A Change That Can Reduce The Toxicity and The Grind.

Toxicity is an issue in online gaming in general, so to claim this is entirely a DBD problem would be a bit silly. The survivor vs killer dynamic where the roles are asymmetrical can create tension between players who favor one role is likely the factor for why the issue of toxicity feels worse in this game compared to other online games. This problem isn't something that will vanish with balance/game play changes. Players are good at finding ways to innovate the toxicity 'meta'. 'Humping'' wasn't really a mainstream thing till sometime after the 6th anniversary for example. If game play updates aren't the solution then how should we approach this problem?
The solution lies within the game already, but it just needs some improvements. That solution is the give props feature. Giving props right now feels like writing a nice little note to another player and then throwing it in the garbage because they will never see it. So what can we do to improve the feature so that it encourages non-toxic behavior? We must directly tie player progression to that feature. If bloodpoints were awarded to players who received props then they would be encouraged to act less toxic in future games in order to receive those bloodpoints.
Here is exactly how "give props" should work:
-You can only receive props from other players that are NOT on your friend's list (this is to help prevent pre-mades from abusing the system).
-A window/message opens at the post game menu asking if you want to give another player props (this way all players are aware the feature even exists).
-Bloodpoints will be given per each instance of give props the amount needs to be enough that players do not disregard the feature. Somewhere around 15-25k BP per each instance.
-The amount of props you have received over your DBD career should be viewable on your player card (something about seeing a number go up fills my head with dopamine).
This should encourage players to engage in non-toxic play. Players now can directly reward each other for being a good sport while denying rewards to those who want to be little devils. Thank you for taking the time to read and have a wonderful rest of your day.
I think you could add 5k bp bonus or something for giving props too, so at least everyone would want to participate in system unless they absolutely do not want to.