Man... I'm still really hoping that someday, BHVR puts out "A Twist of Fate" Chapters

I want to see chapters where an alternate timeline happened, and Killers actually became Survivors and vice versa. I want to see Rin (Spirit) as a Survivor. I want to see Trickster as a Survivor. I want to see Dwight as a Killer (think of the memes, especially if his power incorporated lockers). And can you imagine when Killer version loads into a game with Survivor version? There could be custom moris for those particular pairs. There could be similar cosmetics. Can you imagine seeing Trapper as a Survivor? Can you imagine seeing Clown working on a gen, only to have his counterpart hit it with Pop?
From a lore perspective, I think it's an interesting idea to explore. What if a series of little choices or even a single choice changed the trajectory of their lives, and they fractured down different timelines? And one took the path of darkness and the other the light? But they both got caught in the Entity's web regardless?
I think it would be so cool.
And if BHVR ever puts out a sequel, where maybe the end goal of the game is to defeat the entity and break free, then this could be an interesting aspect of that game.
Come on, BHVR. Make it happen!
I rather have new characters.
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maybe not as a full chapter, but it would be very cool as a collection! artist as a survivor would go hard.
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They've shown stuff like that in Tomes, like a survivor Trapper and a killer Yui, so the chapter ideas are absolutely there. I think the only thing is finding powers and perks.
For example, Evan could have something having to do with art or the giant spider he killed in the tome, while the evil Yui could have some power having to do with her motorcycle. I'd love to see it either way.
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i mean technically they are new characters. when there whole story is diffrent from the main universe version then they could aswell be seen as a diffrent character
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yeah but why? I am perfectly fine with a cosmetic and some lore in a tome… but feels unnecessary and gimmicky to do these as full characters.
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Unnecessary and gimmicky? I couldn't disagree with you more. But to each their own.
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Yui's mori could incorporate the motorcycle (getting run over, dragged, etc.).
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i think it would not work great throu skins since then you would have dwight turn into trapper or yui turn into nurse and you would have the same killer story but with another name on it.
but if we make them there own alternate universe characters instead of the nurse we could have sally smithson a woman that survived working in the gruesome crotus prenn asylum instead of being broken by it. she could bring perks centered around healing and managing the mental damage survivors get from being hunted in the trails.
its just cool when they work with there existing characters developing the dbd universe and those what if twists can be very cool
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Unsure if they'd dedicate chapters to these, I'd bet they'd make them skins though.
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Agree completely. There's a lot of creative potential.
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True, they might just do skins, but that would be such a bummer to me. :(
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Not sure if they have an account here but credit for them on ace becoming a killer. This is probably the closest to the real thing for survivors as killers
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Jesus that is creepy lol
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you think it's necessary and… what even is the reverse of gimmicky? regular?
guess we agree to disagree.
I don't think you got me. a rin skin isn't going to yui or feng or meg. it goes to spirit.
as in, the character themselves get their alternate universe selves as a skin. in the case of spirit the rin skin would need to not have the detacheable limbs and stuff, and maybe full new animations for the sword.
someone like plague would be easier…
you can have an entire paragraph or 3 of lore in the skin to explain what changed. and even have some of the generic perks be now credited to the survivor/killer version of the character.
you can even say the fact that 2 versions of the same character existing in the entity realm at the same time is the reason one of them doesn't exist anymore. because they interacted with each other. so now the entity avoids picking the same person.
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ahh okey now i understand but then we both think of two completly diffrent things. i would want rin as a survivor and meg as a killer