Strangest Match

Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

I was playing Clown, a definite 3 man SWF joined and then some poor solo soul.

Anyways, I found their Jake buddy, and proceeded to chase, down, and the hook him. Now I have not seen this in a while, only once before about a year ago at this point. His other 2 buddies were a Legacy 3 Claudette and an Ace wearing lot's of pink. They both spam clicked flashlights, inhumanely fast, which I am assuming was some sort of Macro. Needless to say they just really wanted to spam click, I downed the SWF team and hooked them in the basement, which made the Ace DC, and then the solo soul Nea just kind of gave up.

Has anyone else ran into more of these flashlight spammers recently or at all? It seems pretty ineffective for anything.


  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    edited January 2019

    Just some idiots wanting to be their favorite youtubers and thinking they'll get some laughs when in reality they got some L's LMAO!

    Edit: Yes. Multiple times. Both as killer and survivor to answer your question.