Honestly, the more i play Wesker, the more i feel is a terrible killer.
First of all, sorry for the wall of text. Just wanted to share my opinion.
Since Wesker was released, he has been my main. On paper, he somewhat seems to be a very good killer, with some mobility, in-built slowdown, and a good chase power, plus he also can jump over pallets and windows. Even if people is tired of playing against him, he seems to be relegated as a "fun to play as killer with counterplay".
However…the more I play him, i feel he is just terrible?
First of all, his power as a good power for chases. By the way his collision works, if the survivor knows how to move, that alone makes him a 50/50 power. The survivor can dodge him and Wesker can miss his power, or Wesker can just aim better and hit the survivor. Okay, it has counterplay.
But the thing is, that is not having into account how literally most of the tiles for looping has rubbish/rocks/trees everywhere, and they are also not in a straight line, making his power like useless on half the map already, or i could even say 60% of the map. On 60% of the tiles he has no power, and when he has, its just a 50/50 where the survivor can succesfully dodge it.
The start up time of the power is also 1.5 seconds, far slower than others similar like Demogorgon (albeit Demo has only one jump, but it is much faster). Which means with Demo or others you can start charging the power when you see the survivor going into a looping tile and hit them. With Wesker and his slow start up time, the survivor has already made it into the tile.
Now, the jumping over pallets and windows part of his power. Do i really need to talk about this…?
Literally most of the high-mmr Weskers i see playing him, usually they never jump over a single pallet or window. Literally never, or almost never. The survivor can just stay in most of the loops if they are not too large and jump again over the pallet or the window. I could say on this case that this part of the power is not usable even on 80%-90% pallets or windows of the map.
Also, why he is the only killer that can jump over and lose the power then? Legion can use his power, jump over the pallet and keep using it to catch the survivor. Chucky can both enter into his Hidey-ho mode, scamper under a pallet and use it AND use the slice-and-dice attack, scamper under a pallet and keep using it (yes, i know that in next patch the first option will not be possible anymore, but he still has the second option).
Now Wesker? Use power, jump over a pallet/window……and lose it. The best part is, even if they made it possible to keep using it, as i said earlier most of the looping tiles have a lot of objects or the survivor can turn around a corner fast, they would still be hard to catch up, but at least it would be more usable.
Now, the slowdown part of his power i have no complaints about it (funny, getting also nerfed next patch, albeit i can understand the tunneling part).
As i said earlier i have seen high-mmr players play Wesker, even in some fanmade tournaments. I always think "well, even if he is not Nurse/Blight tier, for sure he can put a fight as he is a very good killer right?". I think i have never seen a Wesker do well on high end games or tournaments i have seen, they usually get 0k or 1k. Hell i see people playing characters like Trapper or Wraith on those tournaments and somewhat do better than Wesker. The only Weskers i see doing well are the "full Wesker only" players that only play that killer and no others.
Honestly, i dont think Wesker get that rewarded to hitting his power with the counterplay it has and how unusable it is on most of the tiles/pallets/windows. On paper, he seems to have a good power for chases but most of the time you cannot even use it, and when you can, it can be easily dodgeable.
Am i missing something?
I completely disagree honestly skill issue my guy I have no problem even against good survivor understanding collision and tiles will make you better at his power and your comment on survivor dodging is you issue cause being patient is key with wesker when to charge your power
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Honestly not sure how you came to this conclusion.
The more I play Wesker, the more I find to enjoy.
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Agreed favorite killer to ever release and my main still figuring out more ways to play loops with his power
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I am sorry to tell you this, but this is a blatant case of a skill issue.
I think Wesker (if the future update goes through) is the most balanced and fun killer in the entire game, it's obvious that it requires a bit of manual dexterity in the beginning, like all killers after all, but once you've acquired it it's pretty far from being poor or clunky1 -
I mean if you're finding Wesker weak or unviable, he's better than like 90% of the other killers lol
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yeah wesker is overrated, he's good but not really. i mean he has everything needed to be good but he does them worse than the better killers
his antiloop is countered by playing safe and predropping. this is assuming you either use unicorn medallion or golden egg. without one of those two he practically doesn't have antiloop. using power to close distance works but you still have to hold W anyway. it's better used for zoning. his slowdown is mediocre because survivors pick up sprays early, it's honestly better used for information.
overall good killer and can win hard games but you need to be flawless to match the really good teams.
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Honestly even predropping doesn't help most loops if you know how to angle yourself and properly know when to charge your power you can down anyone so I disagree I just don't see your point even against good team if you understand tiles and all tricks like rebound urobend etc you should be able to get atleast 2ks possibly more if they make a mistake had many games were I was losing but caught a survivor out postiton dead on hook and it changed the outcome
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First of all, thanks for all the responses. I have 3k hours and even if i main Wesker i know i am not the best Wesker around.
But what bugs me is why i never see him do well on those tournaments where a lot of high-level players compete. As i said i even see people play low-tier killers and do decently, but every Wesker i see is stomped. Hell even streamers like Otz who has a lot of game knowledge and knows how to play killer and can do just very good or at least decently with any killer (even if he is of course better with some killers) i see him failing a lot while playing Wesker.
