
Why on Earth is Snapping out of it still a thing? Doc. with outrageous addons can still prevent people from unhooking... ######### is this still 2017.. grrr


  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Grabbing popcorn*
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @EntityDispleased said:
    I know right?! Ridiculous, it's almost like that's the entire point of his ability. They should also make hillbilly's chainsaw require two hits to down and remove nurse's ability to blink through walls they're at it. 

    They should also give clown only one bottle because 4 is broken and make it so that the bottle slows down the survivor by 0.00000000000001%.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Annoying? Yes. Yes it is
    Good? Not really

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    That's just one of his advantages with his ability. Doc isn't even that good of a killer, why would they nerf his power?

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    Why does trapper have traps? He already has a MACHETE. What on earth could he possibly do with TRAPs? And why does it slow survivors down when they step in them? So broken...So stupid...

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883


  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    I've thought that doc needs a Nerf for a long time now. Not only because it's easy for him to get 4k also because he's really annoying to play against
  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    Madness skill checks, though annoying, are fairly easy to hit (if you have a monitor), and are AWARE of being insane. It's just his kit, and it's the core ability of it.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @PubStar87 said:
    I've thought that doc needs a Nerf for a long time now. Not only because it's easy for him to get 4k also because he's really annoying to play against

    The crux of the issue is that he's miserable to play against. I can't remember the last time I stuck out a Doctor match because everyone else did. Once someone disconnects, every else will leave or run at him until they're hooked and killed. I don't blame them one bit.

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    Doc started the Dev's march toward ramping up game/round speeds, finding SURV's easily, and in general making it a royal pain in the ass to survive. 

    Ever since him the meta has been for the Killers to have powers/perks that make it WAY easier to find SURV's.

    That's like the ONE defense they have ever had, and slowly but surely the Dev's are stripping that away. Hence, everybody's new fave, BBQ&C, and the new killer Legion is 100% built around finding SURV's and catching up to them super easy. 

    Might as well call it Hook-A-Thon 2019 anymore

    Just wish deaths didn't feel cheap on here.

    TLDR - Doc, Legion, BBQ&C are all lame AF
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @PubStar87 said:
    I've thought that doc needs a Nerf for a long time now. Not only because it's easy for him to get 4k also because he's really annoying to play against

    LOL. Imagine living in a world thinking Doctor needs to be nerfed. I bet you think Freddy needs to be nerfed aswell because "hes annoying to play against" ECKS DEE

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    Doc is a terrible killer and he is not gonna be nerfed, you are wasting your time to want nerfs for an already terrible killer.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Delfador said:
    Doc is a terrible killer and he is not gonna be nerfed, you are wasting your time to want nerfs for an already terrible killer.

    Only terrible players think the Doctor is a terrible killer. lolz

  • MrZapp
    MrZapp Member Posts: 102

    No one touch my giggly boi, he's perfect the way he is ;-;

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Eninya said:

    @Delfador said:
    Doc is a terrible killer and he is not gonna be nerfed, you are wasting your time to want nerfs for an already terrible killer.

    Only terrible players think the Doctor is a terrible killer. lolz

    Only terrible survivors who try to go hide whenever they hear a heartbeat think that doc is a good killer since they can't hide from him.

    Doc is a terrible killer and against good survivors, he gets obliterated. No map pressure, can't slug, no 1 hit down, maybe he can get hits if he can use his power correctly and for games that last 3-5 minutes, it is not enough.

    Yeah he is a great killer when survivors are useless and crouch at the edges of the map.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Delfador said:

    @Eninya said:

    @Delfador said:
    Doc is a terrible killer and he is not gonna be nerfed, you are wasting your time to want nerfs for an already terrible killer.

    Only terrible players think the Doctor is a terrible killer. lolz

    Doc is a terrible killer and against good survivors, he gets obliterated. No map pressure, can't slug, no 1 hit down, maybe he can get hits if he can use his power correctly and for games that last 3-5 minutes, it is not enough.

    You're playing wrong, or slugging wrong if you think he can't do this. Just for sh*ts and giggles, I've been slugging almost any DS user I play against to bleeding to death. I don't even bother hooking them unless I've already secured the 4K and can hook them with no risk of a hatch escape.

    Madness alone is effectively several perks in one.

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    It amazes me how salty people are on here, even outside of the game.

    You know how long Doc has been a character available on here? And WE STILL POST ABOUT HOW DUMB AND ANNOYING HE IS

    F$%&*#@ buff him for all i care, just make him less annoying
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Eninya said:

    You're playing wrong, or slugging wrong if you think he can't do this. Just for sh*ts and giggles, I've been slugging almost any DS user I play against to bleeding to death. I don't even bother hooking them unless I've already secured the 4K and can hook them with no risk of a hatch escape.

