The most important Killer Tier List

We have long since debated how strong or weak killers are. We have had debates about how evil or nice they are but we haven't really answered the most important question.
If all the killers in DBD were to participate in an armwrestling contest, who would win?
The rules are:
- No weapons allowed
- Every contender fights alone
- The tiers are in order from left to right
- Supernatural powers and other non-weaponized equipment allowed
Some explanations:
Chucky is a literal doll. You can lift him with one arm and you can definitely beat him in armwrestling without too much of an issue.
Unknown doesn't seem like the most stable. Physically. They look like you'd break their arm if you put in too much force.
Spirit has the advantage of being a supernatural being but also her limbs aren't physically connected, so you could probably push her hand down with much less effort than anybody above her.
Dredge mains, I mean no offense, but the turkey doesn't get much higher than that.
While Trickster is a normal human, he also has abs. These obviously grant him +10 strength.
Wraith has some power in his upper body but his legs will not be able to withstand the stress.
Artist has very long arms thanks to the ink they are made off. This naturally grants her a longer lever and allows her to generate more force.
Clown is obviously a strongman.
Doctor has infused his muscles with electricity to push them to their limit.
Have you seen Charlotte's arms? Girl has some guns!
Skull Merchant is only this high because the exoskeleton arm.
We saw Bubba's strength in the movies. All that Chili made him big and strong.
Hillbilly is powerful enough to crush a man's skull with his bare hands. That's at least twice as strong as a normal human. He also has the strongest legs out of all the contenders. Even Usain Bolt envies his speed.
Oni has surpassed the humanly possible. His physique along with supernatural powers definitely place him close to the top.
Myers is strong enough to lift people with one hand effortlessly. We also know that his body is resistent to physical trauma. This obviously comes from his incredible muscles. Their basically like a metal armor.
Pyramid Head's physical strength is unrivaled. The only thing holding him back is bad posture.
Nemesis wins. He has it all. The muscle, the upper and lower body strength, the supernatural powers and a tentacle for extra grip.
How would you rank them and why?
Singularity is an interesting one. I always envisioned him having Terminator level strength for some reason like all future cyborgs that turn on humanity.
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I love this 😭
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Singularity does pretty well. Though, despite all the biological matter it has absorbed it still lacks physical mass.
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Singularity is canonically ten times stronger than a human. A gorilla is "only" six times stronger, so that's fun. He's not winning an arm wrestling match as much as he's just straight up removing arms.
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Now do it with his right arm.
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The rules are:
- No weapons allowed
- Every contender fights alone
- The tiers are in order from left to right
- Supernatural powers and other non-weaponized equipment allowed
Explanations : (i may be biased)
Chucky ⇒ doll
Unknown ⇒ unstable
Spirit ⇒ no kanata, you push her arm and it just drifts away … and then comes back.(limbs aren't physically connected)
Hag ⇒ can you be more malnourished and dry (is there no f water in her body) ?
legion ⇒ me but with a coat X
ghost face ⇒ he got beaten by women before but he had a knife to win :)
Amanda ⇒ weak but still will find a strategy to win over all others somehow (she is quite smart)
Artist ⇒ She is tall but does not have any muscles so she loses to those who have more in my opinion
Sm ⇒ has trained physically but is still a more or less normal woman who trained
trickster ⇒ is pretty weak but still more fit than all of the below
clown ⇒ literally just need to go to the gym and he will be like trapper
cenobite ⇒ without chains im not sure he has telekinesis put him there just in case he doesn't
blight ⇒ strong and resilient but certainly cannot win against plague
plague ⇒ can still disturb you while arm wrestling by vomitting on you
Old man that has a gun ⇒ is underrated to be weaker but is similar to an undead
dredge ⇒ idk ######### he is wrestling with but yeah im not certain about him so i put him there
Big black dude with a bing bing bang ⇒ i just can't see hime taking doc with his electricity
Doc ⇒ pretty strong but still not winning
freddy ⇒ immortal ? unlimited stamina cause he can just go in the dream world still weaker than twins
twins ⇒ Victor is getting crushed and charlotte … destroys with her arms she may have bought to the devil
Bubba ⇒ still very strong
Demo ⇒ destroys bubba without chainsaw (he has his claws btw)
hux ⇒ he is made of metal man !
Xenomorphs ⇒ pretty strong
knight ⇒ undead + there are 3 o
thers you must beat before
wesker ⇒ he is terminator but biologic version
Huntress ⇒ just extremely strong
Billy ⇒ the hands lose to the legs by a good margin but still very solid
trapper ⇒ got beaten up by the entity and is resilient for it
Myers ⇒ Inhumanly strong
Oni ⇒ he's a beast
Nemesis ⇒ only in phase one (RE3 lore) :)
Pyramidhead ⇒⇒⇒⇒ OK now tell me HTF he lifts that sword to stick it in the ground ?