Also, another thing that bugs me, people always call Wesker "balanced" but also said the same about Demo, calling him a balanced killer. Why then on every tier list Wesker is placed much higer than Demo? If Wesker is very good, then doesnt also mean that Demo is also very good killer?
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Not all weskers are gonna do great in comp setting comp is not easy and iv seen some wesker dominate and some fall short even happens to blight and the reason people say wesker is balanced but he's high A tier is cause he's the perfectly designed killer counter play on both sides with very strong power I just can't agree iv put atleast like 1000 plus hours into wesker by himself and I'm still improving the thing is most weskers I see just charge there power at the worst time and be like omg he sucks cause the survivor went behind something its one of the things I preach the most cause it's were most wesker players are terrible at being patient and understanding when to charge your power is key
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I would say he is not terrible even close, but slightly overrated in terms of strength. His chase is strong, but very counterable, you will spend a lot of time on some maps like Eyrie against good survivor. If i remember correctly, some comp players put him in B tier (even with his current insane tunnel potential) and my opinion isn't that far from that. I think he is lower A tier, which means that there are a lot of killers better.
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i find him only viable at very-top tournament level IF he uses infection to tunnel. Either directly off the hook for the hindered or uses the information infection spray to bounce from Survivor A→Survivor B→Survivor A→B etc. If your not using Infection to tunnel effectively than your losing out on a lot of killer's potency. It is like playing Pig but not using her reverse bear traps.
Wesker's 1vs1 without infection is very under powered. Survivor has too much control over the chase. The reason why his 1vs1 is underpowered is because his 8% hindered carried the killer. He is like S-tier killer when you have -8% infection and B-tier killer when your not fully infected.
First of all, his power as a good power for chases. By the way his collision works, if the survivor knows how to move, that alone makes him a 50/50 power. The survivor can dodge him and Wesker can miss his power, or Wesker can just aim better and hit the survivor. Okay, it has counterplay.
But the thing is, that is not having into account howliterally most of the tiles for looping has rubbish/rocks/trees
everywhere, and they are also not in a straight line, making his power like useless on half the map already, or i could even say 60% of the map. On 60% of the tiles he has no power, and when he has, its just a 50/50 where the survivor can succesfully dodge it.The start up time of the power is also 1.5 seconds, far slower than others similar like Demogorgon (albeit Demo has only one jump, but it is much faster). Which means with Demo or others you can start charging the power when you see the survivor going into a looping tile and hit them. With Weskerand his slow start up time, the survivor has already made it into the
tile.Now, the jumping over pallets and windows part of his power. Do i really need to talk about this…?
Literallymost of the high-mmr Weskers i see playing him, usually they never jumpover a single pallet or window. Literally never, or almost never. The survivor can just stay in most of the loops if they are not too large and jump again over the pallet or the window. I could say on this case that this part of the power is not usable even on 80%-90% pallets or windows of the map.
Wesker needs the "Pig Ambush dash" treatment where they buff all his values.
-Reduced bound charge time from 1.5 to 1.2.
-increased first Virulent Bound dash distance by 1 meter
-Increased second Virulent Bound dash distance by 2 meters.
-Allows Virulent Bound to be used after vaulting a window or a pallet.
Many Survivor say he is balanced because he is easy to loop. Strangely enough, they cry when Wesker hinders them and tunnels to get wins. Then all of sudden, he's not so easy to loop. in any case, I agree with all of your post.
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Not disagreeing with you on the tunnel point, but even with his 1v1 issues he's still a better 1v1 killer than 90% of the other killers. Not that that says much though.
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i think that is largely because he counter's pre-running to some extent. he can create risks for survivor between loops which is better than 60% of the killer where you get a near +90% chance to get to the next loop on pallet break. I still think that if your survivor pathing is good enough, you can outplay his bound extremely consistently.
The only way his 1vs1 at pallet loops has any merit is to learn his hug tech however it is extremely tricky to pull off and it is 1-2 frame maneuver. I am not perfect at using it. In my opinion, it is the highest skill tech to pull off in the game. i usually have like success rating of 60% to pull off. so admittedly, my wesker could improve. 99% of killer are likely not going to ever be able to pull the tech off so your average survivor match would result in those tunnel wesker matches. now that it is gone, Wesker on average will not be much of a challenge to escape from.
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I’m not disagreeing with you. For all the anti loop problems he has most killers just have it worse.
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Maybe Wesker just isn't for you. Have you tried maining another killer to see if you get better results with them instead ?
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I mean, i really kinda have fun with Wesker, just it feels he has so much counterplay by both the survivors and the environment itself, like hitting with his power is more like the survivor doing bad rather than you doing well.
And yeah i have been playing some killers since 2016. Myers, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Wesker, The Knight, Alien and Chucky are the ones who i play the most. As i said i consider Wesker fun, just not much rewarding by how difficult is to hit his power "when" the loops already let you use it.