We need to solve the giveing up problem



  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 736

    It's funny how many people yell for "fix the game", when it's the community that is breaking the game

    fix the community, and game will be better too

  • North85
    North85 Member Posts: 111
    edited June 2

    Easiest solution: Ragequitter Queue. You ragequit/suicide on hook X times in Y games, you go to ragequitter queue until you fully complete Z games.

    There, now you have to play with crybabies who all ragequit like you do, and the only way to get out is to play out the match, regardless of ragequitters.

    If the killer ragequits in ragequitter queue, all survivors still present get credit towards a completed game. Naturally survivors who die early but did not give up on hook will also receive credit.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,333

    An easier solution that wouldn't potentially upset game balance as much would be increasing hook state timers. This is a potential solution to a lot of proxy camp/tunnel gameplay that leads to whoever gets found first assuming they have no chance of escaping.

    Right now the easiest zero-effort killer strategy is staring at your first hook from 16.1 meters away with your power ready to tunnel the unhooked survivor (even better if you can slug the rescuer during the unhook while you continue tunneling). With the way the math works on gen times vs hook state timers, it just takes too long to push through the gens and exit gates without at the very least giving the killer a 2k. Often its a 3-4k when used with multiple early game slowdown perks that have no requirement of actually leaving the hook for more than a second or two, and then noed to clean up the last two if they manage to finish the gens.

    I don't see any other way around this if the devs continue to insist on reworking maps into small dead zones and systematically buffing every killer. Because just "getting good" enough to loop a killer for 3-5 gens when being tunneled is no longer feasible.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,603

    We've got to stop the pandering. People will DC against a killer until they get nerfed. That's how entitled they are. They did it to Freddy, Spirit, and even still do to Skull Merchant. So stop nerfing them. If the complainers want to leave the game for good over it, let them. Because on the road this game's on, we have lost and will continue to lose far more people because of changes brought on insatiable complainers, than if we'd let them pout and go. It's ridiculous what's been introduced. Base BT, anti-camp, anti-power near hook, hooks being further apart, proposed base Unbreakable (we'll never let them live that down). People don't want to improve, so they've been given this stuff. They still haven't improved, because now it's expected that any obstacle they're up against, they can just mass DC against and get a balance change, get their way. You can never satisfy these people, so stop trying.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 118

    To be fair at that point just leave Timmy on hook for 1-2 stages and escape. After the third unhook into insta down that's on survivors for unhooking the dead weight.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 241

    Anti-face camp: Thats by design. It was never supposed to stop camping, just face camping. To ask for a way to completely stop proxy camping is to simply ask for free unhooks.

    Basekit BT: again, thats by design. If the way you described it wasnt the norm, then it would again just be free unhooks. Here, you have a chance, where you wouldnt beforehand.

    Gen regression rework: It in no way shape or form benefits killers. It is a net buff for survivors, as a gen will eventually be impossible to regress. The way to prevent 3 gens are completely on survivors. If a killer chooses 3 gens at the start of a match, start working together to break it. It might be hard, but its doable.

    Perk nerfs being adaptable: Once again, by design. I actually don't know what your arguing for here. You could make this argument for just about any gameplay change in DBD history

    As for how useful these buffs are, VERY. Survivors don't have to deal with specific tactics they used to hate, and thats a net gain. IF they were asking for all forms of those tactics to disappear forever with absolutely no chance of ever coming back in a different form, they I think they might need to be a bit more realistic with their expectations

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,321

    TThis Most of these changes are. Better for the games health bur definitely made killer harder. And the one change killers got came with nerfs

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 249

    you literally cant solve it. If I want to give up I can just put toggle mode on, sit on a gen and walk away

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 585

    Proxy or normal voice com with randoms - not gonna happening for lots of reasons. I'd suggest a proxy text chat option but I doubt that will happen too.

    Option to see each other's load-out mid-game - still not happening.

    How you expect to fix SoloQ? What is the definition of fixing SoloQ when all SWF advantages such as option to organize your loadout and basically share info on distance are the only things that make SWF different from SoloQ.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,789

    Of all the suggestions in this thread, the one I like the most is coming up with some kind of metric that moves people to a different queue if they habitually quit. They can keep habitually quitting in that queue and the rest of us can play normally.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,001

    not gonna happening for lots of reasons

    What are those reasons that apply for DbD, but for some reason don't apply for TCM, for example?

    proxy text chat

    Proxy text chat? Proxy and text? You serious? Not even mentioning text chat is not going to do the same thing as discord does.

    How you expect to fix SoloQ?

    Balance the game around soloQ, not around SWF and then apply penalties for SWF players. A lot of players suggested slower gen repairing speeds for them, but it's a simple example, anything could go. Another option: two separate queues for soloQ and for SWF, with separate rules. Another option is to make all the information perks that SWF imitate with discord basekit for all survivors. There are a ton of ideas how to fix it, you can look it up, there used to be a whole booklet on how to fix DbD circling around the community. The problem is not a lack of ideas, the problem is that all ideas are actively ignored or rejected by BHVR because they don't want to bother implementing anything. They don't see a problem until the problems manifests into falling profits, it can be said about every major problem DbD has, including cheaters, outdated gameplay and broken balance.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 585

    Some people don't have mics. Some people may not know english / language well enough. Some people can't or don't want to talk for w/e personal reasons.

    The last thing you want is to hear how your mother is great in bed from some 12 y.o kid who has God-Knows-When bought mic that catches every fart or noise 1 mile around it's location. It's the community that we have that makes mic communication with randoms not the most pleasant experience.

    Now when I think about it, proxy text was probably a bad idea given how things do work in the game ( you probably wouldn't have time opportunity to stand still and type something in ). Perhaps a proxy wheel chat could work better. At the very least few extra gestures could be introduced for communication.

    As for balancing SoloQs and SWFs - from my understanding devs don't want to separate those. They won't introduce MM for parties apart from standard MM ( we even don't have Casual / Ranked MM ). They also likely don't want to add custom rules to SWFs as they want SWF's have the same experience of the game as SoloQ ( even if they don't since they can communicate and coordinate better via VO chat ).

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,001

    Nice, SWFs can broadcast the exact coordinates and actions of the killer every tick, while soloQ will get a few extra gestures. Sure, it will definitely fix the SWF vs soloQ issue.

    devs don't want to separate those

    Of course, as said earlier, they don't want to do anything that would require extra effort. They are good at coming up with the most ridiculous excuses for why they can't or don't want to implement a specific feature. Every their stream went like this: they say they are thinking about implementing one feature nobody had asked for in the following years, and also explain why they don't want to implement a few dozens of other frequently requested features.

    they want SWF's have the same experience of the game as SoloQ

    It literally sounds like a joke, considering SWF experience is nowhere near soloQ experience at the moment.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 368

    As a killer I've seen it all when it comes to DC's.

    People will give up on first down in the match.

    People will give up early game because it isn't going their way.

    People will give up late game even when it's going their way. (They personally feel otherwise.)

    People will give up if you're Skull merchant

    etc, etc.

    The point being is that unfortunately, there's no real solution to the giving up/DC problem. Unless you hand a button to every single survivor and whenever they personally feel disatisfied with how the match is going, they can push the button and have God himself smite the killer then and there. Anything short of that simply won't work. Alternatively the community can collectively engage in that one monkey experiment where they all jump on and attack/shame the people who DC/give up and eforce a strict, social code of sorts to prevent such behaviour.