Change survivors look ability on pc

Console survivors cannot look without changing direction of movement, and this makes looping way harder. Level the playing field! At least give us the option for other control schemes.
Don't you have 2 sticks? One for moving and one for the camera?
Of all the "X is impossible on console" this is a new one. And if I remember correctly, players with a gamepad can look behind them in chase very well.
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OP is playing on an Atari joystick or similar, I guess?
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I had to look that up, but it seems they do.
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As a console player I'm not really following. Do PC players also not have to shift their directional input when moving their camera as well? Does holding W always move you in a straight line even when turning your camera?
Either way, I don't think this a problem and would just end up messing with thousands of players who have already gotten used to this. Plus, I've seen multiple people say that hugging loops is actually easier if not the same as playing PC. Hugging loops on controller feels extremely natural to me, but that could just be that I've been playing for so long now.
Totally not against giving more controller options though, this game is severely lacking in accessibility options for console, especially considering that the majority of their playerbase plays on console. They don't seem to value the console experience as much as the PC experience and this has been clear for years and years now.
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WASD is camera-relative, not charcter-relative.
If you want to look behind you during chase on PC, you need to rapidly swing your camera behind you and switch from holding W to holding S while your camera is pointed backwards.
That said, OP specifically said they were on console, so none of that applies.
I have no clue what they are talking about, it's arguably easier to look backwards while maintaining the same direction on console than it is on PC.
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yeah that’s where my confusion stems from, it sounds like you have to do the same thing on both platforms
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Providing M&K support would solve any of this, but sadly they've said repeatedly they have no plans to. I can't speak to OP's issue, but I can say the camera movement does feel a little bit unresponsive & clunky with the sticks, even at max sensitivity. It's part of the reason why killers like Singularity in particular, but all of the ranged killers are more limited on console. That said the disparity has much less effect when playing as a surv.
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Huh? You have a movement stick and a camera movement stick, don't you? Just like on PC, you just gotta change where you're pushing the left stick to keep moving in the same direction while moving the camera, I haven't played any games on console for a good while but I never had any issue doing this in a variety of third person games.
It's just an inherent difference in input method and why I will always M+KB support for games on console, just like how you can fairly easily get a controller working on PC if you want. Especially when we're talking games that already have crossplay, games that don't can always use input-based matchmaking if they feel it's needed.
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If you move the right joystick you move with your view. You can't touch only the right joystick and look behind you without going another direction
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So you move your left stick in the opposite direction to compensate, it’s really not that hard once you get used to it.
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The exact same thing is true on PC, we don't have tank controls bro. If you move your camera left the survivor starts to go left unless you move your fingers off the forward button and onto a side button to compensate, you can do the exact same thing with even more precision on a controller since you can move your right joystick to compensate where as on KBM you only have 8 directional movement
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That's how third-person game controls have worked since Super Mario 64 revolutionized how 3D games are played.
I can understand that if you are not a regular video game player / controller user, moving both sticks at the same time can be tricky at first (I had seen people literally moving one stick and then the other when they started playing CoD on console), but you only need practice.
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Atari 2600 controllers need a buff. I have never never lost against a survivor or killer that played on this console.
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I've been playing games on Xbox since forever. I just hate the controls
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Surprising, because I'm on PC and I use a PS4 controller to play survivor. I think is way better than K&M.
All said, I use a custom button configuration so I can do everything without removing the thumbs from the sticks.
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I'm going to have to unretire my big ol' Collecovision controller aren't I?
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Have you tried any of the killers with that controller?
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the relationship between camera and movement controls is uniform across platforms.
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I have never gotten to experience the utter joy of playing on the colecovision but I reckon playing DBD on it would be quite the experience. Probably with about 1 frame / year.
And with that controller… I really don't see anyone topping that. 😂
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Might, just might, be able to play surv with this old relic. As far as frames, could it really be worse than what our precious Switch cousins deal with? 🤪😜