Can we add in "If another survivor is downed DS Deactivates"
Yes, we do.
But the topic of the thread at large is about DS disabling when another survivor goes down. And we disagree on that.
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Downed isn't good enough. Another survivor should be hooked. That idea sounds like something that could be abused way too easily considering very often killer can easily down someone that unhooks you right after unhook.
So DS disappears right after unhook in those cases and tunneling is way easier via camp/proxy and taking cheap shots at someone coming in to rescue.
Yeah...No thanks.
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But that doesn't solve the problem of flashlight and pallet saves. If i down someone and pick them up and a recently unhooked person goes for a save. They should have DS deactivate because i'm not tunneling them.
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That's not guaranteed to be the case, though. You could down someone and still tunnel. Plus you could check the area especially if someone is crouching, waiting to save. If they are, you could down them too.
Furthermore DS deactivates in 60 seconds anyway. If they get in your way, just slug them. Don't even pick them up. If you do, knowing they were unhooked not long ago, that's on you.