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Skull Merchant Rework

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,804
edited April 3 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know BHVR said that they dont want to completely remove a Killer's identity but I had an idea for a rework that would make her more interesting and overall more fun.


Skull Totems

The Skull Merchant can now place Skull Totems around the map, a remnant of those killed by her hand and a business deal between Adriana and the Entity.

Use the (Ability Button 2) to create a Skull Totem; placing a Skull Totem has a 10 second cooldown.

  • Only 6 Skull Totems can be created; if a new Skull Totem is created after 6 Skull Totems are already created, the oldest Skull Totem is removed.
  • Skull Totems can be removed by Survivors, this interaction takes 20 seconds, and reveals the Survivor's Aura for 10 seconds.

Ethereal World

The Skull Merchant can travel through the Ethereal World for 20 seconds using (Ability Button 1); after the duration of Ethereal World has ended, Ethereal World has a 40 second Cooldown.

  • Traveling to a Skull Totem pulls the Skull Merchant out of the Ethereal World with grant the Skull Merchant 30 seconds of Watchful Eyes and the Undetectable status effect.
  • Failing to travel to another Skull Totem in 20 seconds does not grant Watchful Eyes.
  • While in the Ethereal World, the Skull Merchant's movement speed is locked to 4.6 m/s, this cannot be increased with Haste effects.

Watchful Eyes

While traveling the Ethereal World, all Survivors are shrouded in darkness, as eyes peer at them from the realm beyond.

  • The Skull Merchant is granted the Undetectable status effect and Survivors further than 50-meters have their Aura Revealed; this effect disables Aura Reading prevent temporary but re-enables them as soon as the Watchful Eyes duration ends.
  • Watchful Eyes is only triggered after the Skull Merchant has successful reached a Skull Totem after traveling to the Ethereal World; unsuccessful attempts to reach a Skull Totem do not trigger Watchful Eyes.


The idea behind this rework is to give the Skull Merchant a better identity compared to other Killers. I personally feel as if a "No-No Zone" Killer is a bit too much considering we already have Knight to deal with, I feel as if it might be a bit too much… and frankly, I want it to give more a scare factor when facing Skull Merchant.

The idea here is to keep the Skull Merchant as a tracking Killer, I dont want to remove that part of her identity, so I changed her scanner to outright Aura Reading, like a sudo old Freddy.

I wanted to invert the idea of Skull Merchant's anti-loop. Instead of turning the Skull Merchant into a Killer that debuffs and injures Survivors for entering a zone, I wanted to turn them into a Killer that focuses on buffing herself; this can be further amplified with addons that increase her lunge or give her haste for successfully reaching a Skull Totem and gaining Watchful Eyes.

The "macro" play that her original drones presented is not removed either since her ability to travel to a Skull Totem is all about managing, placing, defending, and using Skull Totems. It takes skill, and rather than punishing Survivors, it provides buffs that directly reward your skill. I believe this will provide a more positive feedback loop with her gameplay.

Watchful Eyes is also based on the PTB for Skull Merchant actually, back when she could see you on a scanner, youd have an eye icon above your head, and I wanted to kind of bring that back, but have it as if she is staring at you through the darkness, watching, and waiting to strike.

I know this removes a lot of the appeal around playing Skull Merchant since it gives her a completely new identity, but I feel as if this idea is something that can appeal to more people overall by making her gameplay more dynamic.