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Bugged archives mission.

coastytrixern Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited April 2024 in Bug Reporting

The "Blood runner" Archives mission on Tome 10 "Saw" on the 4th level for hillbilly is bugged. The mission states "Hit 1 survivor(s) with a chainsaw sprint of 20 meters or more as The Hillbilly. I've done this now on 2 different maps where one time I thought I had it, seemed like roughly 25-35 meters, but it could have been 18-19 meters sprint, but the 2nd time I did it on a completely different match, It was a cross-map hit on a survivor, Laurie Strode, easily 80+ meters who had recently gotten off the hook and was getting healed. I hit the injured survivor who got off the hook, and she went into the deep wound state.

And since the mission states that it needs to hit a survivor from 20 meters or more, and not down, the mission should have been completed, but it wasn't.

I know I had a similar issue with the "Sprint & Slash" mission a few years ago on level 4 of tome 6 for Oni, where it states "Hit a survivor 1 time(s) during a demon dash that lasted for at least 10 seconds as The Oni". I assume this bug has been fixed by now, but if not, I would look into these types of missions.

For some reason I am having issues uploading pictures or files it seems.

Survivor 1: Sable Ward with: Prove Thyself, Windows of Opportunity, Off the record and Dead heard.
Survivor 2: Vittorio Toscano with: Sprint Burst, Prove thyself, We'll make it and Lucky break.
Survivor 3: Laurie Strode with: Windows of Opportunity, Iron Will, Dead hard and We'll make it.
Survivor 4: Sable Ward with: Deja vu, Urban evasion, We'll make it and lightweight.

I was playing The Hillbilly with: Barbeque & Chili, Pop goes the weasel, Corrupt intervention and Unforeseen with the add-ons Filthy Slippers and Spiked boots.

The 1st game was on Thompson's House, The 2nd game was on Fractured cowshed.

Post edited by EQWashu on
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