Some busted killer addons need to be removed
What about insta heals?0
Tsulan said:How about we first buff useless addons of other killers?
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mcNuggets said:
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
additional blinks addons of nurse
Absolutely busted, not only you cover much more distance even without range addons, but also you got as survivor 0 chance to win a chase. Remove it, it's healthier for DbD.Prayers beats addon of spirit
Seriously, this addon is busted. Getting free grabs at gens is stupid af. Takes 0 skill to use and has an reward like NOED. Even more than noed, cuz u don't even waste time chasing.
There are people being bad at playing nurse.
Nurse needs a rework, not a buff or a nerf.
She needs to stay top tier, but easier to play, while there has to be limits for her.Spirit is fine, git gud.
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Ryuhi said:
@NoShinyPony said:
@Ryuhi said:
for the record I absolutely hated the update to the beads until I tried the spirit out, now it feels like the same area as something like mint rag on the hag: really good, but not busted. You'd have more validity complaining about things like being able to pair iridescent heads and the highest tier belt on the huntress.The huntress still needs to throw correctly. That is different to a free grab.
so... the spirit can just phase and m1 randomly on the map and get a free grab on a survivor? I'm not following your logic. She needs to place herself beyond the range of her TR to the gen to not alert the survivors, get up to the gen without running straight in LoS at any point that grass can be disturbed, not look directly at the gen the whole time in case of Premonition or Spine Chill, and bump into survivors who are stay mindlessly on the gen... all within the timer of the phase walk itself. TBH that honestly sounds a lot more difficult than just following survivors until they have to throw a pallet down and just throwing the hatchet over the pallet as it drops.
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Ryuhi said:
actually its kinda funny this is even being a conversation, because of how broken grabs are right now. As killer you can be halfway into a grab animation and have the survivor just suddenly have gotten hit instead and gain a decent ground on you. Grabs are suffering almost as bad from latency issues as lag hatchets right now.
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Tsulan said:OP, have you tried playing nurse?
Just curious.0 -
Not removed, just changed.
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Ryuhi said:
oh absolutely. When a nurse is good enough to completely body entire teams quickly they earn that right. Unfortunately it makes 4 other players either fairly or unfairly denied a game, and any offerings/items/addons/etc they used. Thats why they usually feel cheated to varying degrees.
The nurse is an anamoly on balance in the game for a lot of reasons, but in all honesty her high skill floor/ high skill ceiling are both lightyears beyond the rest of the cast, which is the real reason she is top tier unanimously. You can become the world's best Freddy, but you will never 4K as good as an above average Nurse. Likewise, you can be an absurdly good survivor, but still lose easily to an above average Nurse. The nurse player will always have to work harder to get where they are, but once they're at that point, losing games are a thing of the past to them.
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ForeheadSurviors said:What about insta heals?0
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
ForeheadSurviors said:What about insta heals?
It's busted and can be removed aswell, but that's not the topic is it, why do you bring that up now?
Because it's Quidproquo.
Every time killers get something so do survivors.
Every new killer gets 3 perks so does every survivor.
Therefore if killer addons are "Boosted" there must be survivor addons that are just as sweaty hello Instaheals
The discussion shouldn't be "Remove busted killer addons" it should be "Remove busted addons"
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Goes both ways, If you want to remove strong killer add ons then strong survivor add ons should be considered too.
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@DwightsLifeMatters said:
additional blinks addons of nurse
Absolutely busted, not only you cover much more distance even without range addons, but also you got as survivor 0 chance to win a chase. Remove it, it's healthier for DbD.Prayers beats addon of spirit
Seriously, this addon is busted. Getting free grabs at gens is stupid af. Takes 0 skill to use and has an reward like NOED. Even more than noed, cuz u don't even waste time chasing.
But instaheal takes skill to use :sarcastic:
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GraviteaUK said:
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
ForeheadSurviors said:What about insta heals?
It's busted and can be removed aswell, but that's not the topic is it, why do you bring that up now?
Because it's Quidproquo.
Every time killers get something so do survivors.
Every new killer gets 3 perks so does every survivor.
