

A free use killer concept designed for potential licensing collaboration between Bhvr and Riot Games

Member Posts: 27
edited March 1 in Creations

New Killer: The Scarecrow

Speed: 4.6 m/s
Terror Radius: 32 Meters
Height: Tall

"Long, long, ago in a tower by the edge of the sea, a foolish young mage summoned something into the world it was not prepared to control. What stepped before the boy was something older than recorded history. Something darker than a yawning, starless night. Something the world had desperately tried to forget---and in an instant, the mage, the creature, and the tower itself were lost to time.
-At least that’s what the stories say…"

A horrid killer summoned by the dark magics of a foolish mage long forgotten. It utilizes its primordial powers as an animalistic monster trapped inside shambling and sharp metal.

The Scarecrow uses its power Unholy Esca to terrify survivors as they are forced to trek into your dark territory. It’s personal perks Nyctophobia, Automatonophobia, Ornithophobia allow this being to express itself in ways that embody the terrors that permeate through the fog.


Nyctophobia: Wherever you wander, the darkness follows. After a survivor enters your terror radius, they are blinded for the duration. After leaving your terror radius they are blinded for an additional 20/25/30 seconds. This perk then goes on cooldown for 60 seconds after they have left your terror-radius. Additionally, this perk has a random chance of heavily obscuring either the killer-shack, the main-building, or the basement as well as a 10-meter area around it, making it difficult for the survivors to see when they enter.

(“It’s dark, I can’t find my way.” -Fiddlesticks)

Automatonophobia: You are not meant to move the way you do. Your mannerisms cause those that see you to falter. After standing still for 4/3/2 seconds, the next survivor who witnesses you move becomes the obsession. Additionally, they receive a 6% Hindered penalty when they attempt to run for 10 seconds or until they lose a health state. If a survivor is already the obsession, they will not suffer from this penalty until a new obsession is made.

(“What ancient horror is this? Is this what an Azakana could become?” - Yone)

Ornithophobia: The dark birds of the trial are your minions and servants. If a survivor disturbs a crow by running past them from beyond 40 meters of you, they have a 30/35/40% likelihood of angering the crows when running past them. If they do anger them, they will be presented a skill-check. If they fail this skill-check, the crow will attack them, causing them to suffer the Deep-Wound status effect. A survivor cannot be harmed this way if they were already applied the Deep-Wound status effect by this perk or other means. Succeeding the skill-check pauses this perk’s effect for that survivor, meaning crows will not attack them for 45 seconds or for 60 seconds if they did happen to fail the check. This timer also pauses if the survivor is downed, being chased by you, or on a hook.

(“As the crows make night of the fading sun (Hide now, Hide Now)”)

Unholy Esca.
Press and hold the power button for 1.5 seconds then release to create a Scarecrow Effigy. These effigies appear black and misty, significantly darkening the surrounding 8 meters with shadows and a dim red light emanating from the lanterns they wield. The Scarecrow can have up to 4 Scarecrow Effigies on the map at once and one spawns at the start of the trial furthest most from yours and the survivor’s spawn points. Scarecrow Effigies have a 16-meter terror radius and cannot be spawned within 12 meters of one another. You see the auras of Effigies always in white and any newly created Effigies will replace the oldest. Creating a new effigy requires a 15 second cooldown.

These Effigies create a linking perimeter of shadows. These shadows will bind to other scarecrow effigies within 64 meters of one another, creating a shadow-perimeter. The Scarecrow can cross this shadow-perimeter and it is invisible whilst inside. Survivors cannot see into this area but can still read auras within and outside the perimeter. Survivors who enter this perimeter become Oblivious and have their vision dampened by dark shadows, unable to see beyond 8 meters of themselves and anything closer has dense fog surrounding them, except the Effigies whose red lanterns can always be seen if within line of sight. Effigies will emit soft sounds such has metal creaking, feint whispers or invitations to come closer. Being in this perimeter also will build up Terror. Survivors gain 1% terror every second they spend within the perimeter while not being chased.
Survivors can dismantle these Effigies for 30 seconds with a 5 second interaction or permanently destroy them with burning lanterns. There are 6 of these lanterns located within the trial and do not count towards a survivors held item inventory but cannot be put down by them. Burning an effigy creates a 16-meter area where Unholy Esca will have no effect. Lanterns start with a bright vibrant orange hue but will slowly dim red the closer a torch wielding survivor gets to the Scarecrow.

Passive: A Harmless Scarecrow
After standing still for 2 seconds, the Scarecrow will assume a Scarecrow Pose and become Undetectable. While in this Pose, the Scarecrow looks exactly like an Effigy and loses its Red Stain, but will not emit shadows of its own. Assuming this pose will also cancel the invisibility effect created by a shadow-perimeter. Survivors can interact with the Scarecrow while in this Pose, but finishing the action jump-scares the survivor with a terrifying shriek and the dark imagery of a large crow; hurting them and causing 20% terror build up, up to a max of 80%. If they try burning the Scarecrow, the Scarecrow will cause that survivor to drop the lantern as well. Leaving the Scarecrow position by moving, slows your movement to 4.2 meters for 2 seconds and Jump-scaring survivors pauses your movement completely for the same duration.

