General Discussions

General Discussions


Member Posts: 119
edited July 2024 in General Discussions

Is it just me, or is wiggling just kinda… pointless? Like, I'm pretty good at hitting the great checks, but it doesn't seem to matter. Unless the killer just absolutely messes up, or your team manages to body block, there's no escaping the killer's grasp, with or without Iron Grasp. At least in my experience. Doesn't matter how far I'm dragged across the map, the bar never fills up fast enough for me to get out.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 119

    Even if it's just meant to make it harder for the killer to move you to a hook, it doesn't do that job well at all either. More often than not, I'll face a killer who isn't using a perk to limit how much wiggling affects them, and yet my wiggling does nothing. They move like they're not being obstructed. Like, in my personal experiences, it's a pointless function.

  • Member Posts: 119

    Wiggling DOES cause the killer to move, making it hard to move. At least it does when I'm playing killer. It's part of the function, and it doesn't do it well at all. And there isn't much of a time limit unless the killer just doesn't decide to hook you.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    You dont understand OP. They are talking about the effect that wiggling is supposed to make the Killer strafe sideways when you hit the Great Skill Checks while wiggling.

    I dont know why there is even a negative effect for hitting the Good Skill Checks, but BHVR-things I guess.


    As others have said, wiggling is only supposed to make sure that the Killer cannot get to any Hook they like. And while you think it feels like they still reach any hook they want, this is just not the case. If there would be no wiggling, they could travel way further with you on their shoulder and reach a Scourge Hook (for example) 100% of the time. The Killer will most likely still get to a Scourge Hook with wiggling, but it might be possible that they dont. And this possibility (of not reaching the Hook they want) is at least there with wiggling.

    Furthermore, look at the numbers:

    Good Skill Checks reduce the side strafing effect to 50% and Great only increase it to 120%, making it 20% stronger than Base. That is not much so you should not really expect a big effect from it. If you want a big effect for wiggling, you have to run Boil Over (but dont, the Perk is bad).

    For why this is even a thing - back in the day wiggling was not done via Skill Checks but via messhing two buttons (on PC) and I think on Controller it was using the stick very fast. This was changed at some point since it was an annoying mechanic to do and also was not really good on the hardware, at least on console. So they added Skill Checks, including a Great Skill Check-Zone. First this achieved that you can wiggle off a bit faster if you hit the Great Skill Check (1 second total if you hit all of them), but they changed it to the side strafe-effect being stronger or weaker. (In the end even wiggling off faster was totally fine and nearly nobody complained about it, but they still felt like changing it)

    So yeah, just see BPs as the main reason to hit Great Skill Checks. The side strafing-effects are not worth it. And in the end, wiggling is only supposed to limit the decision making of the Killer a bit and NOT to make you wiggle free on a regular basis.

  • Member Posts: 512

    People were breaking their controllers unnecessarily, all you needed to do was gently move the stick left to right continuously, the speed that you did it made no difference.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    Id like to add to this.

    The whole strafing thing is overall a lost cause. In pc you barley notice if someone uses boilover and it ever only is a problem on maps like rpd. But the stronger strafing from boilover shows that this whole mechanic works mich better against console players wich makes it so bhvr cant really touch it or thise people get effected more. (Maybe thats ehy boilover is a bad perk now)

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    I only now the PC-experience, but I also have noticed in one game that high Ping is also increasing the strafing. At least I had one game where the Survivor was on 600 Ping once (I dont think they did it intentionally, since it only happened once and not all the time they were picked up) and I unable to really move since I got strafed into a corner and did not get out of it.

    When it comes to Boil Over in particular - this Perk deserves a full Rework. It is super-weak when just used nornally and annoying when used with a specific Build. They should just rework into a Perk which is worth taking and cannot be used in one particular build to be annoying.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    I understand the op. Neaxolotl explained that wiggling is just restricting where you can hook. Then OP replied that even then it doesnt do its job bc the strafe-effect is barely a factor. So i explained (like moputopia but their comment was faster) that it means the time limit and not the strafe.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Pointless???????????? Are we playing the same game? Did you ever played killer?

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    i only play pc myself but what i have heard and seen from buddys and streamer that play on console when boilover was use much more often every indoor map was a automatic loose

  • Member Posts: 39

    It still doesnt even do that very well. I cant count how many times i watch killers pass 3-4 hooks to get them to hook they want. Even with hits and Sabos wiggling is a pointless feature that doesn't even do its alleged job of not letting kills walk the map with a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    You're right, wiggling doesn't do anything. Keep on, stop wiggling!

    (But please only when i play killer)

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    I’d also like to add that the forced movement is there to add weight to the survivor. You’re carrying a live thing, struggling to survive.

    Not everything is to be balanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    but lets be honest do you think it would be good if wiggeling would be even a some what reliable way to escape the killer?

    even if we say wiggle should get you free when another survivor takes a hit and sabos a hook do you know how frustrating being a killer would turn? you could pretty much go afk when you face a swf

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I'd argue that on an indoor map the stronger side strafing is much better than the 1 second faster wiggling. I don't get the why the downside of good skill checks is that bad either but bringing it to 100% would feel kind of wrong because then the difference between great skill checks and good skill checks becomes negligible. Further buffing great skill checks can lead to a killer getting stuck in place though, especially in combination with Boil Over.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    So many seem to misunderstand the purpose of wiggling but despite this being explained year after year people still make these complaints, so I pretty much give up trying to argue it.

    But when I play killer there are so many times where it feels like I barely make the nearest hook and especially on maps like Meat Plant where even getting to a hook on the bottom level can be confusing as hell at times.

    Wiggling is fine and still serves its intended purpose

  • Member Posts: 429

    Wiggling isn't meant to get you off the killer's shoulder anything even remotely resembling consistently. Its meant to keep the killer from getting a basement hook every down.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Don't wiggle then.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    I’m not sure you’re understanding what they are trying to say. It’s just a time limit , 16 seconds is all they get. So that way they can’t cross the entire map and put you in basement. Or make it to where they can’t get to a scourge hook. Wiggling absolutely puts pressure on the killer and if the survivors are smart and noticed you’re walking a far distance to a scourge hook and take a last second hit out sabo then you get out. You’re not really supposed to wiggle free ever otherwise why even bother hooking?

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    I mean, you don't HAVE to wiggle if you don't want to.

    It's not meant to be able to allow you to wiggle out for free at all, it's only there to stop the killer from dragging everyone to the basement every hook and it allows for sabotage plays.

    Any time there's been a reliable way to force a wiggle out (such as Boil Over before it got nerfed), it was kind of miserable for everyone involved.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    This mechanic is there solely for the SWFs, only they can manage to use it to save their teammates. Move along, soloQ sufferer.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    It does that very well, passing 3-4hooks isn't even common anyway and since survivors can break hooks it HAS to be that long

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    The great skill checks will impact the side-ways movement imposed on the killer, not accelerate your progress build-up.

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