Doesn't DBD need a unique art style like in 2016 ?

Please don't get me wrong: I like high quality graphics and all the Realm Beyond stuff, but isn't this also a middle finger to the original DBD player base?
I think the old fog and associated old light effects of each realm were unique and gave DBD a creepier feel. The old moonlight offerings amplified those effects and that was really creepy. Why did the developers decide to remove all these things from the game? Were performance issues of many players the main reason in the end?
I can't explain it any other way. What do you think?
i miss the old ugly looking ps2 graphics, they´re special in my heart
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As an original DBD player, i genuinely hope we never get the old art style back or any of the other old stuff, i never could stand the ugly as ######### ps2 graphics nor any of the color filters from the old iterations of the maps, especially coldwind with it's horribly ugly yellow piss colored filter.
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As someone that used to play on a flatscreen, I appreciate the up in brightness that the new graphics have taken. It used to be miserable to load into Macmillan or The Game on a TV back in the day. Literally was Dredge's Nightfall mechanic before it was ever a thing lol.
As for the art style, I think that DbD definitely still has a unique art style, especially with the cosmetics and themes of the maps. I think nostalgia gets the better of a lot of people when looking back on older graphics and animations (although I do miss old Coldwind, please bring that back).
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the only thing I miss is the eeriness of the fog. Fog is almost nonexistent as an element in the game nowadays. It used to make quite the effect :) I still wish cold wind was darker looking, but it makes sense to have it in daylight
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It does, yes. I think one of the worst changes DBD has received is the Realm Beyond.
I loved the old maps, I really loved them. But now, all I have left is Swamp. Almost every map I liked in the game, gone.
Does anyone ever think of this? Ever, if only for a moment, think about those who liked the old style?
I strongly believe we should be allowed to choose which maps we want to see in our games. That way, everyone wins.
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I pray for the day when Claudette’s true blending powers gets released.
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I’m going to have to disagree with this take. I can appreciate the nostalgia here, but this is a live service game. It should, and has, evolved with time. More powerful devices and engines have released that allows there to be more graphical definition, and BHVR has developed as a company to have an expansive and great visual design team. Visual updates have only improved the game in my opinion, and swamp is a prime reason for that - its textures are blatantly out of place and low quality.
On another note, I think the realm beyond stuff is important for the dev team too. When creating maps or working with maps for a long time, there has to be a sort of conceptual idea for a map, or it’s potential - the more graphically advanced we can be, the closer to life we can bring these concepts. The map updates have at least in my opinion, been exceptionally well-done graphically.
Personally, I think the gameplay loop can be rather boring at times. However, it’s all the graphical changes, new maps, new killers, new survivors that make me come back. That first feeling of playing a new map and wandering around in awe, exploring it little by little throughout matches + golden toolbox adventures were fun too.0 -
The new graphics made the game much easier to play on console, but part of me does miss the old atmosphere the game had. Maybe they could make an offering that changes some of the classic maps to have some of their older quirks and reimagines newer ones in the old style, that's be neat.
But only in terms of aesthetics, the old layouts can stay butied. I still remember getting looped for almost an hour across old Coldwin as Wraith a few days after launch lmao
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I miss old DBD so much lol it isn't funny anymore I need it back