Secondary Power: Harvest
Press and hold the secondary power button to charge Harvest, reducing your movement speed to 3.8mps. After charging for 1.5 seconds, release it to target a single survivor within 12 meters of your line of sight. Releasing Harvest lets out a black tentacle for you to pull in survivors to damage them, automatically grasping them if pulled while injured. Harvest has a cool down of 25 seconds. If a survivor has 100% terror, then your Harvest ability will turn that survivor into an Effigy, regardless of health state. A survivor turned into an effigy this way counts towards a hook-state, will not be replaced if using Unholy Esca, and will turn back into an effigy each time they are downed, unless rescued with a lantern or “unhook” themselves, which resets their terror back to 0%. Creating an Effigy by killing a survivor by any means with 100% terror, can never be dismantled or destroyed.

-Metal Scrap (Brown): Reduce the cooldown to create a new Effigy by 5 seconds.
-Lore Catalogue (Brown): Increase the radius of an Effigy’s shadows by 2 meters per Effigy currently standing.

-Magical Seal (Brown): Increase a survivor’s terror percentage when jump-scared by you by 5%.
-Forgotten Key (Brown): Reduce the required cooldown of Harvest by 5 seconds.

-Scrapped Pistol (Yellow): Causes lanterns to randomly flicker out when entering a shadow perimeter for 10 seconds.

-Cursed Sword (Yellow): When jump-scaring a survivor, all other survivors in the trial scream and reveal their locations.

-Dead Crow (Yellow): Crows disturbed by survivors within 12 meters of an Effigy will randomly caw 100% louder.
-Dealer’s Top-Hat (Green): Jump-scaring a survivor will grant them a random negative status effect, such as Blinded, Oblivious, or Exhausted for 30 seconds.

-Wrist-Mounted Crossbow (Green): Assuming a scarecrow position will now cause survivors to gain 1% additional Terror per second when within 14 meters of you.
-Severed Spider Leg (Green): A survivor turned into an effigy will not reveal their location to other survivors for 8 seconds.
-Wolf Mask (Green): Assuming a Scarecrow pose now requires 5 seconds to enter, but removes the cap of 80% terror you can grant a survivor this way.
-Arcane Scepter (Green): Harvesting a survivor into a grab will grant 5% Haste.

-Dark Cloak (Purple): Harvesting a survivor grants a 6% hindered state to any other survivor within 6 meters of them for 5 seconds.
-Ghostly Axe (Purple): A survivor turned into an Effigy has a 50% chance of deep-wounding the rescuer if they did not use a lantern.
-Grim Katana (Purple): Your Basic Attacks grant 5% terror. You can grant a survivor up to 50% max terror this way.
-Cracked Binoculars (Purple): All Generators within your shadowy perimeters are 100% louder to survivors but are invisible to them as well. Generators with only 5 charges on them or less do not benefit from this add-on. Survivors can still see generators and generator progress if they are working on them.
-Wanted: Dead or Alive (Purple): Survivors wielding lanterns cannot heal themselves by any means.
-Iridescent Lantern (Red): Increase the amount of Terror survivors can receive by 30%. If any one survivor suffers form 100% terror, all survivors do at the same time.
-Demonic Essence (Red): Reduce the number of Effigies you can create with Unholy Esca by 1. Charging Harvest allows you to phase through thrown pallets, breakable walls, and vaults. If a torch-wielding survivor is placed on a hook after being grasped by you with Harvest, their torch ignites them and the Hook on Fire, shaving 10 seconds of their hook timers for either hook state as they flail in pain.

MORI: The camera enters a first person view from the survivor's point of view. They stand back to their feet guarding their face from the Scarecrow with their hands. It then swipes it’s scythe at their legs, forcing them to fall to their knees as a red sigil is drawn around them on the floor. The entire realm becomes incredibly dark, as crows then swarm around the survivor. Weakened, the survivor is then levitated to the sky by the crows into a ghostly red light. As the survivor flies into the light, the outline of mechanical jaws appears before slamming shut, ending the sequence and reentering the Scarecrow's point of view.

Post edited by TheConceptCreater49 on


  • Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2024

    Some quality of Life updates.

    -If a survivor was wielding a lantern and then hooked or turned into an effigy, they gain a +10% to their unhook chance.

    -Survivors who were hooked or turned into an effigy will have their lanterns relocated to a random other location. Survivors can see the auras of nearby lanterns in white if within 10 meters of one. The auras of distant lanterns can be seen if they are within Shadow-perimeters. Demonic Essence will not consume the Lantern, it will still be relocated, but the add-on will still work as described. Lanterns can only be consumed by burning an effigy or rescuing a survivor who has been made into one.

    -If a survivor dismantles an effigy by any means, they are highlighted with Killer instinct for 4 seconds.

    -A survivor cannot be turned into an effigy if within 6 meters of a Hook or Generator. Newly placed Effigies also cannot be placed near Hooks or Gens either.

    -If a you are chasing a survivor through a shadow-perimeter, you are no longer invisible.

    -Effigies can only be temporarily disabled once, per effigy.

    -Since this killer comes with a baked in version of Insidious, picking that perk would grant a plus +100% to the deviousness category, for the Scarecrow only.

    Post edited by TheConceptCreater49 on

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