We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Do people want crosshairs as an ingame option

niceboy555 Member Posts: 7

I was wondering what people think of crosshairs in this game since I wanna get back to huntress and learn how to use flashlights on console. I feel like having a crosshair would make it easier to aim and I don't see it as something that would mess with the balance of the game

Do people want crosshairs as an ingame option 18 votes

GibberishJustAShadowStarrseedArchol123KatsuhxPsolidestcross6309SHARKBOSSMrRetsejSleepyHChrissyG88cow53612 11 votes
HerInfernalMajestytheblimpSpirit_IsTheBestCypherius[Deleted User]moputopiablastea 7 votes
