Stop adding features no one asked for [PTB] (and extremely slow developing)

Hello everyone,
I make this post because the developers of this game add things that no one asked for to the game, such as showing your perks when pressing ESC (or trying to fix addons and characters in the worst possible way). I'm not saying it's useless, but it's unnecessary, I already know what the perks do so why would I want to read them in the game by pressing ESC? like… I chose the perks… Why don't you add the rituals to that interface and the challenge you have selected to see the progress? Why not spend that time doing something that the community really wants, like the examples I mentioned AND MORE IMPORTANTLY EVEN, being able to see your teammates' perks. Seriously, the development of this company stresses me out, it is very slow and it's a game that is already on its EIGHTH anniversary.
It's incredible that the community always has better ideas than the company itself and yet it takes YEARS (yes, although it's hard to believe, YEARS) to add them to the game.
I can't believe that a game so neglected and so passionless has gotten incredible licenses like Alien, Resident Evil, Chucky, Halloween, Scream... what a waste.