators
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I never said it’s not warranted. Perfectly understandable to run the meta, but my point still stands that it’s stale.
Yes, I run off - meta builds 90% of the time.
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The game is balanced around the assumption of running gen slow down so it's hard to ever drop them unless the survivors are just playing really bad. Ideally we'd balance the gen speeds around not running them and then we could gut them all.
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I mean if matchmaking puts a really good killer against survivors who can't loop that well then first chase is gonna be way too short to complete any gens.
Plus Corrupt is really popular and usually ensures no one starts right next to a gen so they don't even get started for a while.
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Im gonna stop you at "if matchmaking" thats a matchmaking issue not perk issue. Putting someone leagues better than someone who cant loop SHOULD ALWAYS result in the better person winning. And as for corrupt it barely does anything and at this point… I don't think its even worth a perk slot anymore as a result of MMR. If it was back in 2020-2022 before the perk change yeah because DH for distance existed and arguably more balanced maps. With the release of stuff like GoJ, Eyrie, reworked haddonfield etc, I think it's just not worth it because of the insane gen spreads.
At this point I've had more bad corrupts than good. And by bad I mean the three farthest gens are usually the last ones which are harder to defend. It's a risk reward with the perk that has gotten more risk over the years.1 -
It rewards you for getting different hooks. It discourages you from tunneling.
And it rewards you for hooking, instead of just slugging.
Its extremely healthy for the game.
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Corrupt is ALWAYS amongst the most popular killer perks. If it barely did anything, killers wouldn't run it as overwhelmingly as they do.
Yes it -can- not do much depending on spawn locations, but it usually wastes a lot of time at the start of the match, and drastically lowers the chance of 3 gens being completed during the first chase.
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Maybe ask BHVR to stop nerfing all the other perks into the ground so killers, especially weaker m1 killers, have more options other than those 2. Everyone stomps their feet demanding killers get nerfed into submission. All that does is push them into only playing the s tier killers and perks because any other choices don't cut it any more.
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It doesn't though. It disproportionally rewards tunneling one surv out asap.
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Pop and Pain Res are healthy for the game. They incentivize hooks. What isn't healthy is the stacking out of gen regression and blocking perks so the entire loadout is nothing but 4 slowdowns. Call of Brine and Overcharge were healthy as well individually. What wasn't healthy was stacking them together and especially with buffed Eruption.
I'd prefer a limit on how many perk categories people can take and then reverting some of these nerfs to different perks. With the exception of the long incapacitated status for Eruption the perks I mentioned are fine on their own. It's only stacking them all together that makes them too oppressive.