

What if we get a killer that can just MOVE THE GENS SOMEWHERE ELSE.

I think its a 10/10 idea personally
(obliviously this is a joke but i thought it was funny)


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    And I thought DS is OP :wink:

  • NTSable
    NTSable Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2019
    We should be able to put the gens on the hooks as well I think that would solve a lot of problems for killers
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    This would be the most balanced killer in the game. Hopefully when they add this killer, Freddy gets his nerfs and Nurse gets her reworks. ;)

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    I would grab the last gen they need and run in circles so they have to chase me instead.
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Can't use the hatch if the Gen is on it ;)

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    New killer ability, mori gens: You're hatred of generators is so overwhelming you just can't take it anymore so you mori them and thus remove them from your memory. Since the gens are no longer there the survivors can't ever escape.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    powerbats said:

    New killer ability, mori gens: You're hatred of generators is so overwhelming you just can't take it anymore so you mori them and thus remove them from your memory. Since the gens are no longer there the survivors can't ever escape.

    Lmao mori gens :D