Call of Brine Overcharge rework ideas


Call of Brine

After damaging a generator Call of Brine activates for 30 seconds.

While active, the generator regresses at 150/175/200% of the normal regression speed, you can see its aura in yellow, and each time a Survivor completes a good Skill Check on that generator, you receive a loud noise notification. (This regression increase does not stack with other increases.)

Call of Brine then goes on cooldown for 30 seconds.


Overcharge a generator by performing the Damage Generator action. The next Survivor interacting with that generator is faced with a difficult Skill Check. Failing the Skill Check results in an additional 2/3/4% loss of progress.

Succeeding the Skill Check grants no progress but prevents the generator explosion.

After Overcharge is applied to a generator, its regression speed increases from 100% of normal to 150% of normal over the next 45 seconds. (This regression increase does not stack with other increases.)


  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,684

    Sounds fair and not overly oppressive.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 491

    Funnily enough, those kinds of buffs (necessary to break the horribly stale meta created by almost every update since 7.5.0) would be unnecesarry if they just adjusted the Anti-3-gen to do what it's supposed to do without making many perks irrelevant after a certain threshold of experience, especially for weaker/M1 Killers.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,238

    Just revert them both to the last version. Now that we have the 3 gen feature limiting their strength those nerfs are no longer necessary.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,745

    i think that is poor idea. they should increase base regression from 400% to 300% which would buff these perks into relevancy.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,238

    Well of course I'd prefer that as well, I just doubt that's going to happen.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,745

    i think it will happen. they have buffed gen-kicking two times. it is one change away from being a relevant mechanic in the game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,238
    edited April 27

    Add that, then a weaker base kit pain res that works on every hook as long as it's not the same survivor that was hooked last to only give it to killers playing fair and then we can nerf a lot of gen slow down perks simultaneously.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,745
    edited April 27

    as much i would love pain res base-kit, that's one change i think that will not happen. In fact, i predict pain res and grim embrace to get nerfed. I don't know when though. Just that i sense that it will not stay the same.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,238

    Until they bake a good amount of gen regression into the base game stacking gen regression will be the meta forever.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 120

    You say this almost every discussion regarding slowdown ngl, and no offense, but are you sure you're not exaggerating the effects of that system just a tad? I've played probably hundreds of killer games since they dropped that system, and have never actually lost a game due to it. By the time I actually get a gen blocked off, it doesn't even matter. The game's already over cause I've gotten enough hooks in the match to have won. 8 kicks per gen is more than what any killer would ever need for gen defense, unless your just deliberately playing for a 3 gen stalemate game which is exactly what the system's intended to combat.

    Disagree. Free regression that requires nothing, but kicking a gen is not good design.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,238
    edited April 29

    To say those perks are “free” is disingenuous. It’s not free. Kicking is a high cost. The time spent walking over, kicking, then returning to apply pressure is a cost that is not insignificant. You’re looking at 5 seconds here, minimum. 5x3 survivors as I’ll not only be generous on time but also assume you’ve got someone hooked. So even being generous here that’s 15 seconds lost to generator progress from the survivor team on every.single.kick. With it probably being more than 15 seconds realistically. I don’t think you realize how much of a negative kicking generally is and how much time you’re losing. This is why it’s almost never worth kicking a gen unless you’ve got perks adding value to it.

    Also, even ignoring that cost associated with kicking, it’s still not free in regards to skill. This would be like calling Ruin free, which is also not true for the same reason. That reason being that you only get that regression value if you’re good at map pressure. Unless you can pressure survivors away from multiple gens they will cancel the regression. They don’t just sit there continuing to regress for free no matter what you do.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,255
    edited April 29

    I don't see much use in this buff for CoB. The entire perk only works, if you kick gens an excessive amount of times. But that is no longer possible due to the 8 regression events limit. Risking one of these to have the regression stopped only 5 seconds later isn't worth it. So it would still be an inferior version to any of the current slowdown meta perks.

    It would be better than it is now but not by a lot.

