The Thing Fan Chapter Concept

The Thing
Power - Deceptive Form
At the start of the trial, The Thing appears in it's base form, a monstrous amalgamation of flesh. After 60s, The Thing can assume the form of a survivor in the trial. While in survivor form, The Thing can repair generators at 10% speed. If a survivor repairs a generator for 10% with The Thing, The Thing can grab the survivor off of the generator. (Note- The slower repair speed would be a giveaway that the survivor is The Thing in disguise) In the trial, there is one Medical Table, if all survivors interact with the Medical Table for 10s, The Thing is forced from it's Survivor Form and the power is put on cooldown for 60s.
Ability - Alien Ambush
While in survivor form, The Thing can attack, instantly transforming back into its base form. After attacking, survivor form goes on cooldown for 30s
Hex: Paranoia - After hooking a survivor, a dull totem becomes active. While the totem is active, survivors hear an illusory Terror Radius that moves towards and away from them
Inhuman Tactics - After hooking a survivor, the progress of all generators is highlighted via aura intensity for 30s
Deceive Their Eyes - When hooking a survivor, survivors are given two hook notification bubbles. The aura of a fake survivor is shown to survivors further than 24m from the hooked survivor
The power seems underwhelming but the perks are great.
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I was going more for the paranoia aspect of The Thing, where you're not really sure who is human and who isn't. I think that this way you kinda get the Wraith's surprise attack while still keeping it fair, you'll get that first hit much easier, but become a regular M1 Killer afterward. Not really sure how or what the add-ons would be
Also, glad you like the perks, if I could only make one of them real, I'd probably do Hex: Paranoia