So this is a thing thts gone on for a very long time, and I find it interesting that its become such a hot topic now. But still. I think I'll break this into two categories, one with killer and one with survivor. To preface, I have done both sides.
So there are many reasons to derank as killer but I'd argue that the best reason would be to lower the wait times for games. At rank 1 at the start of the season for the past 10 seasons I tend to have a wait time of an hour and a half per game. Which is unacceptable.
I have seen many people derank because they would like to learn a new killer like Nurse or Huntress. Which I think is fair, just because youre a champion rank 1 Billy does not mean you can play Nurse at a rank higher than 15.
The other reason I see killers derank is to try new builds, do perk roulettes, or use low tier or no add ons. I also think this is okay but I'd love to see what your views are.
WHAT ISNT ACCEPTABLE is when you derank to go noob smashing. I've seen many killers with meta perks, ultra rare add ons, and ebony moris at rank 15, and this is super wrong.

I'd argue the main reason I see people derank survivor is to avoid the sweat of rank 1 gameplay. To see new killers and to avoid the same dude who hates you and hunts you down with moris because you ran him too long once.
I know the main reason I derank is to go item hunting. But deranking as a solo survivor is a double edged sword because you may get easier killers, but you also get very dumb survivors and it isnt worth the derank.
I have seen people derank to practice running killers because they realize their ranks are boosted and they dont belong where they are. WHICH IS THE BIGGER ISSUE.

The main issue is that this game shoves every player to rank 1 whether they belong there or not. It forces all survivors who play seriously to do swf so that they dont get boosted randoms and that effectively lowers the pool of good randoms for other players. It makes things annoying enough people will quit out games for hours in hopes of finding games where they do belong or where they can have fun.

The fix to this is making ranked and unranked playlists, where the rank playlist becomes much more rigorous to rank up in. It is stated by nearly every dbd player that rank is not a measure of skill. SO make it one. Allow for a casual playlist, where people can still gain bp and leave a ranked playlist for people who want to play this game competitively. Then, offer a bp or shard bonus for each rank. Like 2000 shards for finishing a season at rank 1.
This will eliminate deranking, allow players to play where they want, allow a better environment for competitive players, and help the entire community have fun without burdening one another.



  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    My point of view is the exact same. As long as you aren't doing it do be a douche it is ok.