    Overcharge would remain a terrible perk. 150% over 45 seconds is way too little. That never happens and even if it does, the extra regression wouldn't be that great. If this is applied linear, then we're talking about 2.8 seconds extra regression over a time of 45 seconds. That's nothing.

    Post edited by Xernoton on
  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 491

    The system won't matter most of the time it's true.

    If you're better than the Survivors (or just get someone out asap) then you didn't really need slowdown anyway.

    If you steamroll the other side then yeah the system won't matter too much unless you stack slowdown.

    The issues start to show when Survivors know what they are doing and you don't have the mobility/lethality to forego slowdown in favor of quick chases. Especially if using weaker regression perks (Surge, Eruption, OC, CoB etc.) and/or non-regression kick perks too liberally (NtH, Surveillance, Trail of Torment, Unforeseen, Dragon's Grip etc.) and getting punished just for getting perk value (or getting punished for trying to get perk value when Survivors manage to evade NTH, cancel ToT, just succeed the OC skillcheck, be smart enough to not touch the Dragon's Grip gen until you left etc.) despite not intending to 3-gen (which is the vast majority of games).

    The system on it's own will very rarely cause a loss (unless a SWF can successfully weaponize the system against a Killer on the weaker end of the spectrum, which I admit I did a couple times with my friends by keeping a central/high-traffic gen at high progress and pre-running until it's kicked 5-6 times then keeping it for the end to force the Killer to prioritize a specific gen at the end, it also happened to me a couple times because what is the Killer supposed to do, not kick a gen that's past 40-60% progress when there's no Survivors around? It's unreasonable to force Killers to not do something in this situation on the chance the Survivors are trying this) however it limits Killer options and is for the most part responsible for the current stale meta (Pain Res, Pop, DMS, Grim or something else depending on the Killer) and the tunnelling increase (which was made worse when perks like STBFL and Sloppy were nerfed since it further reduced non-regression options for weaker/M1 Killers while changing almost nothing for the powerhouses.

    It's true that, in the average game, we rarely see the system come into effect, but the reason for that is because the system made Killers use less regression perks and kicks outside of Pop and Pain Res (the two perks that give the most regression for a single regression event) and made every other regression perks less seen out of fear of triggering the system, why use Surge or Eruption and get a measly 8%-10% (Eruption alone uses 2 events) when a single use of Pop or Pain Res can net you almost three times that)?

    With every other options less viable, some of them not even based on regression, (to prevent blocking gens accidentally despite not 3-genning) then Killers automatically settle for efficiency over variety, especially weaker Killers.

    It's not a question of "does the system cause losses", it's more "does the system affect normal gameplay" and it does since it created a new meta and greatly affected (reduced) perk viability/variety and Killer playstyles.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,846
    edited April 29

    I would agree but CoB would provide too much value for its intent.

    Consider this, Dead by Daylight has a perk economy, each perk has a specific use and a specific niche, in which it is picked more or less depending on what it provides, how it works with other perks, and how much it brings compared to other perks. Old CoB was fundamentally flawed since it provided regression AND information, yes you had to kick a Generator but it overall reduced your need to run other information perks.

    In this case, the direct competitor to old CoB was Surveillance, a perk which has a similar information function, but since CoB provided regression and information, there was no reason to run Surveillance and the perk's usage rate dropped to nearly 0% (outside of outliers and adept players). Buffing CoB's regression puts CoB in a rough area.

    Recently, perks like Gearhead have also began to compete with CoB and Surveillance. Gearhead provides more accurate information, but is delayed via requiring Skill Checks, can be countered by hitting a Great Skill Check, and provides risk/reward for the Killer since you have to get a hit. It Synergizes with different perks allowing for more diversity. Effectively, it does what Surveillance does, but it provides alternative synergies and ways of playing that makes players consider running it or other similar perks.

    And in that regard, current CoB and Overcharge are fine in that sense. You get some regression and information for running the two perks, and it can still be paired with either more information or more regression to fill a niche. And overall, they are currently better for the perk economy since you actively have to choose to weigh your options and decided what is best for you.