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Patch 7.7.0 Crash on Startup

I'm on PC and I did the 7.7.0 update and now I can't log into the game without it crashing before it's finished initializing. Is there a fix for this? I already verified the integrity of my files.

15 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • I have the same problem, except mine doesn't crash. It stays stuck on, "Initializing Shaders". I have never had this problem before…

  • Whitelotus82
    Whitelotus82 Member Posts: 7

    I've never had this issue before either until this update…. Guess that eliminates one game I'll be playing.

  • Yeah it sucks…I really do grind in this game..

  • brizzyne
    brizzyne Member Posts: 8

    I am also having this issue. The crash seems to always occur when it hits initializing shaders. Sometimes it gives an out of video memory error. My graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti with 12 gigs of video memory. I tried manually downloading and installing the latest update I could find for the card but I have the same error afterwards. Sometimes I get the error report box and sometimes it just triggers a complete PC restart when it hits the shaders part of the lauch.

  • Whitelotus82
    Whitelotus82 Member Posts: 7

    I have a GT 3060, my system is totally new, pretty decent specs and updated, so there's no reason for it to be happening on my end.

  • Whitelotus82
    Whitelotus82 Member Posts: 7

    Don't know why I wrote GT. Headache…. GeForce RTX 3060 by Nvidia.

  • StaringStars
    StaringStars Member Posts: 1

    I'm having the same issue. Every time I try to open the game, it gets stuck on Initializing Shaders, and then either crashes the game with an "allocating memory" error, makes my PC shut down and restart or gives me the blue screen of death.

    I've got a Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti with 32 RAM, and I've never had this issue before, only since the update.

    I've tried verifying files, tried doing a clean re-install, checked all my drivers for updates etc.

  • Butternubs69
    Butternubs69 Member Posts: 21

    I'm having issues too, but unlike the other people commenting, I definitely Don't have a new powerful rig. for me, the EAC splash screen opens, but once it finishes, the actual game doesn't launch, and then my Steam status acts like I'm not in a game (though it turned green while the EAC splash was up, so it did recognize I was "in game" at that point). I'm having the same problem with Palia, which also had an update yesterday

  • sunnycloudy
    sunnycloudy Member Posts: 1

    I’m having the same issue only I get to a match and then my game crashes right before it starts or sometime in the beginning, middle, or end. I also keep receiving penalties for it.

  • brizzyne
    brizzyne Member Posts: 8

    I have fixed the issue for my computer. It appears that if you have a 13 or 14th gen Intel CPU then it may actually be an issue with your bios power settings. Yes it looks like it is a GPU issue with the out of video memory error but it is actually a CPU issue. I found a thread in the steam discussions forum for DBD that led me to how to fix the issue. Unfortunately if you are crashing and don't have a CPU of those generations it is probably a different issue for you.

  • Yeah, it stays stuck on "Initializing Shaders." and when i close it, it says security error found or something like that.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    My game stutters and stalls on "Initializing Shaders" but it does reliably let me through after 1min.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    So I tried to check out what @brizzyne was talking about, like seriously you say you fixed it but don't post your findings? smh
    Anyway, I believe it was this thread.

    They suggest to add "-dx11" to the Steam Launch settings. like this: Right Click game in menu list/ properties / General:

    I already tested it, it fixed the issue for me and allowed me to go from the Loading Screen into the Main Menu without getting stuck on "Initializing Shaders". I encourage everyone here who has this problem to try it and tell us all if it works for you.

    This could be a clue to what is wrong. Good luck.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I will say that after "fixing" this issue, the stutter that comes when switching character (killer) is back after this latest patch fixed it.
    But I had that issue before so I can live with that.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    A friend of mine can't even start the game. She gets this error message (from EAC I assume):

    Mere moments before she gets a BSOD.

    She also told me that her laptop was suddenly very slow after the update.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I had that once on the PTB but it fixed itself for me and I luckily don't have any problems so far.

    AMD CPU and GPU.

  • I tried this and it gets past the initializing renders, and the cut scene, to only crash mere seconds later. I did eventually get past the crashing and into the game, but the minute i clicked on tomes it crashed again…

  • jowsantana28
    jowsantana28 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I have the same problem, my game takes a long time on the loading screen with the phrase "Initializing Shaders" and then crashes, this didn't happen before the update.

  • Whitelotus82
    Whitelotus82 Member Posts: 7

    That's EXACTLY what's happening with mine now too and it also NEVER happened to me before.

  • Has anyone found a solution other than changing the launch setting?

  • sorabee
    sorabee Member Posts: 1

    same thing is happening to me on both steam and windows microsoft editions of the game :( can’t even log in before it crashes.

