About the 《Developer Update | March 2024》 Perk change
Ultimate weapon
Now reveals Survivors aura instead of causing them to scream.[CHANGE]
Reduced activation time to 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).[CHANGE]
Increased cooldown to 80/70/60 seconds (was 40/35/30 seconds).
Dev note: Ultimate Weapon was a jack of all trades, providing both information and a consistent way to interrupt Survivor actions (allowing it to synergize too well with other Perks). Rather than screaming, Survivors will instead have their aura revealed. This means it will no longer interrupt Survivor’s interactions, though Survivors won’t know that they are being revealed to the Killer.
Since Ultimate Weapon is easy to activate, it was possible to keep its effect active throughout the entire match. We have increased the cooldown and decreased its activation window to ensure some downtime between uses.
Dev, Can you think about what you're talking about?
"Ultimate Weapon was a jack of all trades, providing both information and a consistent way to interrupt Survivor actions"
If survivor don't want be interrupt, they can use Calm Spirit perk. (This is very common when survivor carry Counterforce + Inner Strength.)
If survivor don't want Ultimate Weapon to get their information, they can simply walk let Ultimate Weapon useless.
They also can use calm spirit、Dance With Me、Deception、Diversion、Boon: Shadow Step, to hide their Scratch Marks. also can combined Fixated、Urban Evasion, after hide Scratch Marks effect.
"Rather than screaming, Survivors will instead have their aura revealed. This means it will no longer interrupt Survivor’s interactions, though Survivors won’t know that they are being revealed to the Killer."
Even survivor does not use Distortion, survivor still will know that they are being revealed to the killer.
Ultimate Weapon give survivor Blindness Status Effect!It's ridiculous enough like a survivor doesn't know Michael Myers get Evil Within III、Plague have Corrupt Purge.
Or survivor don't know killer have Hex: Retribution when they cleansing or blessing Totem.
Or they don't know killer have Mindbreaker、Hex: Pentimento when they fix the gen.
Or killer carry Hysteria、Alien Instinct when they get Oblivious.
“Since Ultimate Weapon is easy to activate, it was possible to keep its effect active throughout the entire match. We have increased the cooldown and decreased its activation window to ensure some downtime between uses.”
Distortion have 10s Aura protection, survivor have 8s run to a locker save 1 token.
New Ultimate Weapon have 15s activation time, 60s CD, one activate can let Distortion lose 1~2 token, but survivor have chance to get 2.5 token.
Means killer who use Ultimate Weapon, they are almost impossible to find the survivor that use Distortion.
Adrenaline no longer activates if you are hooked when the gates are powered.[CHANGE]
Reduced speed boost duration to 3 seconds (was 5 seconds).[CHANGE]
Adrenaline no longer causes you to wake up when facing The Nightmare.
Dev note: Adrenaline had a lot of exceptions which made it difficult to play around. If a Survivor was hooked while the exit gates were powered, they would be healthy and receive a substantial speed boost upon being unhooked, making it very difficult for the Killer to catch them before they could escape. We have made it so Adrenaline no longer pauses when you are on the hook.
We’ve also removed the wake-up effect when facing The Nightmare to clean up the Perk as we’ve moved away from Perks that affect specific Killer Powers over the years.
"Reduced speed boost duration to 3 seconds (was 5 seconds)."
This nerf make it from op to normal.
"Adrenaline no longer activates if you are hooked when the gates are powered."
"We have made it, so Adrenaline no longer pauses when you are on the hook."
Survivor can simply let gates are powered after hooked survivor be saved.
This change is teaching survivor how to use Adrenaline and cooperate.
Everyone knows that anti-camp only take effect when gates are not powered.
How killer deal with this situation?
carry Hex:NOED? Terminus? it won't help.
The only way is don't let survivor have any chance to power the gates.
This leads us to the next change.
Decisive strike
Increased stun duration to 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).[NEW]
Added a new stabbing animation when Decisive Strike is used successfully.
Dev note: The Survivor is locked in place for part of the stun while they are being dropped by the Killer, so it didn’t leave them with much time to run away once they hit the ground. We have increased the duration of the stun to give the Survivor a fair chance to create some distance.
While we were at it, we added a new animation which plays when a Survivor successfully uses Decisive Strike to break free to give some visual flair to the Perk.
Make DS from Defensive, give unhook survivor an opportunity to run to the pallet and window, to Offensive, body block killer. combined Unbreakable make it powerful.
If all survivors carry DS + Unbreakable + Deliverance + DH/Borrowed Time, killer will be Forced tunneling.
Even killer never hook the survivors, killer still need bear 4 unbreakable, means killer need get 4 times get all survivor downed if survivor smart uses their unbreakable.