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Bloodpoint gain for survivors needs to change

Onako Member Posts: 66
edited April 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Heads up! This is no "killers have it easier thread" so if you already come in here with this mindset, please leave and drink a cup of tea. Thanks <3

Nothing feels more unrewarding in this game to me than to see how unbalanced the BP gain is. I mostly play solo queue and I mostly play casually if I find the time, so my survivors aren't all prestiged yet. Kinda fun to think about that I buy a chapter to unlock perks and yet they are still locked behind a grind that is harder for one side of the community, that shouldn't be a thing honestly. Either way, it's really unmotivating whenever I get into the survivor selection and see that I still need to push millions of points into my unprestiged survivors.

Now every time I finish a game and see the BPs of each player at the end I am thinking "huh, that round (like so many others) really felt like a waste of time". I have a few scenarios that I experienced today:

  1. typical solo queue stomp: the game gets carried by 4 slowdown perks and goes south very fast, maybe 1-2 generators were completed. The killer got around 30k-ish points with his 4k whilst the highest survivor BP was maybe 14k
  2. average game: 2 people got out, both with around 22k, the killer got 2 kills and his points were at about 28k
  3. farming game: found a friendly ghostie (why is it always them lol) who farmed points with us. He let everybody out on death hook. Highest survivor BP was 27k, the killer had around 34k with 0 kills. Quite weird to me

Then I checked the wiki to see how the bloodpoints are distributed over the categories for survivors and it was... confusing to say the least.

  1. repairing a generator awards 1.250 BP for 100% (without skill checks) in 90 seconds
  2. healing another survivor awards 500 BP for 100% (without skill checks) in 16 seconds
  3. healing yourself awards 300 BP for 100% (without skill checks) in depending what perk you run / medkit you use / perks or addons the killer uses
  4. blessing a totem awards 1500 BP for 100% in 14 seconds (28 seconds if it's a hex)

The jist is that blessing a totem awards way more in 14 seconds than an entire generator in 90 seconds or a fully healed survivor in 16 seconds. Yes there are skill checks but those are really inconsistent, you can get 9 - 10, but you also can get only 2 - 3 or even none at all. Plus not every player has the same eye-hand coordination so some only get 50 BP skill checks, others get 300 BP. But I might as well just run around between two totems and boon those.

Then we have the tomes. Honestly I do not even want to consider those because they are one of the big "throwing the game" aspects, because the tasks for survivors are way more unusual than the killers' tasks that naturally just tie into what they are normally doing anyways. Ultimately, doing these also feels like a waste of time in my opinion.

It's just tiring, playing round after round, some of them going better and some worse. Just to receive 15-20k bloodpoints that can not even max out a level 20 bloodweb. It feels unrewarding and, the more chapters are being released, frustrating knowing that if you buy it, you can't even use the benefits of the perks unless you like that survivor or are willing to grind the BP for it. The entire system of bloodpoints is such a relic of the past when characters were few in the game but BHVR still clings to it to this day. Not to mention all the clutter that still is sitting in the bloodweb wasting even more of them. It needs to be changed, but I don't think there is a proper way to do it with an old system like that. Yeah sure, they could raise the bloodpoints awarded for certain actions in the game but in the end, the grind still stays. Bad game design, especially for new players if anything.

TLDR; BHVR please either adjust/fix how BPs are earned or stop time gating perks behind some pointless grind altogether.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 774
    edited April 2024

    I don’t think bloodpoints are easily obtained like you say for killer gods sake it’s 4v1.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,780

    2 changes I would make to survivor bp gain

    1. Gain 25% of bp from teammate actions, since survivors as a team they should all get some reward for the actions of others, if a gen gives 1250 points then the survivor who was being chased gets 312, conversely if that chase ends and the chased survivor got 2k boldness bp then the survivor who was on the gen gets 500 boldness bp survivor is a team role, giving a bit of extra bp for the actions of teammates means that its more likely to get better rounded bp in all categorys, if you get chased the entire match you get 10k boldness but no bp for the gens done while in chase and teammates get no chase bp. Its an easy way to make survivors feel more like a team even if everyone doesn't get a chance to fill every role that match
    2. Buff generator bp, survival bp, good skillcheck bp, and healing bp, every gen should give 3k bp for working on it and 1k for completing it. Good skillchecks across the board should give 150 bp and great skillchecks should give 300bp in their categories, heals should give 1.5k bp for a full heal action, self healing should give 1k bp, and mending should give 1k bp, and escaping should give 8k bp to make it easier to max the category
  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,692

    What I would do is add global bp events for survivors.

    Gen gets completed? Everyone gets a bit of bp.

    Survivor gets unhooked? Everyone gets a bit of bp.

    Hex cleansed? Everyone gets a bit of bp.

    This wouldn't replace the personal bp for the survivor who does that but should help reduce situations where survivor is chased and hooked and lose our on bp due to gens getting doned.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,178

    In my mind, the BP gap is already rooted in the fact that killer can never play with friends, so it's another incentive to play the lone role (of course there also people that prefer that) that is also more stressful.

