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Sole Survivor tweak idea

Azulra Member Posts: 397
edited April 16 in Feedback and Suggestions

So, as we all know, Sole Survivor isn't exactly that great of a perk due to not only how it behaves with needing teammates to die for it to work, but also because of its effect not being the greatest. Because of this I thought of a tweak for the perk that would make it actually somewhat more useful.

Currently, when you become the last survivor Sole Survivor gives you two different effects which are "Increases your Repair speed by +75 %" and "Increases your Gate and Hatch Opening speeds by +50 %."

The tweak I thought of is to transfer the generator repair speed bonus onto the token system that the perk uses instead of requiring you to be the last survivor. The way it would work is slightly more complex than normal, but for a reason.

Tweak: Each time a survivor dies Sole Survivor receives a token. Each token adds a +5% bonus to repair speed and acts as a multiplier to Sole Survivor's bonus repair speed buff effect.

How the tokens work:

1 Token = +5% repair speed bonus with a 1X multiplier totaling at +5%(this is when there are 3 survivors remaining in the trial including the perk holder)

2 Tokens = +10% repair speed bonus with 2X multiplier totaling at +20%(this is when there are 2 survivors remaining in the trial including the perk holder)

3 Tokens = +15% repair speed bonus with a 3X multiplier totaling at +45%(this is when there is 1 survivor remaining in the trial which is the perk holder)

Of course, this is primarily a rough draft in a sort of way and would likely require some number/value changes, but I think this would be one of the best way to change this perk to be more worthwhile since that current +75% repair speed bonus for being the last survivor in the trial just isn't exactly helpful since you'll likely be looking for the hatch or a gate at that point rather than working on a generator.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 864

    I can't remember exactly, but that what it used to do way back when the perk was released and it gave survivors greatly increased repair speed as others died. It was a thing long before I started playing DBD so idk why it was changed.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,953

    I honestly wouldn't be too opposed to higher percentages like 20% for 1 dead survivor, 25% for 2 dead survivors, and 75% as the last survivor, as long as it doesn't stack with other SS users like Prove Thyself for instance. It could work as a potential anti-tunnel perk since it won't be as efficient if the killer spreads hook stages among different survivors rather than focusing on hooking survivors with two hook states.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 397
    edited April 15

    The bonus effects it gives to the last survivor was actually added into the perk in its last change which was version 6.1.0. It only ever effected aura-reading ranges before 6.1.0 came out.

    That is why I set up the percentages and multipliers the way they are. There's no stopping generator repair speed perks from stacking on top of each other right now so a +5% bonus for 1 survivor dying will prevent it from becoming ridiculously strong with other gen speed perks while still being useful since the major bonus of +20% or higher makes sense for when half the team is gone rather than when there's still 3 survivors remaining. There's also other factors to take into account, but I found it being that it starts off weak and gets big power spikes over time being a bit more healthy. If needed though the token multiplier can be raised to 1.5X for each token rather than just 1X for each token which would then put the percentages at +7.5%/+30%/+67.5% which could also work, but would still need to be tested.

    Post edited by Azulra on
  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    Moving forward, there shouldn’t be any more Perks that increase gen speed. Killers complain that gens are flying as is, and they justify camping and tunneling as a result. I have Sole Survivor in one of my meme builds; I paired it along Wake Up, Spine Chill, & Resilience. The whole idea is to let the killer find hatch while waiting at an exit gate, then open it as quickly as possible when they close it.

    I know it sounds terrible to have a perk that capitalizes on the demise of teammates, but I prefer to look at it more like it’s a contingency perk. I don’t play with the intent of always being the last survivor when I have that build equipped; it’s more like if it happens, ok this is how I maximize my chances of getting out through the exit gates. High risk, high reward. Most games I don’t get value from it (essentially playing perkless if I don’t see end game alone), but the few times I did- it was fun to watch the exit meter fill up so quickly. It’s a meme end game perk that adds a different mechanic to how we benefit from it, so I’m ok with it in its current state.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,284

    I use this in one of my standard builds. I like pairing it with Wake up for insane opening speed.

    When the killer opts to kill everyone regardless of my name, I want to make sure they at least don't get me too. Makes for very fun games, trying to protecc everyone, but if it doesn't work… I have a backup plan. :)

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 397

    Actually it potentially would be the opposite way around with the tunneling justification because if this tweak was made then it'd actually discourage tunneling survivors out and encourage spreading out hook states since, as glitchboi mentioned, it would make the perk less effective if the killer does that instead. Essentially acting as a type of anti-tunnel perk that just benefits teammates since, as we all know, if a killer is set on tunneling out a teammate then there's usually nothing you can do about it other than crank out gens as fast as possible in hopes that your teammate has Adrenaline which is where this tweak to Sole Survivor would come into play.

    Also this tweak idea is not only to help the perk out, but to also be a first reasonable attempt to resolve the issue of the last two survivors just hiding for hatch because they don't currently have anything to help them catch back up at that point making it pointless to work on gens if there's more than one gen remaining.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,712

    according to nightlight solo survivor got the highest win rate out of any perk. it might be op hehehe

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,157
  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 431

    It could have higher number when it loses effectiveness with less gen remaining, you don't really need it when there is only one gen remain anyway right

  • JackOf4llTrades
    JackOf4llTrades Member Posts: 28
    edited April 17

    The whole idea is bad and here is why:

    1. One dead means other three survivors will have +5% if they go for sole survivor perk which is -15 seconds from gens all over + they can pair it with resilence which is meta right now, resulting in +14% which is -42 seconds from full gens by 3 people with just one dead. If two dead im okay with bonuses.
    2. Bonus speed for gen repairing has no sense, nobody will repair last gen if he is left alone, since you either find hatch OR you don't, killer closes it and all gen's are repaired instantly so there are no point in repairing a single one. If killer holds you as hostage by refusing closing hatch thats kinda against the rules (I GUESS, idk, behavior has problems with their sanity).

    To make this perk usefull it has to have two bonuses: one for normal gameplay and one as emergency exit.

    For example: it gives you ability to hide your aura entire game and makes your repair noses silent if you are obsession (increasing your chances to become one), in case you are last survivor you are instantly healed and able to open gates with bonus 75% speed.

    This has counters - since there are lots of ways to change obsession, making your first half perk not working, but killer will never know if you have this perk and it will be random. This perk will not be OP for SWF, because will work only on obsession OR if you are last alive survivor, meaning it will buff solo queue without heavy impact on medium-high MMR.