The upcoming PTB is a testament to BHVR's disconnect from the community and its own game

I had to reactivate this account that I haven't touched since ~2018 to say this. You guys have truly outdone yourselves.

Hundreds of useless, unchanged perks, and you decide to buff Decisive again, an S tier perk, of all things? Why are you so obsessed with this perk? A perk that is in the top 20 (of over 100 perks) in usage rate. Somehow, you believe that DS is worse than Machine Learning, Bloodhound, Shattered Hope or Territorial Imperative, because those perks must be at a very satisfying pick rate, right?

Ultimate Weapon undoubtedly needed a nerf. However, the way you went about it has made this an indirect nerf to ALL other info perks in the killer's disposal. Calm Spirit exists, why do you think it's too much to ask survivors to run it? Combined, they have 16 perk slots in total. Now there is no more reason to run it, and Distortion will undoubtedly become a top 5 perk if you decide to proceed with this change, as it will potentially disable at least a dozen killer perks.

Distortion itself has many issues. The survivor is rewarded massively simply for running it; not only does this perk potentially remove one or more of the killer's perks at zero cost to the user, but it also rewards the user merely for having chosen this perk. This is another one in a long series of survivor perks that have no real conditions for usage, and will reward you for merely existing, and will come at play with almost 100% efficiency in almost all matches, without fail.

Please reconsider. This is a not a 1v1 game, don't balance perks as if it was.