Therefore if killer addons are "Boosted" there must be survivor addons that are just as sweaty hello Instaheals
The discussion shouldn't be "Remove busted killer addons" it should be "Remove busted addons"
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Master said:
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
additional blinks addons of nurse
Absolutely busted, not only you cover much more distance even without range addons, but also you got as survivor 0 chance to win a chase. Remove it, it's healthier for DbD.Prayers beats addon of spirit
Seriously, this addon is busted. Getting free grabs at gens is stupid af. Takes 0 skill to use and has an reward like NOED. Even more than noed, cuz u don't even waste time chasing.
But instaheal takes skill to use :sarcastic:
Jigmac said:what about dem instaheals, hmmmm?
Survivors can switch at the last second to have them + With some perks and offerings, you can get instaheals during the game!0 -
Git Gud
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LCGaster said:
Git Gud
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@DwightsLifeMatters said:
At what? Gentapping to counter prayers beads? Salty loser.If these add-ons are as busted as you say, you're the one who's losing. Just saying.
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The addons are fine. How often do you play a 5 blink Nurse or prayer Beads on the Spirit. Christ its like hearing every Survivor is running DS and Insta Heals.
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nice bait though.
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fcc2014 said:
The addons are fine. How often do you play a 5 blink Nurse or prayer Beads on the Spirit. Christ its like hearing every Survivor is running DS and Insta Heals.
3 blink nurse happens a lot.0 -
Gardenia said:Prayer beads should be left alone, however nurses extra blinks should go.0
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
additional blinks addons of nurse
Absolutely busted, not only you cover much more distance even without range addons, but also you got as survivor 0 chance to win a chase. Remove it, it's healthier for DbD.Prayers beats addon of spirit
Seriously, this addon is busted. Getting free grabs at gens is stupid af. Takes 0 skill to use and has an reward like NOED. Even more than noed, cuz u don't even waste time chasing.
additional blinks punishes the nurse if she fails to hit or down the survivor when using them, and can cause some pain if she lands them, prayer beads is fine how it is, just pay attention slightly more, don't want to be rude but, study the add-ons before posting something like this, this is from a legion nurse main btw
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Bravo0413 said:Gardenia said:Prayer beads should be left alone, however nurses extra blinks should go.0
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
fcc2014 said:The addons are fine. How often do you play a 5 blink Nurse or prayer Beads on the Spirit. Christ its like hearing every Survivor is running DS and Insta Heals.
I get at least 2 DS players every round I play killer. SWF's usually take one insta heal.
3 blink nurse happens a lot.I don't know what platform or rank you play at but on PS4 in purple and red ranks i run into multiple ds 1/10 matches. It is usually just 1 with ds.
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The Nurse will always be at least three blink capable as one of her achievements require it. No, they aren't going to remove the achievement preventing people from attaining it and no they aren't going to trash what people earned. It's a pointless request. It's been whinged over for ages and yet nothing has even budged towards it nor even a suggestion. Build a bridge and get over it.
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fcc2014 said:
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
fcc2014 said:The addons are fine. How often do you play a 5 blink Nurse or prayer Beads on the Spirit. Christ its like hearing every Survivor is running DS and Insta Heals.
I get at least 2 DS players every round I play killer. SWF's usually take one insta heal.
3 blink nurse happens a lot.I don't know what platform or rank you play at but on PS4 in purple and red ranks i run into multiple ds 1/10 matches. It is usually just 1 with ds.
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Tucking_Friggered said:
The Nurse will always be at least three blink capable as one of her achievements require it. No, they aren't going to remove the achievement preventing people from attaining it and no they aren't going to trash what people earned. It's a pointless request. It's been whinged over for ages and yet nothing has even budged towards it nor even a suggestion. Build a bridge and get over it.
Also she got nerfed once, she had standard 3 blink and with addons 6 or 7 can't remember. So how about you building a bridge and get some informations before acting like a smartass?0 -
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
Bravo0413 said:
Gardenia said:Prayer beads should be left alone, however nurses extra blinks should go.
I agree with this /\ I cant see how the grabs are free when she cant see survivors.... nurses blinks.......she needs ultra rare addons maybe 1 additional blink no drawbacks could be a UR addon?
