Bring Back Big Perk Meta Shakeups

IHSGames Member Posts: 55

Ever since thr big Meta Shakeup back sometime in 2022 if I'm not mistaking, was probably one of the most healthiest things in DBD not because of just attempting to shake up the meta but attempting to bring under utilized perks into the light such as Deja Vu and Overcharge.

(It was also one of the funnest times in DBD for me. Havent felt fun like that since the RE chapter which is when I first played)

It was also healthy because with the variety of changed perks allowed alot of variety and experimentation in games, causing matches to be less sweaty due to all players attempting to grasp the way different perks and perk builds to how they affected maps and/or killers. Overall, matches became fun because everyone wasn't so persistent on winning but rather exploration and experimentation of these newly changed perks. Its like if you got a whole lot of new toys as a kid.

We need another bug perk meta shakeup to also help bring even more underused perks to the light to add variety to the game/meta. We still have too many bad perks and too little good ones on both sides.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,146
    edited April 21

    Nah I think they need to go the nerf route considering this would (and this is already the case) cause constant power creep, since then the only way something gets replaced in the meta, is if something is stronger than it.

    Take Whispers and Nurses Calling for example. These were A and S tier perks back in the day, and despite not being touched since they have fallen all the way down to C or B tier at best.

    The way you have more perk variety and builds is by making each perk less valuable on its own, but make it have more potential for synergy. DMS I feel is a pretty good example, it doesnt work too well on its own but is very good with something like Pain Res or Grim Embrace. Pain Res how ever I feel like it needs another small tune down since its way too valuable for just a single perk slot

  • Feneroe
    Feneroe Member Posts: 191

    What they need to do is both nerfs and buffs as needed and not just based on pick rate. Nerfs for things being overpowered or oppressive, and buffs for 95% of the perks that exist.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,335

    While there are a lot of perks that should get buffed, it's impossible to shake up the meta without nerfing some things too. Otherwise the only way you can do it is by overbuffing other perks to the point where they are a problem and end up having to be changed again.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 99

    The problem is that the devs are really slow at patching out miserable metas, like the 2022-2023 eruption-call of brine-overcharge was miserable to play against and as, and tanked the survivor playerbase HARD.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 937

    If they limited perk selection to one of each category, so you can't stack multiple gen regression for example, then they should absolutely do another shake up and buff perks without taking anything away from the already stronger one's. Regression / Aura / Utility /Chase etc, Vice versa for Survivor whatever the equivalent categories for them.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,764

    The problem with meta shakeups involving nerfing fair perks, is we have to get unfair perks buffed, or fair perks buffed into being unfair, as well as perfectly fine perks being butchered and forgotten. Look at DS/Pop/PR, all were fair perks, and nearly all of their nerfs were sidegraded or backtracked on. That shows nerfing something on popularity alone is ultra foolish.

    Then look at some other perks like Thana, Ruin, Iron Will, Calm Spirit, Self-Care, and more. There was nothing overpowering about these perks, but they got butchered on the altar of 'shakeups'. (Even more bizarre since Circle of Healing, an actual massive problem at that time, was ignored while the inferior Self-Care was taken out back.)

    There is no quality in massive nerf sweeps, although there can be some merit in buff sweeps with targeted nerfs after the fact. We have many good buff examples, like Cruel Limits, Furtive Chase, Trail of Torment, Saboteur, and more. Background Player imo is currently a problem perk atm, but Flashbangs/Firecrackers saving against walls isn't (without Background Player). Buckle Up and For the People independently are fine, and just need a coding retouch to fix the combo, although that usually isn't as much of an issue as Background Player. Grim Embrace feels like old Incap Eruption, but you don't even need to kick the gen that is going to be blocked now. So we have 3 problems from buffing perks, which can easily be fixed, alongside many nice perks being buffed into actually having a place in builds.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 939

    It's not really good idea to do last meta shake up (many nerfs and buffs).
    There is kinda no point and as you can see right now, most of those perks that are "needed" will get buffed back anyway.
    This system also won't create any variety, you will just see different perks, but still over and over again.

    I would definetly like to see some perks buffed on both sides to create alternatives. Right now, there is almost none. Sadly their last changes reduced variety on killer side a lot.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,621

    No more nerfs, please

    they need to buff the weaker perks

    the "meta" is only meta because there are like 5 or 6 actual good perks on both sides

    If almost all the perks were strong as the meta, the "meta" would not exist since every game some different will be running

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 78

    i agree they should but that one patch was one of a kind . Better cone into terms with the meta being stale for another 5 years