The Blood Moon falls and move on from an event that wasn't very interactive

With the Blood Moon dried up and returning to normal what can be done for the next Blood Moon next year.
First - it was very questionable that BHVR made an offering for the event that did not increase the amount of Blood Points earned. All it did was increase the time you could see the aura of a Blood Droplet at the start of the match, increase the duration of protection from someone else grabbing your Blood Droplet after depositing into a Basin, and increase the speed at which you deposit/retrieve a Blood Droplet. On top of that it bugged out other Blood Point increasing offering to be consumed but not applied. How could the Blood Moon event be "the most Blood Points you will earn ever in the game" if the Event Offering didn't increase Blood Points and prevented other Offerings from stacking. Why would anyone use the Event Offering over a Bloody Party Streamer in this case even if it didn't bug them out.
Second - the whole interacting with Blood Droplets and Basins that only increase your Blood Point gains while in the zones that only can have 4 active at most in certain areas (3 spawning in the trial and the Killer starting with 1). I don't think that you should be tied to a small area to get bonus Blood Points. Most of the time I played Survivor the Killer would be always holding 2 Blood Droplets on them and still benefit from gaining a massive point gain throughout the Trial without having to actually partake in the Event dynamics.
I think a better dynamic for the Event would be each Player gets a Vial to store Blood earned (Vial capacity say 25 Blood with a needed range of depositing 75 Blood). In the Trial there would be 3 Altars to extract Blood from much like the Visceral Cankers from the early Halloween Event extracting Putrid Nectar to fill these Vials. These Altars will slowly regen Blood to allow Players to extract more from them but it will not be a heavily relied on source. Also earning Blood can be achieved with a lot of small actions like:
- Repairing gens (much like gaining Void Energy)
- Healing other Survivors (doesn't steal Blood from other Survivors)
- Cleansing Totems
- Escaping a chase (doesn't steal from Killer)
- Stunning the Killer (steals a small amount of Blood from the Killer if they have any)
- Hitting a Survivor with a Basic or Power Attack (steals a small amount of Blood from them if they have any)
- Finding a Survivor and starting a chase (doesn't steal from Survivors)
- Breaking a Pallet
- Hooking a Survivor (doesn't steal Blood from Survivors)
- Downing a Survivor (doesn't steal from Survivors because you would already steal some from them for hitting them)
We also keep the Basins for Players to deposit Blood into as a sacrifice to the Entity to increase the bonus % of Blood Points earned from score events which will be tied directly to each individual Player. A Player who deposits more Blood, gets a higher % bonus Blood Points for their actions that can start at 0% and increase to 50-75% and we can completely change the Event Offering to start the Trial with a small amount of Blood already in the Players Vial and also further increase the bonus % Players can get to 100-150%, giving Players an incentive to actually use the Event Offering and also participate in the Event mechanics. We can change some Challenges like the stealing a Blood Droplet to steal X amount of Blood from the other player as even if a Player fills a Basin with the max amount, the will still have the Vial to contain more Blood and if a Survivor escapes or for the case of the Killer the game ends, Players can get a set of Blood Points based on how much Blood was in the Vial say 250 for every point in the Vial.
Just felt like the Blood Moon was very un-interactive and would've like to see more of it.