

Chapter Idea(s): Horrors of War/Winter's Bite

Member Posts: 25

I'm going to be adding two chapter ideas here, but they could be combined into some sort of mega chapter. Two unique killers and two unique survivors that delve into history, into some very dark days. These are brief summaries of the idea with.. admittedly.. more focus on the killers than survivors.

Horrors of War

Survivor - Johnathan Pierce, A soldier from world war 2. Lost to the smoke and blood of the battlefield, Johnathan Pierce was one of many designated as MIA and later KIA, with no body to be found. The truth, a horror in those bleak, shell-pocked battlefields and a soldier not yet ready to die without a fight, claimed by the fog of war.. the fog.. of the entity.

Killer - The Ghoul/The Forsaken - No one really knows what spawned this ghastly, shambling horror wearing the patchwork dregs of german uniforms, but the fog knows… it always knows… (Once a man fighting for his fatherland, blinded by fanatical nationalism, only on the battlefield exposed to the true darkness of what he was actually fighting for. It was too late for the young man, in battle he was pinned beneath a vehicle and left in the mud and blood to die, with corpses as his only companions. Not wanting to die, he drank from the pools and satisfied his hunger with the remains of comrades, his mind ravaged by the need to survive, the need for vengeance on any and all. Eventually, the man regained his strength to free himself of his prison and stalked the battlefields of the great war, a gas-masked visage and half burnt, mutilated body, wandering from battlefield to battlefield, to feed on corpses and claim those left behind, coming across one Johnathan Pierce, before the fog coalesced around him and brought him to a new feeding ground…)

Power - The Forsaken is a slow killer, but with its passive power and active power it's speed doesn't matter. It's passive power is called 'Shades of the battlefield.' Any map with The Forsaken on it is dimmed somewhat, a dark fog rolling onto the Trial. The many dying soldiers The Forsaken has consumed manifest in the entity's realm as shadowy versions of themselves, crawling slowly along the ground and grabbing any survivor's leg it comes into contact with. Seeking only to escape their damnation they cling on desperately. No alert is given to the killer (Baseline) and the survivor can still move albeit at a slower speed. A survivor's swift kick or the light of a lantern (Spawned in at random locations on the map) can dispel these shades, but their wails of agony will alert the killer (Kick Only). Multiple shades can cling onto a single survivor, even bringing them to a stand still. (Think of the zombies that the nemesis has but these shades are more numerous and less active damage dealing without addons potentially)

I am having trouble with an active ability thinking perhaps something with a bayonet charge might be fitting, or some gaseous dispersal ability, maybe even something to do with fire that could dispel some of the shades as well. It's a bit difficult to put a pin on which one.

Winter's Bite

Survivor - Brandr Ulfricksson - A seiðmaður, or practitioner of old norse magic in the form of incantations and rituals. Once branded as a coward and 'unmanly' by his kinsmen for his practice, deemed a savior and hero by banishing both himself and the Draugr from Midgard to realms unknown..

Killer - The Draugr - His name lost to time, but a warrior kept alive by a desire for merciless slaughter. The cold, glowing blue eyes of this fetid, animated, norse warrior's corpse gleam with a cold cruelty, and dark intellect. Winter's chill follows this frostbound corpse wherever it steps, this monster stated to come from hel-heim itself, a herald of the end of time. Villages and towns were scoured, with bitter winter's chill and a trail of corpses a cold reminder of The Draugr's relentless desire to put down every man, woman, child, and beast. No living thing would escape the unending desire of the draugr's desire to snuff out all life. The corpses of those slain rising to follow in some fetid legion of warriors. However, as soon as his frostbound, death-marked extermination had begun, it would end, banish to the realms of the entity by a noble, misjudged soul. For the love of midgard, Brandr Ulfricksson was now trapped for eternity with the Draugr..

Power - Passive - Slowed down by armor and winter's ever-present chill, The Draugr's cold hate extends to an area around it (Either terror radius or 50% of the terror radius), gradually freezing survivors within its radius, slowly building up a meter which will induce frostbite (Slows movement slightly and causes small grunts of pain [25-50% normal volume]) and then hypothermia (Injured and broken state). However, not all hope is lost for those dealing with the frozen killer. Bonfires are alight and fend off the unnatural cold of this dreaded monster. The Draugr may snuff out these bonfires to create areas of cold at the cost of reducing its own aura's biting chill (Either reducing its build or range of its cold aura). The Survivors may relight these bonfires and dispel the cold once more, but returning it to its master. If all bonfires are snuffed out, the map is affected with the blizzard status effect, slowly building up all survivors cold meter.

Active Power - Death's Cleave - Much like cold can cut through the bone, so too can the Draugr's twin axes cut through any obstacle, straight to the bone. Winding up a devastating, slow, and powerful swing, not only does the Draugr swing one, but twice. It swings once, lunging forward, and then again, lunging a second time, following through, the axes reach extending. Survivor's cannot be put into the dying state upon being struck by the second swing, but it will instantly afflict them with Hypothermia if struck by the first as well. (If only the second attack hits then the survivor could be considered injured as normal instead of being afflicted with Hypothermia) The recovery time after both swings is increased as if the killer had swung two basic attacks and hit. Death's Cleave can be avoided with a well timed crouch, but it will ignore collision with nearby obstacles. If connecting with a pallet, either strike will break the ballet. If the first connects, The Draugr will continue through with its second strike.

These ideas are just very rough, but I do like the idea of basically a Killer Frozen Undead Viking and a Killer Gas Masked Horror Creature stalking the Trials. It's just implementing them with abilities that becomes the difficult part.

If you have any ideas on abilities, please let me know down below. Perks for the killers and survivors would be appreciated as well!


  • Member Posts: 25

    I can imagine a Mori with the Forsaken, if he had a bayoneted rifle as his weapon, running a survivor through, hoisting them up, and staring them in the eyes before the gas mask splits apart just revealing rows of sharpened, inhuman teeth before biting into the survivor's face.

  • Member Posts: 25

    The seiðmaður would be great for adding more survivor invocation perks.

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