Multiple Bugs with Forgotten Ruins - Pallets and Spectator

VortexVentamy Member Posts: 63
edited June 7 in Bug Reporting

First bug, "Double Pallet"

  • located in the tile front of main building.
  • Not tested to see if both pallets worked
  • Aura shown with Mage Hand, possible visual bug?

Next, Floater Pallet. Tree I guess just spawned weird.

Finally, the Spectator Bug! This was on PC, upon switching to my friend who has walked through a passage (or perhaps it is caused by switching as someone is going through a passage) the camera becomes locked until pick up.

Post edited by VortexVentamy on
5 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • dannys_chewed_pen
    dannys_chewed_pen Member Posts: 4

    just played a match with the double pallet bug, survivors are able to drop it again even if i broke it once. i think it could potentially be dropped, broken, and made upright infinitely though, since the shards of wood indicating a smashed pallet aren't there.

  • killerkas
    killerkas Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I experienced the tree not near the pallet just 10 mins ago. Killer showed no mercy downing us in that little corner, so I decided to make an account to spread the message. It’s definitely being taken advantage of hope it gets fixed, great game btw

  • Catterlycat
    Catterlycat Member Posts: 10
    edited June 6

    See the other comment I made here. Not sure why it didn't post the first time, but it showed up eventually.

    Post edited by Catterlycat on
  • Catterlycat
    Catterlycat Member Posts: 10

    I made an unlisted video on my YouTube about the spectator bug just a bit ago. I'm not sure if leaving a comment here is better than making a new report (as they'll likely just close it). The camera was bugged on Sable for most of the video and then it bugged on Jill as well for a little bit.