Changes needed for Executioners power.

Cage of Atonement should act exactly like a hook and give same benefits and activate same perks as a hook would. Also in order to use Final Judgement on a player they had to have been in a Cage of Atonement at least once during the trial.
The whole point of cages is that they are not hooks. This is a double edge sword, because it means that while Execution doesn't benefit from hook perks, neither do survivors.
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Yea, and it's was and still is a bad idea. Just make it an opinion to be a completely safe and fast hook but you get no control to where the survivor gets placed instead of only being used to tunnel.
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no way you literally wanna nerf his final judgment mechanic LMAO
Also no the cages will forever stay as they are
Especially with how all the best slowdowns require hooks it should remain like that….
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I'd agree if all his cages count as scourge hooks.
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I disagree. This takes away makes him unique with his cages. He might as well not even be pyramid head. Should we remove his POTD too? lol
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No they should remain not counting as hooks as that’s one of the main benefits they have. It also comes with negatives for the killer as well.
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Then there wouldn't be much point in using cages. Quite the opposite. You can camp a hook but not a cage. So cages would be a downside instead of an addition to his power. That's a bad idea.
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I just want a addon rework, if they do this, I'm happy