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Why do I not see any fellow Xenos?

Whenever I play survivor, I rarely see a fellow Xeno main. I am creating this discussion to rally any fellow Xenos or anyone who wants tips on Xeno.

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  • Member Posts: 6,025
    Answer ✓

    She's not really mechanically satisfying to play as and many chases as and against Xeno are just W simulators since that's the basic counterplay against her.

  • Member Posts: 158
    Answer ✓

    We are a small, but dedicated hive !

    Hats off to you fellow Xeno main.

    If you have some tips, then go for it.

  • Member Posts: 5,735
    Answer ✓
    • Her hitbox is sometimes strange, you will sometimes miss hits that looked like they should have landed making you feel bad.
    • Playing without at least one anti-turrent addon againts Survivors who don't put turrents next to tunnels can be painfull to deal with. Feeling like you should play at least with the helmet addon or -2m range yellow addon on turrets.
    • Her counterplay is hold W, predrop if possible which is boring if Survivors play it well.
    • Her power isn't super unique, she shares elements with other killers. Only true unique thing is turrets that you don't even get to play with.
    • When you get out of your power by turrets, the chase is pretty much dead unless you are very close or its dead zone.
  • Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2024 Answer ✓

    I liked the Xeno on release, but when they implemented the number changes it started to feel "slow". Something that I myself don't understand, as its cooldown numbers don't differ much from other killers that I play, but that's why I don't play it unless I have a daily.

  • Member Posts: 4,655
    Answer ✓

    Fun killer, that suffered from the sentiment, that "all killers start strong but get nerfed when they come out." I think many people have stopped enjoying Xeno after the original tail nerf. Not saying, that the cooldown change wasnt necessary. On top of that, the hitbox had numerous bugs and had to be fixed at least 3 times.

    As people already pointed out:


    • shift w + predrop is boring to play against (seemingly not boring to play as, as so many people do it despite the killer in play not having a strong chasing power)
    • smart usage of turrets can lead to playing without a power, which feels awful.
    • Hitbox of tail and animation still dont aling in many cases, leading to questionable looking hits and misses. (I know why it didnt hit. Doesnt make it less frustrating though)
    • Tail is similar to other powers


    • Cool animations and sound design
    • Cool skins
    • Amazing and iconic license
    • Fun addons
    • Great perk synergy
    • Strong antiloop
    • the tunnels

    I played Xeno a lot and wanted my next P100 project to be Xeno when it came out. Sadly, due to the mentioned problems, the killer can feel very frustrating at times, which is why my Jill is now getting leveled.

    I still play Xeno once or twice a session.

  • Member Posts: 5,955
    Answer ✓

    I have no idea, if Xeno even works correctly at the moment. There have been too many times when I played Xenokitty and either I couldn't destroy turrets (or only with a second hit) or my tail went right through the survivors, so I just stopped playing her. Now I have kind of lost track of her state and only play her once every few weeks.

  • Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2024 Answer ✓

    I disagee with it not being unique:

    - It's tail attack which is the least unique thing is different than nemesis (which is the most comparable one), the verticality allows hits than no other ranged killers can do. You can hit a near 90° making you able to strike people from above and below gaps. Numerous exemples on RCPD, dead dawg, some on midwitch, you can hit trough the small gap in the eyrie of crow shack (which is insane) and so much more i could write a small word document. These are situationals, punishing and difficult, but the tail allows you to do some insane things (which is skilled AND unique, not as flashy like other i agree but still).

    - Tunnels are unique in every aspect or shape. It is an entire submap that allows you to move (and not teleport) in complete silence to emerge and strike. You move fast and you can detect survivors. Other killers must commit to their power, but Xeno is free to move and track survivors. People can find it boring, but it is unique and not comparable to the portals of demo in any ways.

    - First quadrupedal killer (with proper animations, watch Pyramid head walking in stairs and you will understand what i mean), it has some minors pros and cons like the POV and "extended body" (survivors will see you sooner since your cam is a bit back and not in your head while you are crawling). It can make some loops difficult since you are low on the ground for them i guess, after numerous 1v1 using only m1, people said that it changed nothing so yeah, not sure about the pros except the TR, but it has cons.

    - Like you said, the turrets are unique, motion tracker which counter the stealth of the tunnels and a flamethrower that force the Xeno to focus on it for some extra seconds at the risk of becoming an M1 killer for 35s (without Ovomorph add on).