  • IriaBloo
    IriaBloo Member Posts: 16

    I've been moaning about this to my swf for a while now, honestly really sucks at times to have put in a ton of work during a match as a survivor and still get way less than a Killer who maybe goofed around with a pair of survivors.

    Sometimes when I get really frustrated, I hop on Ghostface, hook a bunch of newbie survivors twice each and then meme with them and let them go. Do a few matches of that and I have enough bps to halfway prestige a survivor. Something ain't right about that…

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    I've always thought there should be a stacking bp bonus for lasting in chase and a stacking bonus for being on hook

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 287
    1. Rewarding teamwork for BPs
    2. Rewarding daring acts better Pallet stuns and escaping chases should be the most bold BP rewards or completing gens in the terror radius.
  • Onako
    Onako Member Posts: 66

    I don’t think bloodpoints are easily obtained like you say for killer gods sake it’s 4v1.

    To me personally it feels easier, I should've stated that so my bad. I just spoke from personal experience from calculating the average bloodpoint amount after X games and also occasionally playing killer myself.

    2 changes I would make to survivor bp gain

    Gain 25% of bp
    from teammate actions, since survivors as a team they should all get
    some reward for the actions of others, if a gen gives 1250 points then
    the survivor who was being chased gets 312, conversely if that chase
    ends and the chased survivor got 2k boldness bp then the survivor who
    was on the gen gets 500 boldness bp survivor is a team role, giving a
    bit of extra bp for the actions of teammates means that its more likely
    to get better rounded bp in all categorys, if you get chased the entire
    match you get 10k boldness but no bp for the gens done while in chase
    and teammates get no chase bp. Its an easy way to make survivors feel
    more like a team even if everyone doesn't get a chance to fill every
    role that match

    Buff generator bp, survival bp, good skillcheck
    bp, and healing bp, every gen should give 3k bp for working on it and 1k
    for completing it. Good skillchecks across the board should give 150 bp
    and great skillchecks should give 300bp in their categories, heals
    should give 1.5k bp for a full heal action, self healing should give 1k
    bp, and mending should give 1k bp, and escaping should give 8k bp to
    make it easier to max the category

    I like these ideas. It for sure would feel more rewarding for the person that loops the killer nonstop and is tied to it since he physically can't even do anything else. If it's a killer that just can't let go of them it currently feels more like a punishment for that survivor than anything.

    Rewarding teamwork for BPs

    Rewarding daring acts better
    Pallet stuns and escaping chases should be the most bold BP rewards or
    completing gens in the terror radius.

    Wouldn't disagree with a readjustment of the bloodpoint distribution either. It's like I stated, I waste 90 seconds on a gen and get 1.250 points flat while getting more for just booning a totem for 14 seconds. The math is not mathing here.

  • Novapheonix22
    Novapheonix22 Member Posts: 23

    I started a thread about the blood Point grind feeling really slow for no reason. My suggestions were to up the base blood points for both roles to about $200 to 300% what they are now, add an offering grinder so that way you can turn offerings that you will realistically never use into blood points rather than just having them sit in your inventory for 18 million years and consume your blood points in the blood web when you didn't want them in the first place, and the final suggestion and the one that I really hope they do the most out of these three is when you purchase a character whether it be a killer or Survivor immediately from the get-go their perks start appearing at level one in everybody's blood web.

    Once you get them to prestige one you have the benefit of having their perks unlocked at level one for all characters immediately but when they're below proced one you should be able to find their perks in blood webs at level one. That stops people from having to sit there and grind blood points into a killer they don't like to unlock perks from that killer for one that they do like and I just use killer as an example because perks on killer are a lot more difficult since every killer can use different perks more effectively but the same would be true for survivors you'd be able to purchase a character and immediately just pump blood points into the character that you actually like playing and wham bam thank you ma'am you have all the perks.

  • Onako
    Onako Member Posts: 66

    Exactly what I am thinking: why are perks that I basically paid for locked behind a grind to even use them? I never understood why they weren't available in the bloodweb right away after they changed the prestige system.

  • XxBloodyBaronxX
    XxBloodyBaronxX Member Posts: 4

    One solution I think of is having a BP multiplier whenever you're in a swf, being capped at 100%. 2 people would give +50%, 3 with +75%

  • Demonice
    Demonice Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    idk why you are having trouble. every game im seeing between 11k-26k bp or more depending on how much I do as survivor. As killer I usually just troll everyone and let everyone escape and I see bout the same for bp if not more cause there is only one killer to 4 survivors.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    Agreed. Survivors should earn a bit more BP. Especially the objective category is weird in that regard. I get that most BP come from skill checks but if I'm unlucky and I don't get my 50k skill checks per match, then why should I have no way to even come close to get full points in this category?

    What about solo survivors? They already get less BP on average because they have a harder time coordinating. They also make up a majority of the player base. 100% bonus BP for playing in a SWF is also a bit much. With the incentive you'd get 3-4 times as many BP as normal (depending on how it's coded). So you easily get more points for a bad game than the killer would for a perfect game.