We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

5v5 mode idea


there is alot of buzz about a 8v2 mode, but I feel a mode that could also work, and could be alot less work to code would be 5v5, here is how it would work, just an idea and I would love feedback

The Lobby would be 4 survivors, and 1 killer, on one side, this would not be the killer you would face, rather it would be the killer the other team is facing.

2 trials would happen at the same time, with it being a standard game with some HUD changes

As a survivor you can see how many gens the other team has left, as well as how many hooks the killer on your team has

As a killer, you see how many gens your team has left, as well as the survivors you have to kill. You can also see how many hooks the other killer has.

some changes to the game would be…..

there are 2 win conditions for each, both survivors and killer

For Killer:

Killing 3+* Survivors, this powers and opens the exit gates for the survivors on your team no matter how many gens they completed

3+* Survivors on your side escape, this will automatically sacrifice all remaining survivors on the trial

For Survivor

3+* Survivors escaping, which sacrifices all survivors on the opposing team

The killer on your team kills 3+ survivors on the enemy team, which powers and opens the exit gate.

*The 3 means, 3 kills and one escape via hatch or exit gate, and not upon instantly getting 3 kills.

in event of 2 survivors dying and 2 escaping, the other trial will proceed as normal since it isn't technically a win

General Changes

-Completing a gen creates 1 of 3 orbs in a place where a totem would be.

-Hooking a survivor creates 1 of 3 orbs orb for the other trial

-Both survivors and killers see the orb's aura in a 8 meter radius

  • Both killer and survivor can interact with the orbs, with each color having a different effect depending on who interacts with it. Survivors take 8 seconds to interact with it, killers take around the same time as a hatch closing

there are 3 orbs

  • Red Orb-

For Killer: Stuns the opposing killer for 5 seconds

For Survivor: Regresses the most progressed gen on the other trial by 15%

  • Blue Orb

For Killer: Slows enemy killer action speed (Kicking, vaulting, Attack Cooldown, missed attack cooldown) by 20% for 30 seconds

For Survivor: reduces enemy survivor's gen speed by 33% for 30 seconds

  • Green Orb

For Killer: 20% Haste for all survivors on your team for 10 seconds

For Survivor: Gives Killer the killer immunity to blinds, and stun effects as well as Killer breaks and vaults 25% faster for 20 seconds.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback, I wanna iron out this idea, and ill note down changes I make