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Pyramid Head Builds and tips?

So I played Pyramid Head after like a really long time and it went pretty well and I had fun. Issue is that I know the moment I start playing another match with him anf climb that mmr, it's going to go very poorly for me.

The primary issue being is that Pyramid Head has very bad add-ons and very poor perk synergy since his cages don't trigger hook related perks. I've taken fancy to I'm All Ears as a perk and Mayne Nowhere to Hide, but in terms of not getting wiped out in gens, I've picked Surge and Deadlock bit I feel like there's more fun and better options but obviously no clue. Especially with add-ons since most sound downright useless or way too situational.

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  • Member Posts: 345

    I'm not a PH main by all means, but I like using Oppression on him in addition to Deadlock. It offers a good synergy with Nowhere to Hide and gives away survivors who miss skill checks. Tinkerer is also a fun perk for sneaking up on survivors who believe you're still in a chase on the other side of the map.

  • Member Posts: 822

    if you want a decent beginner build go for lethal I’m all ears deadlock and NWO

    For addons you use the range addons which are either black strap (brown addon) which increases POTD range by 0.5 meters

    Wax doll (yellow addon) which increases POTD range by 1 meter

    Burning man painting (green addon) which increases POTD range by 1.5

    There’s also 2 types of his duration addons

    There’s duration for rites of judgment and duration for his trails on the ground
    and in short summary I recommend you use the duration of rites of judgment and at best use “tablet of the oppressor” which adds an extra 2 seconds into rites of judgement

    And regarding other perks to use

    Well most hook perks are useless except a few which are NWO and Pain res (I use both myself often)

    NWO is rlly good because by the time it’s endgame you would at least have 3 stacks

    Pain res is often situational but the flat 20% regression makes it worth it and often makes it sort of stand off from using pop (I rarely use this perk on him)

    And there’s also eruption which I still use from time to time and it’s mostly good if you make a build around it.

    And like the person above me said tinkerer is a rlly solid choice (this is actually a perk I used to run a lot of phead because it’s rlly fun to run but it loses abit of viability on higher MMRs)

    I might give other tips if you want btw :D

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    omg hey! i was built for this!


    so, as an absolute beginner, i'd suggest you use the following perks

    Lethal Pursuer

    Lethal is an absolute stable of his, it's so good. The first 9 seconds of Aura reading means you can get into your first chase near instantly, and because chases with him are so short you can easily get your first down + hook within a minute at most. Moreover, it buffs the next perk monumentally and helps to eat away at any pesky Distortion stacks that may want to ruin your day.

    I'm All Ears

    Possibly the best perk in the game on Pyramid Head, I'm All Ears will give you 6 seconds of wallhacks on a 40 second cooldown. With Lethal, that goes up to 8 entire seconds on a 38 second cooldown. His POTD cooldown is 2.25 seconds - provided you use Range add-ons and survivors misplay you can use IAE to get someone from Healthy to Downed before the aura read even fades. I genuinely cannot stress enough just how important this perk is on him - I've used it almost every single match since his release and it's still genuinely irreplaceable.

    The more you use IAE too, the more you learn how survivors will path, which in turn makes you less reliant on IAE and more reliable in hitting POTD in general because you'll know exactly how someone plays.

    Deadlock\Grim Embrace

    Deadlock is being nerfed next patch, but who cares it's still going to be good and better than Grim Embrace will be imo. Pyramid Head has no mobility, so having gens get blocked for free is wonderful, and provides a little bit of tracking too. 25 seconds per gen, activating 4 times per trial, means you'll have an additional 100 seconds of gen time added just for existing. Of course, you could go for Grim Embrace, which provides 70 seconds of blocked gen time but does so across all gens, so that's a guaranteed 70 seconds. I opt for Deadlock due to the extra time and tracking that focused blocking can do, but really you can do either.

