Castlevania Chapter

I'm really excited to see the Chapter. Please consider adding voice lines for the (I guess) Survivor/Skins, at least for Alucard and Richter!


  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Member Posts: 148

    I hope we get music from the games.

    Also would be awesome if they fit Dracula's 2nd form in somehow. Like if the gens are powered he transforms or something.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    I hope the GBA and DS games get recognition. Order of ecclesia is the best in the series imo

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502

    "What is a man???"

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,013

    I hope Dracula's chase music is something like this.

  • HansLollos2
    HansLollos2 Member Posts: 259
    edited May 2024

    We will 100% get his 2nd- or even his SotN True Form. If not as a Part of his Power, it will be in his Mori for sure. I hope while he transforms, he shouts "Behold my true Form and despair!" and that he has unique Dialoge for Alucard and the Belmonts, maybe even with their OG SotN Voice Actors!

    But whatever BHVR is doing, we all know that this Chapter will be amazing!

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081

    I don't know much about Dracula at all, what could his power be?

  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Member Posts: 148

    There's two things that he almost ALWAYS has in every game he appears.

    Fireballs and turning into his monstrous form.

    Fireball is THE signature spell in D&D so I am shocked they didn't include it with Vecna but possible they didn't want it to overlap with Dracula as they will give it to him. He might be another projectile based killer, with the possibility of being able to set it off as fire pillars or something. If I had to bet it's probably something to do with fireball.

    Or he could possibly teleport around with his power.

    And I am hoping they fit his final form by having him transform when the generators are all fixed. Or maybe a loop centered around transforming into it and out.