Okay let ne explain why the grabs are free. Hide behind objects to cover LoS to gens. Be close enuf but far enuf to be outside of your TR. Phasewalk to the gen, check where the collision is, come out of phase walk and press M1. Free grab, works nearly always.
And if you don't just mindlessly hold M1 without knowing who the killer is, it oesnt even have a 50% of hitting assuming you even successfully did all the rest. not only that but again, there are a slew of perks that make it not even likely to get that far into the scenario. drop self care or decisive for empathy/spine chill/premonition if it bothers you that much.
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Additional blinks, sure. But don't touch prayer beads. If we are removing "broken add ons" then BNP and insta heal need to go too.
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The only thing I think they should do with Prayer Beads is make it a pink add-on, swap it with Father's Glasses.
This might be okay but honestly, I think it's fine as is. I main Spirit and haven't had nearly the amount of "free grabs" OP claims to have.
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@NoShinyPony said:
@Ryuhi said:
for the record I absolutely hated the update to the beads until I tried the spirit out, now it feels like the same area as something like mint rag on the hag: really good, but not busted. You'd have more validity complaining about things like being able to pair iridescent heads and the highest tier belt on the huntress.The huntress still needs to throw correctly. That is different to a free grab.
I don't know where you are getting the idea that it's a "free grab." If you are playing against any half-decent survivor, there is > @DwightsLifeMatters said:
fcc2014 said:
The addons are fine. How often do you play a 5 blink Nurse or prayer Beads on the Spirit. Christ its like hearing every Survivor is running DS and Insta Heals.
I get at least 2 DS players every round I play killer. SWF's usually take one insta heal.
3 blink nurse happens a lot.3 blink nurse isn't broken IMO, just more than 3. And I don't think prayer beads are broken either. I'm not sure what kind of survivors you're playing against but any halfway decent survivor can get away from a grab with prayer beads, especially right now with broken sound and grabs.
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Hmm so bad spine chill is not a perk in the game.
And you cannot stun a nurse with pallets...
A nurse rely completely on anticipation. Surprise her!0 -
@NoShinyPony said:
@Ryuhi said:
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
additional blinks addons of nurse
Absolutely busted, not only you cover much more distance even without range addons, but also you got as survivor 0 chance to win a chase. Remove it, it's healthier for DbD.Prayers beats addon of spirit
Seriously, this addon is busted. Getting free grabs at gens is stupid af. Takes 0 skill to use and has an reward like NOED. Even more than noed, cuz u don't even waste time chasing.
Prayer beads, while absurdly strong, do still require skill as you can't see the survivor so you have to guess between 1-4 placements where the survivor you're trying to grab is.
Survivors have collision, you know exactly on which position they are sitting. It isn't skill.
I agree with OP on that, Prayer Beads in its current state is not o.k. The only "counter" would be to gen tap and that's of course out of the question. Make the Walk more quiet but not completely silent.
I main Spirit and have no issues fighting one using them, it's all about situational awareness when facing her really. I've never been surprise grabbed of a gen by one using them yet and you can watch for grass moving etc.
Now even if she does sneak up on you she can't grab you unless she's perfectly angled in relation to you and will instead iether miss or get a hit only. You can also feel the nudge and can stop working on the gen and also try and move some.
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@Ryuhi said:
@NoShinyPony said:
@Ryuhi said:
for the record I absolutely hated the update to the beads until I tried the spirit out, now it feels like the same area as something like mint rag on the hag: really good, but not busted. You'd have more validity complaining about things like being able to pair iridescent heads and the highest tier belt on the huntress.The huntress still needs to throw correctly. That is different to a free grab.
She needs to place herself beyond the range of her TR to the gen to not alert the survivors, get up to the gen without running straight in LoS at any point that grass can be disturbed
@powerbats said:
@NoShinyPony said:
@Ryuhi said:
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
additional blinks addons of nurse
Absolutely busted, not only you cover much more distance even without range addons, but also you got as survivor 0 chance to win a chase. Remove it, it's healthier for DbD.Prayers beats addon of spirit
Seriously, this addon is busted. Getting free grabs at gens is stupid af. Takes 0 skill to use and has an reward like NOED. Even more than noed, cuz u don't even waste time chasing.
