Complaints about such simple mechanics for killers and how they are ignored.

I've been noticing that since the update, twins have gotten stronger, yet the players seem to think that an instant recall makes the chase faster. As a person who enjoys the new twins, I tested what would happen if I allowed them to hold victor hostage for a bit, and I got massive value. The "babysitter" survivors ended up revealing their entire team's location to me almost every time. Also, in chase a survivor who is crushing victor will end up completely stopping their movement because of the crush animation, which won me the game 2 times and gave me many free downs. So, for the love of God, stop insta-recalling victor, it's just sad at this point.
Hopefully this channel will help the community stay more up to date with the small mechanics that can be the difference between a 1K and a 4K. Also hopefully it helps with counterplay on the survivor side so that they don't constantly rage and DC because they think something bugged.