unplayable servers

dtgrrrl Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 8

ever since the new update, my games have been extremely laggy and overall unplayable. almost every game i get stuck in place and am unable to move. in chase, right before pallets i get frozen and just cant move. its not my connection because i have played other online game and have no trouble with my connections there. fix the stability of the servers


  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    It's a bug with the game. Last patch had a tentative fix, but it didn't work, and they are aware. We just have to wait until they fix it in a future patch.

  • TefyStanford
    TefyStanford Member Posts: 12

    es, I am also experiencing too many disconnections, when I have not even been in a game for 5 minutes. This morning I logged in at 10:00am to play, and in a few minutes the game froze and kicked me out, indicating a disconnection from the server. They blocked me from searching for players for 24 hours. And I've already had 6 hour penalties in the last few days. The servers are annoying terribly. It's not my internet connection nor is it my PS5.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    Have you done a clean re-install of the game since this Midchapter patch? I've heard recommendations of doing that, to help with some issues. Thankfully I uninstalled and re-installed the game at the day of the patch, and I haven't had too many issues.