    Madness alone is effectively several perks in one.

    You imply that I am a terrible player but when I say slug, you only understand slugging DS. Which killer can't slug DS?

    Well I agree to disagree then. Nothing valuable to discuss here.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited January 2019

    @Claustr0ph0bia @PubStar87

    Either you guys are new to/bad with Survivor or this is bait. Like most other Killers, Doc can easily be looped (yes there are pallets and windows that his shock cannot stop) and gen rushed if you're even slightly decent at hitting skill checks. Madness 3 also does NOT prevent you from unhooking. Source: it's happened to me multiple times.

    Legion does have problems, but not the ones you're talking about. His problems involve the Frank's Mixtape + moonwalking strategy.

    I cannot believe that people are still complaining about BBQ. There was at least three ways to counter it before patch 2.4.0, when the devs added two more counters! Is it hard-wired in your brain that BBQ is a stupid perk, no matter how many counters exist for it?

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited January 2019
    Why can Legion activate frezy like ######### thats so December 2018.
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    @Delfador said:

    @Eninya said:

    @Delfador said:
    Doc is a terrible killer and he is not gonna be nerfed, you are wasting your time to want nerfs for an already terrible killer.

    Only terrible players think the Doctor is a terrible killer. lolz

    Only terrible survivors who try to go hide whenever they hear a heartbeat think that doc is a good killer since they can't hide from him.

    Doc is a terrible killer and against good survivors, he gets obliterated. No map pressure, can't slug, no 1 hit down, maybe he can get hits if he can use his power correctly and for games that last 3-5 minutes, it is not enough.

    Yeah he is a great killer when survivors are useless and crouch at the edges of the map.

    What? He can't slug? He is probably the best slugger out there, since he has free Deerstalker and can prevent survivors from healing. Come on, at least try to know what you're talking about.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @PubStar87 said:
    I've thought that doc needs a Nerf for a long time now. Not only because it's easy for him to get 4k also because he's really annoying to play against

    Please climb out of the grey ranks before doing statements like that

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    If Freddy and the Legion didn't exist, the Doctor would be the worst killer in the game. He's the definition of M1 killer. Leave him alone.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @White_Owl said:

    What? He can't slug? He is probably the best slugger out there, since he has free Deerstalker and can prevent survivors from healing. Come on, at least try to know what you're talking about.

    OMG okay then lets get started. For the love of God, before telling somebody to know what he is talking about, understand the game mechanics.

    The best sluggers out there are Nurse, spirit, billy, huntress, hag, Myers and clown with that pink addon. Do you see a similarity between them?

    All of them have either 1 downs like billy myers and the clown with the addon, or has the ability to cross the map quickly like billy, nurse and hag, or end the chases very quickly. Please notice that these are also the features of viable high tier or close to high tier killers.

    Doc doesn't have any of these abilities, just because he has built in deerstalker or prevent survivors from healing doesn't make him a slugger. Freddy's slugging ability came from a couple of other factors when he was released so you can't compare them with each other as well.

    Slugging doesn't work if you get your downs in 40-50 seconds. You should be able to get them relatively easily and if the survivors are good they won't give you a chance to do that with the doc.

    Again I am gonna repeat what I said before. Doc is a good killer if the survivors are useless, against good survivors, maybe he can get 1k.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Delfador said:

    @White_Owl said:

    What? He can't slug? He is probably the best slugger out there, since he has free Deerstalker and can prevent survivors from healing. Come on, at least try to know what you're talking about.

    OMG okay then lets get started. For the love of God, before telling somebody to know what he is talking about, understand the game mechanics.

    The best sluggers out there are Nurse, spirit, billy, huntress, hag, Myers and clown with that pink addon. Do you see a similarity between them?

    All of them have either 1 downs like billy myers and the clown with the addon, or has the ability to cross the map quickly like billy, nurse and hag, or end the chases very quickly. Please notice that these are also the features of viable high tier or close to high tier killers.

    Doc doesn't have any of these abilities, just because he has built in deerstalker or prevent survivors from healing doesn't make him a slugger. Freddy's slugging ability came from a couple of other factors when he was released so you can't compare them with each other as well.

    Slugging doesn't work if you get your downs in 40-50 seconds. You should be able to get them relatively easily and if the survivors are good they won't give you a chance to do that with the doc.

    Again I am gonna repeat what I said before. Doc is a good killer if the survivors are useless, against good survivors, maybe he can get 1k.

    I honestly don't think you know how to effectively slug as a strategy. One-hits aren't required, ever, and aren't even relevant to it.