    Ultimate Weapon\Infectious Fright

    Previously, I would have said this slot belongs to Pop, but sadly the upcoming nerf means that it won't be as worth it on Pyramid Head anymore, especially not compared to someone like Wraith. Therefore, I'd say that the final perk you should run is actually Ultimate Weapon, with a special shout out to Infectious.

    It may seem like a strange choice, but let me explain my reasoning. Lethal and IAE both get hard countered by Distortion, so while something like Floods of Rage would be better when it works having three of your four perks countered by a (strong and fairly common) survivor perk just isn't something I'm aiming for. Ultimate Weapon fills the niche of being the only good tracking perk in DBD that isn't countered by Distortion, and can help you basically whenever. Headed to someone with Lethal but can't find them? UW. Important gen has progress but can't find someone? UW. Just hooked someone and don't know where to go? Move a bit, and then UW. Downed a survivor and need to know if people are around to cage or hook? UW.

    This final bit is where Infectious comes in. It's substantially better than UW at doing so, but doesn't provide any of the other uses of UW. Infectious is less tracking and more snowball imo, and it fills that niche well, letting you know anyone around you and giving you the knowledge you need to know if you should cage, slug, or hook. I prefer UW because of the slightly weaker, more universal aspect of the perk, but Infectious is still a solid choice. In fact, if using Infectious, I'd go so far as to suggest replacing either Lethal or Deadlock with Monitor and Abuse, just because it'll make Infectious that much better.


    Pyramid Head is in the blessed spot of having a really solid base kit, but the cursed spot of having some awful add-ons because of it. The Range Combo is the only one I'd really suggest, combining Burning Man Painting (Increase POTD Range by 1.5m) and Wax Doll (Increase POTD Range by 1m). Special shout out to Tablet of the Oppressor (Increase ROJ duration by 2m), Crimson Ceremony Book (Successful POTD hits apply Mangled and Haemmorhage for 80 seconds) and Mannequin Foot (Increases time ROJ trails remain in the environment by 20 seconds) for having their own niche uses in different builds, but I'd always reccommend leaning Pyramid Head without any add-ons to begin with. Once you're comfortable with how he works, start using Range, or some combination of the other three while always including at least one range add-on, and you'll be fine.


    I realise that this post is very old, but I… haven't really changed how I play Pyramid Head, I've just gotten better at doing what I say to do here, so for all of my real gameplay tips check out the guide I made nearly 3 years ago (I really need to get around to updating it lol)

    Ignore the perks section, obviously - a lot has changed since then - but the Tips section still holds strong. The only thing I'd add is expanding the focus on learning where you can and can't use POTD.

    POTD is funky when it comes to verticality. If it's a slope, it'll travel down, but won't travel up, and will only travel down if you start slightly before the slope. If there's a gap in the floor, it won't travel across it, even if your POTD trail only slightly touches the gap, however if there's a window with a drop-down it'll travel slightly beyond the window to hit people even as they're dropping. Using POTD at the carnival caravan on Father Campbell's Chapel is risky, because if you use it from the ground it won't actually hit inside, but using it from the first step will for some reason give it an extra vertical boost even though it appears on the floor exactly the same so will still hit.

    The biggest offender by far is the Basement stairs (nobody expects to be hit coming up the stairs lol) but there's plenty of stairs you can shoot down and basically guarantee hits for. You just need to spend some time learning the ins and outs of maps so you know where you can and can't use your power.

    Oh, and don't bother learning him in a Custom Game against bots. The best way to play him is to go for unpredictable through the wall shots, and instead of mindless zoning to try and predict someone will predrop/prevault and aim slightly to the side so you can get the hit anyway. It all comes with time and practice, but make sure you be unpredictable and actually try and get value from your power, because nobody does so nobody expects it. Bots run on 0ms ping and can react to your moves insanely quick, so there's no reason in practicing to be unpredictable against players who can respond with no delay and will never be hit by your shots without zoning. It's an insane way to be humbled real quick.

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