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would giving deathslinger the ability to down a survivor with deep would be acceptable?

Akeeno Member Posts: 103
edited May 27 in Feedback and Suggestions

remembering legion how they had a addon that shorten deep wound timer with every hit, and yes was badly unbalanced, would actually work with deathslinger.

landing shots is definitely harder than m1 with legion, so i think its worth testing. let me give a scenario

deathslinger sees survivor and aims and spears the survivor, either gets hit by m1 after reeling or breaks the chain.

slingers hits a second shot on the same survivor but the chain breaks because survivor managed to escape, and removes half of their deep wound timer.

the deathslinger lands a third shot and still doesnt manage to get a m1 and the chain breaks, but the deep wound reaches 0 and the survivor goes down.

i think this is more than fair, because the deathslinger definitely landed those hits, and it required 3 shots. if this were huntress the survivor would have already been downed and hooked with only 2 hatchets.

i think this should be a basekit feature and a nice buff, thoughts?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,472

    it would lower his skill-cap into old version of pyramid head. You would just shoot at animation locks such as Windows or pallet vaults until survivor goes down. The survivor cannot dodge if they're animation locked

    This used to be a problem with pyramid head because he had no cooldown for going outside of his power, so what would happen is pyramid head would put his sword on the floor, then as survivor goes through pallet, if he doesn't drop it, you m1, if he does drop it, you hit survivor with m2.

    Deathslinger's problem is too much counter-play on shooting his gun from long range. What is the point of being long range killer if long ranged shots are easiest shots to side-step because of travel time+charge time?

  • Akeeno
    Akeeno Member Posts: 103

    but you can already do this now, shoot through window, walk forwards and down them, or shoot over pallet and drag around, and he already lost his insta scope, i dont think this applies here.

    and with this system the survivor must already have deep wounds and break the chain twice, sliding over the pallet, and a huntress and pyramid head would get the hit regardless, the difference here is that it would take 2 extra shots with a deep wound survivor

  • BeniaminG_
    BeniaminG_ Member Posts: 4

    Im not a big fan of this change personally, first of all this effect would be incredibly niche during normal gameplay seeing as shooting a survivor 3 is a bit overkill by that point the chase was poorly played by The Deathslinger or some stupid bs happend and the survivor got stuck, the second reason is that this change would feel really artificial like the anticamp and anti 3 gen where it doesnt really fix the problem and just slaps a band aid on Slingers problems as a killer. The reason I like Slinger is that he's basic and adding unnesesary features wouldnt be the right call in my opinion seeing as there are many more problems that Slinger has such as the fact that he's supposed to be THE chase killer yet he's 110% when killers like Blight, Hillbilly and some others have insane map mobility and chase yet they have the default movement speed of 115%. As much as this change is creative I think its not really nessesary and is a fix for a problem that isnt that common I would definitly rather Slinger have a higher base movement speed (a save bet is 112.5% or 4.5m/s) a bit higher movement speed when reloading (80%) a 28 meter terror radius and addons that actually do something (I suggest LatexT's addon pass if you want to know more about potential addon changes). Your heart is in the right place but this isnt really a issue that needs adressing while there are so many others problems that just require number tweaks.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,472

    just because pyramid head and huntress can hit into down from animation locks doesn't mean this is good design. these killer are stronger then deathslinger but they're not fun design for survivor. Deathslinger should not have this unfun design of guaranteed hits. DBD needs avoid guaranteed hits where possible.

    Slinger doesn't need to be A-S tier killer. he just needs to be fun to play. he is not fun to play right now.

  • BeniaminG_
    BeniaminG_ Member Posts: 4

    I will definityl disagree on the part where you said that he's not fun to play I get a great ammount of joy out of his gameplay almost everything about it, he just needs some QOL to be viable, but on the topic of guaranteed hits is kinda unavoidable you cant make a ranged killers who doesnt get free hits on windows but I think you misinterprited what Akeeno said. Slinger can allready get free hits on windows if he's about 8 or so meters away from the survivor any further range is just a chain break because while holding W to reel yourself in to the survivor the survivors have tremendous control over their movement so as long as the survivor is injured its a bit harded and it should stay that way in my opinion and this change would also kinda mess with that so yea Im eaven less of a fan of the deep wound timer going down thingy.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,472

    yes and i replied saying it is bad design. the chain deep wound change further encourages this gameplay and now makes it apply to pallets. He won't be more viable because time sink will still somewhat long to get inevitable down but he'll be less fun for survivor.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I think the better route would be adding a little less break rate when it’s going through an object to give him a little more time to pull around the loop than he currently has.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,472

    that is change i suggested. I suggested that his purple add-on reduces the chain break speed by 100% when travelling through an object instead of giving him 10 charges.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 684

    I just don't really see what this adds to him. Shortens the skill cap, is more detrimental as a strategy than regular gameplay, rewards poor shots. It just doesn't seem like a good idea. I'd prefer he gets more QoL and maybe even a passive ability. That'd be neat.

    Overall, he's fine. Map dependent, but fine. Could use a few add-ons being reworked.

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 464

    It doesnt really add anythign to Slinger and enables that old awful Legion playstyle of just smacking the same survivor with feral frenzy over and over until the survivor goes down. Not fun for the survivor and not beneficial for the killer, epsicially Slinger who require more effort than Legion to land deep wound hits.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243
    edited May 27

    There is genuinely no reason for slinger to be 110. He’s C tier with a single shot weapon and a 32 meter TR. it’s time to make him 115 already. They did it with Trickster and Trickster kill rate barely increased.

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 186

    I mean. You can still kinda do that. All that change really did was make it awkward to use Pyramid Head's power.

  • LatexT
    LatexT Member Posts: 118

    I agree with the overall sentiment in here. It would turn him into a long range version of the original legion. Boring, frustrating to go against and horribly designed.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    Bringing Trickster up to 115% was a mistake. They took a killer with very limited counterplay and reduced that even more. The reason why his kill rate didn't change much is fairly simple: MMR. When players start to perform better, they get put against better opponents, which means that their kill rates will go down again until they reach about 60%.

    I think Deathslinger should remain a 110% killer but his chain should break a bit slower. It might also be nice to give him slightly increased sensitivity while aiming because right now, you can barely adjust the aim but you also can't really quick scope because they removed that years ago. Maybe his movement speed while reloading could also be slightly increased.