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Spreading out pressure feels impossible

Member Posts: 167

So, I've been playing this game for a while, and I've really been enjoying playing wesker! I've been playing with only corrupt and deadlock for passive slowdown, and trying to focus on getting chases on every survivor. I've been having a good amount of fun, but I haven't won a single game in the last 10 games. The MMR the game has put me in, essentially has made it impossible to stop all the gens from being completed because of how many chases I'm taking. I don't really want to run pop and pain res, and I don't want to start slugging or tunneling, so what can I realistically do here? It feels like the strategy to have as much fun by chasing survivors is obsolete, as even with 8 hooks the emblem system only counts that as "bronze" so I'm not ranking up at all.

I feel completely powerless and my matches seem meaningless

What are your thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 619

    Neither defending Gen nor reducing the number of people by concentrating on one survivor and targeting them is allowed in the Jeff or Survivor's Rulebook, and the killer seems to be considered a device just to chase and make the survivor happy.

    If you want to get 4k consistently, it is better to use nurses or brights so that each chase takes 2-30 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 4,183
    edited April 2024

    Well, I don't know what you want to hear?

    Going for 8hooks before any kill is and always will be the hard mode way to play this game.

    You have determine for yourself if that's what you want to do and if you are having fun.

    The matchmaking and MMR seemed to be random for years now, due to shortening queue times and softening matchmaking ranges.

    You have to decide how you want to play. Your opponents won't be consistent and not complimenting your play style in the VAST MAJORITY of cases. You can get solo newbies, having no clue what to do, in one match and the next will be a seal team six, hellbent on cranking out those gens for a speed run match or the same team trying to hard deny you as the killer, because interaction=fun, FOR THEM.

    So, stick to your morals, switch it up with better killers/meta perks/unpopular play styles/whatever or quit the game, as I did.

    Survivor will complain no matter what and in general won't thank you much for pulling your punches.

    So it's all up to you and no one else.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    You really can’t afford to spread pressure fully in this game. You don’t have to tunnel always but you should always be ignoring one person and hooking the other three. Unless you’re Nurse or Blight then you can easily spread out pressure. If you don’t want to run Gen slowdown I would run aura/ chase perks. Unfortunately survivors have Distortion is super overpowered and can literally counter 4 aura reading perks at once. So you could go into a game and end up only having 2 useable perks. People run 4 slowdowns because they are essentially the only perks in the game that can’t be countered.

  • Member Posts: 40

    When you say you didn't win a single game you mean literally all 10 games were a 3-4 man out for survivors?

    That's kind of wild to think for Wesker or any killer really. I'd recommend just going with Pain Res + Pop and tunneling/camping when you feel like it's necessary. And I say all that as a solo q survivor main lol

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Of course it feels impossible, because it is objectively impossible

  • Member Posts: 808

    Give Pain res a Try its healthy and fair and rewards you for going after different survivors

  • Member Posts: 512

    Personally, I believe that your actions as killer should be driven by strategy, not feelings.

    If you end back at the hook as someone was being rescued, go for the rescuer not because you are being nice, but because you might risk getting D'striked, they might have Off the Record. They will need to go and heal or get back on gens regardless, and you can down them again.

    Don't let people accuse you of tunneling. Survivors won't do you any favours by waiting to heal before doing gens again, some will just repair them while injured. So if you find a survivor who has not healed from when they were last hooked, it is okay to hook them again. If you come across a gen with 2 survivors on it, and one of them is on death hook, it is okay to go for them to make your game easier.

    If you try and go for 8 hooks just to be nice, most survivors will not be grateful, in fact most of them will either still hate you because of the killer you play, or just because you are the killer. So learning not to care about the enemies opinions will help you cope with playing killer.

    This also applies to survivors too. Survivors should do their best to punish bad plays or decisions by the killer. Don't feel bad for pallet stunning killers if they down a surv at a pallet, don't feel bad for holding W running to safe areas away from gens so you and your team can reset. These are all valid strategies.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Spreading pressure works on some killers better than others. If you can't get across the map quickly (either a teleporter, Wraith, Blight), then the survivors correct strategy is to spread you out.

    It just becomes a numbers game. In any game of DbD survivors have to occupy the killer long enough to get the gens done (in chase). Now the amount of time they have to keep you occupied is reduced by all the time you spend getting around the map and finding survivors.

    And without gen regression perks, Deadlock is just a minor annoyance especially if they are already spread out.

    That said, if you're having fun, keep having fun.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Always, always, always, ALWAYS tunnel one survivor out of the game, think of it like this: Killers don't get to play the game until one of them is killed. What you can do is the following three phases:
    1. Find and chase a survivor, if you are not able to hit him in 15 seconds or less, go look for another one. Looking at the hours in the pre lobby also helps usually in finding the weakest one.
    2. Once you have a survivor hooked, pretend to do stuff like looking for survivors, kicking gens, etc. You are not actually doing all that, you are just waiting for an unhook. Stay nearby, if you see that he's about to hit second stage, stay even closer but not close enough that it would trigger the anti facecamping.
    3. Return to the hook as soon as you hear the unhook, make a mad dash for it, Wesker excells at this technique. Repeat phase 2 and 3 until you have killed at least one, then you can do whatever you want in the game.

    Sadly, the decisive strike buff has made it so survivors have reclaimed a powerful tool against our efforts, what I do now is tunnel them and slug for 60 seconds, I have a timer that starts automatically as soon as the survivor gets unhooked that tells me when I should pick them up. In the meantime while they are slugged, I just go chase the rescuer, but you don't want to chase for too long because it might trigger unbreaking in the slugged survivor, I also have a timer for that just in case. At this point you should have the slugged survivor, the rescuer being chased and another survivor that got off gens to go rescue the first survivor, easy pressure. If you have something like deadlock or pain resonance, then that's game

    And don't say that you don't want to tunnel or slug, this is the type of game you signed up for, I can't help someone that doesn't want to help himself

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