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I don’t understand why they took away the bloodpoints for wglf and bbq

without the bloodpoints wglf is just too situational and bbq is fine but I feel like the bloodpoints would make killers tunnel less. Please give them the bloodpoints back

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  • Member Posts: 497

    If I'm remembering correctly; it had to do with something about them not wanting it to feel like you need to take these perks (for the bp) since it seemed like that what majority of player brought the perks for. They probably saw it as being a punishment when it came from the difference between the bp gains when these perks were/weren't equipped

    Funny thing is after they removed the bp bonus from both perks, people kept on bringing BBQ but it seemed like the entire playerbase dropped WGLF.

  • Member Posts: 16,661

    The reasoning is so that players dont feel forced to use those Perks because otherwise they would miss out on those Bonus-BPs. And I think it was right that they removed the Bonus-BPs.

    For Killer:

    BBQ would not mean they would tunnel less. BBQ was a terrible incentive, because the Killer could still get all 4 Stacks even if they tunneled. Also, I think it is better that BBQ is now only used on Killers who can actually benefit from them and not to gain more BPs.

    For Survivor:

    WGLF would be terrible now. Because of Basekit-Endurance every Unhook is basically a safe Unhook, so there would probably be more farming off Hook because the Stack would be almost guaranteed.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Well it all happened pretty fast across 2 updates mainly 6.1.0 and 6.2.0 but it was an accumulated change starting at around the release of the blight so 4.2.0

    More forms of gaining bp started entering the game with the introduction of tomes meaning both sides had an additional ~4m bp they could earn just by completing challenges

    Leading up to the release of 6.1.0 the devs wanted to introduce a overhaul of the prestige system since the old system would see all perks, addons, offerings get deleted every time you would prestige a character leading to either rushing p3 then grinding out all the perks or simply getting to p1 and never max prestiging a character because of everything you would lose by prestiging a character, on top of raising the upper end of prestige

    To account for the fact that both less bp was needed to get a lot of perks on a character, no reset, and more prestiges happening they removed the bp bonus from BBQ and WGLF since it found its way into many peoples builds and instead replaced it with the incentive system AND raising the bp cap in each category to 10k, which while the system was poorly implemented for a bit (the bonus you received could change mid match so if you took a match with a 100% bonus if it changed to 25% before the match ended you only got 25% bonus) it was decently done to eliminate the need for these perks in peoples builds

    Then this change was finialized in 6.2.0 with the cost reduction in bloodwebs reducing most costs by ~33% and eventually more forms of bp entering the game overall on top of that, more frequent bp bonus events, more bp scoring events from temporary events and empty spots in the rewards track being filled with some bp.

    Basically a fat stack of changes that realistically changed how much bp you needed while also increasing how much bp you earned and bonus bp you could earn without equipping perks meant it was a good time to remove big bonus tied to these perks.

  • Member Posts: 820

    Agreed, perks awarding more BP has never really been an issue, they shouldn't have been removed in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Attaching post-match rewards to perks is not a good idea, it effectively removes a perk slot and constrains build diversity. Also, WGLF was the main reason people hook-bombed back in the day as BPs were much more difficult to come by.

    IMHO, the costs in the bloodweb have been already reduced and we have periodic boosts/events. It's boring sitting for 10-15 mins at times to spend 2kk bps, I'd rather play another match.

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    The reasoning was that they did not want perks to be picked for extra BP because it could make it feel like you absolutely had to use these perks.

    I would still like the extra BP back on both of them.

  • Member Posts: 2,267
    edited April 2024

    Yep I still miss both those perks, though in all honesty I would rather a new increase in overall BP earned as the grind is still too insane considering the amount of characters in the game now. I did enjoy the secondary task of getting all my stacks but I don't want to feel like I have to run a perk or I am missing out on additional BP.

    They could do something like make it so the first or last week before or after reset is always double BP week rather than increase BP permanently or have perks to increase BP earned.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I would prefer if we simply increased BP rewards for survivors across the board instead of sticking bonuses onto perks.

    WGLF has been completely supplanted by Buckle Up thanks to powercreep anyway.

  • Member Posts: 368

    I don't think having BP bonus on (less than) a handful perks is good when we have so many perks now. Either the system needs to would need to be expanded to include a lot more perks, or the BP gains in game need to be rethought. Personally, I lean towards the latter. I think there are enough external 'restrictions' on what perks to take that adding 'but I want more BP' into the equation would be even more restrictive. I also don't want to see trash perks being given a BP bonus as enticement. I'd rather see the perks reworked into something useful.

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