Prayer beads, while absurdly strong, do still require skill as you can't see the survivor so you have to guess between 1-4 placements where the survivor you're trying to grab is.
Survivors have collision, you know exactly on which position they are sitting. It isn't skill.
I agree with OP on that, Prayer Beads in its current state is not o.k. The only "counter" would be to gen tap and that's of course out of the question. Make the Walk more quiet but not completely silent.
I main Spirit and have no issues fighting one using them, it's all about situational awareness when facing her really. I've never been surprise grabbed of a gen by one using them yet and you can watch for grass moving etc.
I don't main Spirit but I've played her, of course. When I wanted to surprise-grab someone, I simply didn't walk through grass and avoided being in LOS to the survs. Worked well. (I'm using past tense since the grabbing is buggy at the moment, as most people probably know.)
@powerbats said:
@NoShinyPony said:
@Ryuhi said:
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
additional blinks addons of nurse
Absolutely busted, not only you cover much more distance even without range addons, but also you got as survivor 0 chance to win a chase. Remove it, it's healthier for DbD.Prayers beats addon of spirit
Seriously, this addon is busted. Getting free grabs at gens is stupid af. Takes 0 skill to use and has an reward like NOED. Even more than noed, cuz u don't even waste time chasing.
Prayer beads, while absurdly strong, do still require skill as you can't see the survivor so you have to guess between 1-4 placements where the survivor you're trying to grab is.
Survivors have collision, you know exactly on which position they are sitting. It isn't skill.
I agree with OP on that, Prayer Beads in its current state is not o.k. The only "counter" would be to gen tap and that's of course out of the question. Make the Walk more quiet but not completely silent.
You can also feel the nudge
No, if you are working on a gen, you can't. As a survivor, you feel the collision when you are walking/running into her, but you don't sense anything if you are currently on a gen.
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I mean as long as stuff like BNPs and insta-heals get removed then yeh
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@weirdkid5 said:
I mean as long as stuff like BNPs and insta-heals get removed then yehOf course. Everything that's unbalanced should be reworked or removed. If you want to discuss survivor items, we should do this in another thread so we don't derail this one here.
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Touching the viability of higher tier killers is dangerous in the game's current state. That being said, if the devs would be willing to be ambitious and buff baseline killers so they can nerf the two top tier killers, that would be great. I hate rank 1 just because it's nothing but Nurse and Billy.
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@DwightsLifeMatters said:
At what? Gentapping to counter prayers beads? Salty loser.At playing you entitled dumb*ss. When close enough you can still hear the Spirit walking even if she has the add-on, and unless the Nurse is really good you can still dodge. And calling me loser when YOU are the one complaining? Salty loser.
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@DwightsLifeMatters said:
How about you get good? They aren't removing any more of her blinks. It's really that simple. The Nurse is designed to blink around and with good addons, quite a bit. It is her "je ne sais quoi".
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DwightsLifeMatters said:nøbødy said:Salty surv main....0
@DwightsLifeMatters said:
additional blinks addons of nurse
Absolutely busted, not only you cover much more distance even without range addons, but also you got as survivor 0 chance to win a chase. Remove it, it's healthier for DbD.Prayers beats addon of spirit
Seriously, this addon is busted. Getting free grabs at gens is stupid af. Takes 0 skill to use and has an reward like NOED. Even more than noed, cuz u don't even waste time chasing.
Then remove toolboxes and adrenaline and self care as well
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I wouldnt mind them removing bs addons and offerings from both sides that are unfun to play against.0
@Laakeri said:I wouldnt mind them removing bs addons and offerings from both sides that are unfun to play against.
The only thing i agree with is that Prayer Beads should be ultra rare.
I don't care about the blinks because good nurses rarely use more than 3.1 -
I thought this thread was going to be about actually busted add ons like most of bubbas chili or the docs maple knight. The addons that were proven to be broke and weve gotten no fixes.0