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Xbox Series S Blurry Graphics/Low Quality Textures/Pixelation

Stiopic Member Posts: 2

After the new update the game looks super blurry and pixelated on Series S, like someone smeared vaseline all over the screen. It's kinda hard to find survivors when playing killer due to how bad the game looks, so this is definitely affecting gameplay. Survivor is also bad as I can barely see the killer from a distance due to how pixelated and blurry it looks. The textures are low quality and everything looks pixelated. The graphics were fine before the update. UE5 ain't it man...

5 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • llYukll
    llYukll Member Posts: 8

    Same, on Series S and things are blurry. I recorded this clip (for the goofy rubber banding and networking issue) but posting it here because you can see how things just aren't crisp (look at the heartbeat, has that vaseline smear you mention)

    XERONOX Member Posts: 1

    same here, i noticed it right away, also this is with FSR turned up to 100, looks like someone smeared vaseline over the screen, auras are very blurry, you cant see far in the distance without it being a pixelated mess. everything just looks so soft after the update. i hope that its fixed soon