The Nerfs for Hemorrhage and Mangled should be reverted
They were fine as they were and encouraged a hit and run style of play that passively slowed the games down. Now they only last for a little while and are useless if you proceed to hook the survivor. Either the timer should stop when they are on the hook or doing actions, or it should just be returned to how it was before.
I've still seen people running sloppy on occasion and it's just a complete non issue. Ignore the status effect, finish a gen and get healed at normal speed. Playing against it has convinced me to drop it from my builds.
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I agree with this take. I actually wanted to make a post on the subject, but now that this one is here...
So, the least that should be done should be swapping the timers of the effects. By that I mean:
• Mangled lasts until healed
• Hemorrhage is timed.
I feel like this is a good change both balance wise and thematically.