Man... I'm still really hoping that someday, BHVR puts out "A Twist of Fate" Chapters

AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,679
edited May 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I want to see chapters where an alternate timeline happened, and Killers actually became Survivors and vice versa. I want to see Rin (Spirit) as a Survivor. I want to see Trickster as a Survivor. I want to see Dwight as a Killer (think of the memes, especially if his power incorporated lockers). And can you imagine when Killer version loads into a game with Survivor version? There could be custom moris for those particular pairs. There could be similar cosmetics. Can you imagine seeing Trapper as a Survivor? Can you imagine seeing Clown working on a gen, only to have his counterpart hit it with Pop?

From a lore perspective, I think it's an interesting idea to explore. What if a series of little choices or even a single choice changed the trajectory of their lives, and they fractured down different timelines? And one took the path of darkness and the other the light? But they both got caught in the Entity's web regardless?

I think it would be so cool.

And if BHVR ever puts out a sequel, where maybe the end goal of the game is to defeat the entity and break free, then this could be an interesting aspect of that game.

Come on, BHVR. Make it happen!

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