Should Xeno be able to stand up?

UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,390
edited April 29 in Feedback and Suggestions

I play pretty much all killers to varying degrees. Some of them resonate with me more, some less, but I will usually flick between them dependent on my mood. I like Xeno a lot, and enjoy playing them and want to play them more…. but every time I play them, I get really frustrated in crawler mode at the number of tiles I just can't see what the survivor is doing.

I'm a Pig main, and I'm no stranger to losing vision while crouching, and Sadako is small and has a similar issue in some locations… but with Xeno, crawler mode is permanent crouch. Now I'm still 4.6, so I can usually make it work, but the number of times I get bamboozled just cause I can't see important angles is really frustrating at times. I like to take I'm All Ears on Xeno to try and mitigate this problem somewhat, but even then, if I'm dealing with a Lightweight or Distortion user, its really hard to just follow a survivor sometimes, and when it comes to mind games, I have to guess a lot more on Xeno than any other killer…. even with Pig I can stand up and see what they are doing when I need to.

I've noticed it on survivor side too. Between using turrets to distract and disorient the Xeno, and the lower FOV they contend with, Xeno's tend to lose me more often than other killers. I've left a loop, and seen them get very confused at times where I've been able to make massive distance.

Now a lot of people will say Xeno is pretty strong, and yes… Xeno is a good killer in a really skilled players hands… but to me he feels like Bubba. Played perfectly is a strong killer… but is a little add-on reliant, and any slight mistake (a turret not broken fast enough, not realising it's there, taking the wrong mind game and realising far too late) the Xeno has a rough time… and that's the feeling I get in most games I play, either as or against. Just like Bubba, if you get a really good one who is on form, they are an absolute menace… but most of them really struggle.

So should Xeno be able to stand up? Even if the transition takes 1 second, and the tail needs an additional second to 're-arm' (re-tail?), should the Xeno be able to control it's crawler mode?