Sadako ⇒ pallet breaking = telekinesis just destroys everybody like she barely moves her arms
NURSE ⇒ She just can break a pallet with one finger and is the only caracter that i firmly belive could leave the game but doesn't to not feel the pain of doing it …
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considering Huntress is heavily hinted at being a Volklodak (A Russian werewolf that maintains strength when in human form) she would definitely clear everybody but Nemmy.
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Not to be biased blight guy, but I think you might underestimate magical steroids.
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Mikey would win easily. This is due to he would clearly ignore the rules and bring quick victory by stabbing.
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Great list. Idk my instincts are telling me that Oni would also be in the top tier. But I do agree that Nemesis is the #1
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I had never heard of that before. Do you have an example of what hints towards this? I'm genuinely curious.
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In her tome lore “A Lovely War” the soldiers claim she is supernatural and call her a Bodark. Which is the traditional Russian werewolf.
In her blighted skin she is mid transformation into a werewolf and the blighted serum brings out the hidden characteristics of the people it’s used on.
In her werewolf costume charm its flavor text reads “a disguise that fits her too well”
Her eyes are black which Bodarks/ Volklodaks have black eyes as well. This would also explain why she has been able to kill hundreds of soldiers at once and entire villages. Along with killing a Grizzly Bear with an Axe and Hatchets. (Which no human could do)
They mainly refer to her being a Bodark in the lore but I’m just speculating she is a Volklodak because she is so strong but never is it mentioned she actually transforms.
Also all her perks are Wolf related and she acts very animalistic. There are a few mentions of it in Hooked On You but I cant remember off the top of my head.
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Oh dang that’s cool
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Thanks! That's so cool. I didn't know this. Maybe in next year's addition, Huntress will get a bit higher.
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If supernatural powers are allowed, then Freddy beats almost everyone.
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Can you explain Blight's place? He is guy on steroids, isn't he? How he is lower than Twins or Skully?
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Maybe in your dreams, friend. 😉
To be honest, I'm not even sure Blight could concentrate on the contest for longer than 10s. Whatever the steroids did to his brain, it probably left him with an attention span of less than 5 seconds.
We also haven't seen the steroids effect his upper body yet. At least not in a positive way.
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I don't think I've ever disagreed with a list more then this. Granted I don't know DBD lore super well but my opinions down below.
Myers higher then Oni? Oni is basically made of muscle. Myers can pick up a person, Oni could probably pick up a car. I don't see Myers swinging around a kanabo like Oni can.
Speaking of, if you're giving them their powers then Wesker should be higher. He's superhuman.
Huntress, Trapper, Bubba and Billy aren't quite superhuman level so should be lower.
If Freddy is allowed dream powers then he is basically top tier.
If Doctor is allowed to shock his opponents with his grip he'd probably move up some.
Plague and Artist should be lower assuming your not going to let them Puke/Throw crows mid match. They're just normal humans more or less.
Demo/Alien should probably be higher. I don't see any normal human beating them in strength.
Blight, Unknown, Singularity and Dredge I'm not really sure how to rank.
Chucky should be a bit higher assuming he can hold himself down. He's the size of a doll but he still has above average human strength.
Edit: Fun list though. I wish we had more stuff like this lol.
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One could make the argument Myers is stronger than Oni. He did tank six gunshots and walk it off, whereas Oni was outmatched by a village. It's also worth noting that if we're discussing Michael outside the original film, he was maimed in like 20 unique ways during 2018 and Kills, and still managed to kill an entire team of armed fire fighters, an entire angry mob attacking him with improvised weapons (something Oni couldn't), multiple individuals actively hunting for him with firearms, police officers, I could keep going. And that was all across the same night.
Huntress is implied somewhat to be supernatural, there's a neat comment earlier in the thread about how she's seemingly a werewolf of sorts.
Trapper has access to the perk "Brutal Strength" so I'd say his current placement works.
Freddy's placement depends heavily on whether his dream powers are closer to the movies or if we're following how the Entity changed him to work within the realm.
Doctor shocking people during an arm wrestling match is maybe the most in character thing he could possibly do
Xeno might actually lose to a lot of the cast because their biology makes it so that parts of their body pop in order to spread acid blood after being injured, so an arm wrestling match against some of the stronger members of the cast would probably end with their arm just snapping off outright lol
It would be hilarious to see Chucky fold Legion or whoever without much of an issue because he summons his ghost and they both start talking trash.
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I definitely agree you could make an argument of Myers being harder to kill and even winning a 1v1. I don't think Myers wins in arm wrestling though.
I did read the Huntress stuff which was neat. I'm not overly familiar with the lore though and was mainly basing it off her beating trained soldiers.
Does Trapper actually have any kind of crazy strength feats in his lore I wonder? I know he's pretty jacked but I assumed he's only as strong as someone like Bubba.
Xeno does carry survivors around 1-handed pretty easily alone with being an alien so I was basing on that. I haven't actually watched anything Alien related before so I'll take your word on it. ^_^