Wesker was nerfed at the wrong part of his kit

As someone who plays Wesker a lot and also has a ton of experience against him, I think the double basekit nerf is a bit too much for the issue that caused this nerf in the first place. Also they nerfed the WRONG part of him.
- The issue: Wesker can easily tunnel off hook, because a fully infected survivor is 8% slower.
First of all, let's check some numbers. Infection has 100 charges and increases at 0.8c/s. The minimum amount of charges to show effects on screen/UI are 20/100. Getting hit will add 20c. I tested the timings in game and these were my results:
- You are fully infected after 80s.
- After getting unhooked at 50% you will need 40s to be fully infected.
- VCD increases passive infection rate by 30%, which means it will be about 1.16c/s. This results in a 55s or 27s timer.
- If you get hit immediately during endurance after getting unhooked, 20c are added. Then the timers are 20s or 13s (with VCD).
During a normal chase 80s are almost the equivalent of 1 Gen per survivor. So chasing a survivor that long would result in 3 gens lost. Any killer who is not a complete newbie knows to swap targets before that. So the 8% slowdown are happening very rarely in a normal chase.
Any infection above 50% is lost when hooking. So ideally (in a tunneling scenario) you want to down a survivor after around 40s or 27s (for VCD) in chase, so they start with a full 50% infection. This is achieved very well in normal gameplay.
If one considers 60s as the common time frame in wich one could speak of tunneling (DS has a timer of 60s), both timers and even the Basekit timer are way too short. So the aim of any adjustments would be to keep the shortest infection timer after an unhook at around 60s.
- The Devs' solution:
- Infection set to 1% upon getting hooked, resulting in the full 80s timer (55s for VCD)
- Reduce hindred to 4% (from 8%).
While the first nerf is completely justified, the second one is not.
Also it is INSANE how much VCD reduces the timer even with the infection set to 1%! Especially after getting hit during endurance.
- My solution:
- Hindred stays at 8%
- Infection is set to 1%
- VCD is nerfed to 20% (resulting in a 66s timer)
- No infection is added when getting hit during endurance, passive infection still goes up
A full infection occurs very rarely in a normal chase without the use of VCD. Therefore a nerf is not needed here. The true tunneling potential comes from the power of VCD and the 50% infection after hooking. This can be fixed by setting the infection to 1% as suggested and nerfing VCD to 20% as well as not gaining infection when getting hit during endurance.
"(…) So the 8% slowdown are happening very rarely in a normal chase."
Then I don't see how the nerf to 4% is a problem? If this has basically no effect on normal chases, most "normal" weskers wouldn't feel that nerf, no?
And besides, 4% movement speed penalty is still a lot, especially considering we are talking about a killer that has a versatile power and can play m1 if he wants to, not to mention that you are an insta grab if he hits you. So there is still definitely an incentive to quickly cure it.
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I get what you say, but even though "it does not happen a lot", I want to avoid a "Plague scenario" where nobody uses a spray.
I am also against unnecessary nerfs even to stats which are rarely important. Multiple small tweaks can have a large effect (look at Pig: always get s changed tiny bits here and there and got worse and worse because it stacked).
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Like I said, 4% is still a lot (as a reminder, mft was "only" 3%). That and the fact the he can basically insta down people who are fully infected are more than enough incentives to use a spray imo.
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Then let's just see how it turns out.
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Imo 4% hindered (and the threat of instadown if you're healthy) will still be enough to avoid this kind of thing happening most of the time. Survivors don't cleanse vs. Plague because it's not really to their benefit a lot of the time. Staying injured vs. an m1 killer is usually better than being healthy vs. corrupt purge.
With Wesker, using the spray doesn't give him any kind of tradeoff like corrupt purge, it just gives him killer instinct and a little bit of game delay from the time you had to spend getting the spray and using it.
There might be occasional scenarios now where a survivor chooses not to spend time getting a spray in the interest of trying to get a particular gen done faster, but they're at least still taking a risk if they do that since it's an instant down + hinder + faster recharge time for Wesker. Technically this has always been an option for survivors, but no one ever really tries because voluntarily keeping an 8% hindered was almost always a surefire way to be downed quickly once you get found. It'll be a little more realistic now with 4% hindered that you could actually try to get away with doing this, but it's still a significant risk and 4% permanent slowdown is still a big deal. And I think Wesker is strong enough overall that this is okay. I had a much bigger issue with this kind of thing when they tried to increase Pig's trap timer because she's a much weaker killer and she could not really afford that loss of time pressure.