This Wesker nerf with no compensation is a bad decision, even if tunneling itself is bad.

Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317
edited May 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

This nerf left Wesker with no compensation or tool to catch up when in really bad situations, and doesn't really address the main problem of his power:

It's not a strong enough power to give a valid reason not to tunnel as him. The chase power is not strong enough if survivors know what they're going, and, about the uroboros:
  • The time wasted to use the spray is baffling,
  • The time wasted to run to a spray case is also very little,
  • and having just 4% slowdown when fully infected, instead of 8%, actually incentivizes to even ignore using the spray at all if you're one of the survivors with the least hooks!
  • You're not even Exposed to M1 when fully infected unless you have the Ultra Rare!
  • You don't make any coughing sounds like with Nemesis vaccines!

So this doesn't solve the problem:


because forcing a 3vs1 ASAP still is better than trying to split for hooks with a power that doesn't buy enough time.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited May 2024

    vs extremely fast gens, he needs the tunneling infection to be relevant. his power has too much counter-play with pre-dropping pallets.

    Take this game that D3AD plays vs a swf.

    Without infection tunneling, there is no way you beat this SWF. Even with tunneling, he barely won.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    He doesn't need a compensation buff, even when survivors aren't fully infected his power is strong. His Bound has a lot of potential, and this update doesn't change anything that you can actually do with it. Everything that you could do in chase with Wesker's dash before the update, will still work after the update.

    The only things these changes do are:

    -Makes full infection not a guaranteed down 99% of the time, while keeping full infection a dangerous threat. It still makes you one-shot, and 4% hindered, while not 8%, is still significant since it is permanent until you are cured. It's still worth going to get a spray to get rid of your infection. And infection still reduces his power cooldown.

    -Makes recently unhooked survivors less vulnerable to being tunneled. Yeah, you can still tunnel them, any killer can. But you have to actually catch them without relying on a slowdown mechanic if you want to be efficient about it. It will take a lot longer now to reach the full infection after an unhook, and when they do reach it, the slowdown is reduced. Overall, it makes tunneling in that situation less appealing than it was before, and with the previous 8% slowdown there was not really anything the tunneled survivor could do, even a DS only delayed the inevitable since in general, you cannot loop a Wesker with 8% hindered. Unless you have a haste perk or something that just doesn't happen.

  • ZamasuManzon
    ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 193

    I'm removing the Videoconference Device since the only thing the infection is gonna do now are the insta-downs.
    Will try the Gold Egg or simply stop playing killer until Dracula comes.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    4% is pretty significant. Wesker will still be high tier.

  • ZamasuManzon
    ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 193

    Yeah, but now with the infection resetting to 1% after unhook I don't see the point even if I want to tunnel.
    Better get use to the egg to make catching survs on loop more easy.

  • ZamasuManzon
    ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 193

    Yeah, but now that the infection is reseting to 1% after unhook I don't see the point even if I want to tunnel.
    Better get use to the egg so I can get survs on loops easier.

  • ZamasuManzon
    ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 193

    AND while using a full gen regress build.
    D3ad is pretty good, so to see him resorting to tunneling and using this build just shows how crappy Gen Rush is right now.
    Doesn't make any sense nerfing the She Chicken Hook (Pain Res) and Pop.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    It could have been a great opportunity to make vaccines something like Pig's traps, where you have to waste time or play the macro game, but no, they chose to just nerf his catch up tool and making the full infection threat much weaker overall, what a garbage change imo.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    I mean, his built-in slowdown from the sprays is not really comparable to anything Pig can do, nor is it really supposed to be. It's just an inconvenience for the survivors, and this update doesn't really change that. It might mean recently unhooked survivors have a little more time to heal before going to get a spray, but I don't think that's inherently a bad thing considering Wesker's overall strength.

    Either way, using his infection for tunneling was a problem and it needed to be changed.