ds change

Im not 100% sure if i remember this correctly but wasnt the reason that they changed ds from 5 to 3 seconds because the usage rate was really high and almost everyone was using it. If so are they gonna have to nerf it again when the usage rate goes up? Cause to me it make no sense reverting a perk to a state you earlier deemed unbalanced.
I've actually read that the change from 5 to 3 seconds was done to balance the fact that they changed Enduring to only work on pallet stuns, so it no longer worked against DS.
But yeah, very strange to revert it back to the earlier version. The time of hopping into lockers immediately after being unhooked lol.
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Listen. They heard the community's cry. Although they specifically said the buff wasn't to fix tunneling (in reality they support tunneling even if it's a playstyle btw), they know the community has been very vocal about how killers have been tunneling much more lately. It's good that it's back to 5 seconds since it can't be abused like it used to, being that conspicuous actions now disables it.
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they changed it because of the usage yes but they made a healthy change by making it not work in the endgame. But the 3 second change was overkill
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It's because they're adding a animation that's going to take nearly 2 seconds so it's really not even changing besides the animation being added
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They've scrapped the animation for now
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Just a little context note: DS got the conspic action nerf quite a ways before it got cut from 5 to 3 seconds.
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I remember all the survivors using DS at the end of the game inside the gate. Nerd 5 to 3 seconds was unnecessary.
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Tunnelling had a big rise since 7.5.0 (understandably so for weaker/M1 Killers) and 3 second DS just wasn't good enough to warrant using. The perk already disable in endgame and on a conspicuous actions which means it can't be used for guaranteed escapes.
Even with 5 second stun, high-tier Killers will still be able to tunnel easily since their power will make them able to catch up.
It's another thing to add to the recent "reason why Killer variety is going down" list that's been only growing since 7.5.0.
Don't get me wrong, it'll help a bit, especially for skilled Survivors, but it's far from ideal. At least now there's a risk to tunnelling and Killers might hesitate.
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The nerf to 3 seconds from 5 seconds happened years after enduring was nerfed. Now there was a lot of people asking for DS to be nerfed due to enduring no longer working on DS, but if DS was nerfed to 3 seconds over enduring changes it's weird they waited so long to do so.
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I believe the change doesnt do to much for the really good playes cause they already made sure that when they used ds they were close enough to a window or loop
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Oh, well that's surprising. Normally with BHVR once they've invested time in animations were stuck with them.
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Well, it just didn't work so there was that
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Killers haven't been tunneling any more than they ever have. Scott jund got it on what? 5/50 games? 2/50 killer induced? That's congruent with my experience.
There's just this negativity bias and this need to bandwagon tunneling complaints.
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To be fair when does anything work properly in this game lol
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I swear to God I'm gonna start playing Survivor exclusively and track ######### again.
Might be my final gasp as a dedicated player but I'm going to do it
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Usually when it's a bad change, like Twins or Billy overheat.
Working perfectly
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We're still back to the square one where DS will hurt m1's and do nothing against the S tier killers
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Pulsar knows this about me but when I play survivor I get tunneled every other game. 🤷🏼♂️
It is what it is. OTR and I are best friends now. Tunnel has been very existent for me
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I disagree. I main Onyro. It won’t hurt me. Sloppy and knockout will become apart of my build.
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so, DS will now truly have 5s stun (instead of 3.5s apart of animation), what does it mean?
- Blight, Nurse and Billy will be next to completely unaffected with this change, while killers that lack mobility will be hurt so much .
- Aggressive use of DS with perks like OTR, Plot Twist and Unbreakable will be even more powerful (already is extremely powerful)
- Skill needed for using perk? Gone, 5s stun removes the part with knowledge of where to force a down. Now you will avoid getting punished for getting downed in a deadzone.
People truly don't know what kind of power 3s DS holds, nor will ever know, you will always see the generic "just don't tunnel" replies which prove even further how clueless big part of community is.