We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

A way to get rid of tunneling that benefits the killer


For every 3 hooks, all survivors get a -25% stack to doing gens. This stack is removed once any survivor dies. This way killer still gets the benefit from hooking anybody, and survivors can continue playing.

If the killer has 6 hooks and nobody's dead yet, it's a -50% to gen speed.

The main reason I tunnel as a killer is to stop survivors from doing gens so fast. I don't like it, but it's often a necessity. Survivors, on the other hand, don't like tunneling because they are out of the game.

I feel like this solution can potentially satisfy both sides.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 5,904

    This is just a straight buff to killers. Time has shown again and again that buffs alone won't work. Tunneling and camping need to be nerfed as well.

    Not to mention that the debuff values you are suggesting are way too high.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,466
    edited April 15

    well he's describing a perk. Scourge hook:Gift of pain. unlikely they'll make that perk relevant.

    they already have perks to nerf tunneling. it is called decisive strike and off the record. the thing is, if your going nerf tunneling then give me counter-play towards said perks. Like I should be able to slug decisive strike user and bleed them out. there should be correct play from killer to avoid the perk. right now it is no counter-play other than not tunneling which is a problem because of efficiency issue of not doing so. lose/lose.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 78

    No, compliting gen in over 90 seconds doesn't seem fair to me.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 78

    It's still "pay to win" perk, you need to buy licenced character.

    There is no accessibility for newer players if they don't spend money on the game - who does that before even liking the game?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,078

    Not a good idea. Some killers would become almost unbeatable while others wouldn't benefit quite as much from it. Also, this would have a negative psychological impact on survivors and gen regression would become completely overpowered. Nobody likes staring at the red progress bar and feeling like they will never finish the gens. So at that point, why even bother?

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,111

    I think it would be more enjoyable to get tunneled out immediately than work through a 25% gen repair debuff

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,173

    Tunneling isn't caused by gen speeds. We've already seen mountains of evidence.

    Gen kick meta? 10 months of 30+ minute games: tunneling increased.

    Any event ever, including lights out and winter event? Survivor stop gens to throw snowballs and, surprise surprise tunneling is in nearly every have again.

    Nerfs to BNP and prove? (Remember how these were losing games left and right?) Hey look, more tunneling.

    That's just off the top of my head. Tunneling is easy and efficient, so killers tend toward that. There's no carrot that fixes the problem here, you have to make tunnelling less efficient and people will naturally do it less.

  • olmighty
    olmighty Member Posts: 2

    Guys, I'm not talking about implementing this kind of mechanic without tweaking all the other gen-speed-related stuff (gen-defense perks, basic gen speed, etc.). The numbers can be (and should be) tweaked. 25% of a debuff is also just an example. I thought that was obvious, so I didn't even mention it.

    It's more about the idea of providing gen-defense for hooks. I'm talking about the gen slowdown because it's the most obvious reward for the killer, but it can be anything else (you are free to suggest). As long as it rewards the killer to go for any hook, not for a specific survivor.

    Because currently there is no in-built mechanic that would motivate the killer to go for any hook, and not just tunnel.