    At the core, the Doctor is like a different version of Legion, since you're forced to break Madness 3 before doing anything else, and the Legion forces you to Mend before anything else. The main differences are that the Doctor can pressure with Madness by proxy, and also retains full movement speed. Legion can't actively track people without following them, but the Doctor can trigger Madness 3 and an automatic scream just walking around with a massive terror radius.

    I can't tell if you're trying to slug all four survivors from start to finish, but if that's what you're doing that's why it's not working.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Eninya said:

    I honestly don't think you know how to effectively slug as a strategy. One-hits aren't required, ever, and aren't even relevant to it.

    At the core, the Doctor is like a different version of Legion, since you're forced to break Madness 3 before doing anything else, and the Legion forces you to Mend before anything else. The main differences are that the Doctor can pressure with Madness by proxy, and also retains full movement speed. Legion can't actively track people without following them, but the Doctor can trigger Madness 3 and an automatic scream just walking around with a massive terror radius.

    I can't tell if you're trying to slug all four survivors from start to finish, but if that's what you're doing that's why it's not working.

    I didn't say that you need 1 downs, most of the killers i listed doesn't even have them. Nurse, spirit, hag, huntress etc.

    The reason why you have to have 1 hit down or the ability to cross the map quickly is because after getting 1 hit, survivors can almost reach the other end of the map and split up. Slugging works when survivors are together.

    Nurse have great mobility and end the chases quickly and get back to the first slug easily.

    Billy is the same.

    Spirit is more or less the same.

    Hag depends on her traps but at certain times, she can do it.

    Huntress's m2 m1 combo works like insta down and she can down people relatively easy.

    Myers and clown are different but they are not top tier anyway. They have snowball mechanics but definitely not as good as the killers that are listed above.

    There is nothing you can do when you smack the survivor and survivor starts to run to the other end of the map. Are you going to follow him and leave your slug behind or are you gonna stay near the slug?

    Madness takes something like 10 seconds and in that time frame, slug can heal himself anyway. It might help but definitely not a great tool by any means.

    If doc is good for slugging, then any other killer is good for slugging which is not true. Doc has almost no special ability that can help him when he slugs.

    I honestly don't want to continue this debate. I agree to disagree with both of you since I think there is no reason to continue this debate. We have made our minds up and I don't think we will change our minds. I prefer to not waste my time.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited January 2019

    @Delfador said:

    @Eninya said:

    I honestly don't think you know how to effectively slug as a strategy. One-hits aren't required, ever, and aren't even relevant to it.

    At the core, the Doctor is like a different version of Legion, since you're forced to break Madness 3 before doing anything else, and the Legion forces you to Mend before anything else. The main differences are that the Doctor can pressure with Madness by proxy, and also retains full movement speed. Legion can't actively track people without following them, but the Doctor can trigger Madness 3 and an automatic scream just walking around with a massive terror radius.

    I can't tell if you're trying to slug all four survivors from start to finish, but if that's what you're doing that's why it's not working.

    I didn't say that you need 1 downs, most of the killers i listed doesn't even have them. Nurse, spirit, hag, huntress etc.

    The reason why you have to have 1 hit down or the ability to cross the map quickly is because after getting 1 hit, survivors can almost reach the other end of the map and split up. Slugging works when survivors are together.

    Nurse have great mobility and end the chases quickly and get back to the first slug easily.

    Billy is the same.

    Spirit is more or less the same.

    Hag depends on her traps but at certain times, she can do it.

    Huntress's m2 m1 combo works like insta down and she can down people relatively easy.

    Myers and clown are different but they are not top tier anyway. They have snowball mechanics but definitely not as good as the killers that are listed above.

    There is nothing you can do when you smack the survivor and survivor starts to run to the other end of the map. Are you going to follow him and leave your slug behind or are you gonna stay near the slug?

    Madness takes something like 10 seconds and in that time frame, slug can heal himself anyway. It might help but definitely not a great tool by any means.

    If doc is good for slugging, then any other killer is good for slugging which is not true. Doc has almost no special ability that can help him when he slugs.

    I honestly don't want to continue this debate. I agree to disagree with both of you since I think there is no reason to continue this debate. We have made our minds up and I don't think we will change our minds. I prefer to not waste my time.

    With your reasoning even the Nurse is bad as slugging if survivors don't stay grouped up, you act as if they slip up only against the Doctor.
    "Doc has almost no special ability that can help him when he slugs." I mean, if completely preventing survivors to pick up their downed team mates besides being able to interrupt them from a distance is not good for slugging, I really don't know what it is. Instadowns are not everything, you know, just open a bit your mind.