  • redglyph
    redglyph Member Posts: 56

    I don't know the technical reason, but I have a friend who got it back to normal by reinstalling the steam client.

    It may have something to do with the boot options mentioned above.

  • Whitelotus82
    Whitelotus82 Member Posts: 7

    I've tried logging in twice today. Earlier today it did the same crash/close out the game in the login "Initializing Shaders" stage. Tonight I tried to log in and it shut down my whole computer at the "Initializing Shaders" stage. Someone had told me that they received an e-mail saying BHVR had fixed the issues…. They definitely changed something, but it is MOST CERTAINLY NOT FIXED.

  • KaeJo
    KaeJo Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2024

    Why would you say this and then not share how you fixed it?

    Post edited by KaeJo on
  • KaeJo
    KaeJo Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2024

    I figured it out and I'm back to share the results!!

    I went searching for CPU + Unreal 5 related issues after reading Brizzyne's post above. I found two Reddit posts that helped me solve the issue for my computer. The first (HERE) explains what is actually going on.

    I then searched for solutions to this specific issue, which led me HERE. This post talks about how to fix the issue.

    In short, if you've overclocked your 13th/14th generation Intel CPU (or in some cases, even left the BIOS default), then you are probably crashing your CPU because Unreal 5 pushes it beyond it's limits per manufacturer recommendations. The second Reddit post gives specific instructions for "underclocking" your BIOS settings to prevent these crashes.

    The settings recommended worked for me right out of the gate. When I got to "Initializing Shaders," my CPU spiked all the way to 100% utilization, stayed there for a few seconds, and then I moved past the Shaders step and played a full match without issues.


    Post edited by KaeJo on
  • YeahOkayFineWhatever
    YeahOkayFineWhatever Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2024

    Okay, so i checked up on all of my settings and turns out I have legacy instead of UEFI. Am i just doomed?

    Post edited by YeahOkayFineWhatever on
  • KaeJo
    KaeJo Member Posts: 7

    Are you running Windows? If so, I think you would have to do a fresh install of Windows. Here's an article I found from Microsoft:

    Unfortunately, I'm not the most knowledgeable about this stuff. I had to do a TON of Googling when I built my PC!

  • KaeJo
    KaeJo Member Posts: 7

    This article makes it seem like it's possible to do, but I don't know that I'd try it myself unless re-installing Windows just wasn't an option.

  • KaeJo
    KaeJo Member Posts: 7

    Back to update that this fix has continued to work for me all week with no other issues / side effects. Seems to be a stable fix.

  • s4ty
    s4ty Member Posts: 2

    What helped me was especially the SVID Behavior for my Asus Mainboard

    "Troubleshooting Update from Intel Corporation - Additional troubleshooting steps for ASUS, Gigabyte and MSI motherboards:

    First, install Intel XTU and run the AVX2 test. If the AVX2 test failure is seen, try these options:

    1. For ASUS:

      Ask customer to change BIOS settings: Advanced (F7)- SVID Behavior: Change to "Intel's Fail Safe"

      Reboot the OS and run XTU test again and if the AVX2 test can pass. Run games and see if the issue happens again.
    2. For Gigabyte: …
    3. For MSI: …"
  • KaeJo
    KaeJo Member Posts: 7

    Yes, this is essentially where the links I posted lead as well. Adjusting BIOS to prevent too much power draw. Sounds like this is the "official" fix, though some other fixes that people have posted help as workarounds as well.

  • hansolokey
    hansolokey Member Posts: 1

    This fixed my problem. I simply put -dx11 in launch options and my game isn't crashing anymore. I hope this also helps everyone else, although it's a shame so many of us are having to deal with this in the first place.

  • rowlent
    rowlent Member Posts: 16

    @Butternubs69 Did you managed to get a fix?
    I have the same problem.
    The EAC loads but it crash.
    I use the parameter " -dx11 " (I play on Steam), the EAC loads, the game start loading but it freeze when the DbD logo loads. So I use the Task Manager to close the game.

    I recently used the parameter " -nosettingslimit -dx10 " (with the "Show FPS" turn off).
    The game crash after the EAC load but after still trying it, like four times, the game opens. It get laggy while loading the "Shaders", after waiting for 3-4 minutes it finish and I reach the main menu.

    I redeem a code and claim the weekly gift box.
    I tried to play a match, a custom match with bots, after loading it crash.

    So… this "solution" is useful only to spend bloodpoints or claim things.

    I really hope the next update (June 3rd) fix, somehow, all this crashes so we all can play as usual.

  • Jaysie
    Jaysie Member Posts: 1

    @rowlent This completely fixed the issue for me, I am now able to play full matches and get past the loading screen.