    This killer is a force to respect, you can loop it like another killer, but contrary to the Hag, you have to setup to properly face it. Not using the turrets will make things easier for the Xeno, because even if you badly use the turrets, you can still benefit from the motion tracker. Not using them at all is asking for carnage.

    So, even if it's power ressemble in the grand lines to other killers (altrough i disagree but let's say so). It is nowhere near the same thing, it would be like saying that Wesker and Blight are redundant because they both dashes forward. Like, yeah, if you ignore everything else, i guess they both dashes. In Xeno's case, it move fast around the map like a teleport and shoots a short ranged projectile.

    For the rest, great points, the add ons are a must (the best for me is self destruct bolt, very cool and strong add on) and imo, should not exist, this touch too much the counterplay making turrets inconsistent for survivors. They will not understand why sometimes it works and other time the Alien can just become Ragnaros the firelord and push trough the turrets.

    The hitbox IS strange but you can learn it, my real problem with it is the cooldown, it is punshing and pushes you to not use it except when the hit is guarranted (worse on console) which is bad design. You should not fear using you power because it is that punishing. I don't feel punished at all playing Billy and slightly with Nemesis, they should tweak that a bit. Reduce cooldown to 2.7 (m1 like demogorgon and pig recent update) minimum or 2.5 if they are generous, speed should not change that much, maybe a little, little bit up like 1.4. You would go from 3.6m during cooldown to 3.5, almost the same but with 0,5s less of "im watching him W because i tried something fancy". You can make this small tweak only for the miss to still give more distance on hit to the surv. An idea to dig maybe.

    For the burned/bipedal step, i would up the downtime of the power by a large margin, making the power like the oni to really force the Xeno to go in tunnels when burned, this would make the turrets more rewarding but would render double turrets really oppressive, not sure about this one, but i don't like that you can get your power after 35s while not interacting with the tunnels at all. To compensate, and perhaps the thing i want the most, have more stations on the map to really heavily play with the tunnel system, i have used them midchase to catch up a fat W or change target in quick motion and i would love to use them more. Idk for the numbers but my most wanted chnage would be more stations around the map !

    Sorry for the large amount of text, im passionate about this killer.

  • Member Posts: 531
    Answer ✓

    As a dedicated xeno main I whole hearted agree with Hero. I feel the same as they do and was going to write pretty much the same thing. I know the tail bugs shortly after release almost made me give up on her. If I wasn't a HUGE Alien fan I probably wouldn't be playing her.

  • Member Posts: 4,655
    Answer ✓

    Its the character that keeps us dedicated. If not for Amanda and Sadako I would not be playing anymore. Just ask @GeneralV .

  • Member Posts: 3,554
    Answer ✓

    I have lately enjoyed playing xeno so there's some who still play her. After her nefs I took long break from her. Great thing about the cooldown before was you were not pusnished using you're power. And on console her power is already harder to use.

    I still have some weird misses where im sure I should hit over pallet but no survivor crouched or managed to move quickly away from it. Even seen the tail hit survivor not doing damage... Some of those are on me. But now the cooldwon is too punishing especially on console.


  • Member Posts: 880
    edited April 2024

    Overnerfed and bad, buggy tail attack

    Alien is a top 3 movie for me, and I can’t stand to play xeno because of how dirty they did her.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I find the game play one dimensional and not much room for skill expression.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    I LOVE the tunnels and underground Sound Detection, but the Tail Attack isnt necessarily the most amazing anti-loop tool considering the turrets that both break you out and detect you as well.

    The stealth aspect of it's Crawler Mode and Tunnel system is cool, but it seems highly useless when you are being ratted out by the turrets constantly. If they nerfed the Motion Tracker to not be such a ridiculously powerful range, I might play it more.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Its such a shame because I think Xeno is one of the more fun killers in the game alongside killers like Pinhead, but who'd want to subject themselves to being tied down to Xenos kit?

    Wish they'd give Xeno something just to satisfy my own selfish wish of seeing this killer more.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2024

    As someone already mentioned it's cause Xeno's pretty one-dimensional in terms of her gameplay, which makes her boring to play for most people in the long run. There's some tricky shots with you can do with the tail but the skill ceiling is still not as high as some of the other killers. Also this may be subjective but dealing with turrets in general is a real pain in the ass.

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